Dwilight/Diplomacy/Astrum and Niselur, North East Border Treaty
The Realms of Astrum and Niselur do hereby agree to the following terms of this official Border treaty.
- Both realms recognise the claims of each other over the below agreed regions
- As allies both parties accept that aid may be offered at any time to help restore border regions.
- Astrum and Niselur both reserve the right to request a review of the borders at a later date, no sooner than 6 months from the signing of this treaty.
- If any noble of either realm acts aggressively while outside of their own realm they are liable for direct punishment from the offended party.
- This treaty remains valid indefinately.
- This treaty is valid only as long as both realms meet the above set conditions.
I, as ruler of my realm officially agree to the above conditions and will do all in my power to uphold them.
- Alexandria Dwarvenite, Vasila of Astrum
- Boreal Arakiss, King of Niselur
Border Agreement