Daubeny Family/Marcus
Peace is brought with the blood of innocents who will never know that peace, it is a lie we tell ourselves so that our wits and blades may grow dull.
No there is no such thing as peace, only the calm before the next storm, and a storm is coming for us all, May Obeah guide us through it
– Grand Chancellor Marcus Daubery
Marcus Daubeny is a young noble who has risen high in the ranks of Obia'Syela,
He has formed his own Cadet Branch of House Daubeny,
He was cast out by his family long ago due to a accident in which Marcus spooked his Mother's horse and she fell, breaking her neck.
He would spend the next 5 years of his life in service to the Selwyn Bloodstone, who has turned to Mercenary work in order to get by, together the two would form the Storm Spears, a large Mercenary company nearly 500 men strong.
Marcus would later leave with 200 men and head out for Beluaterra, though only 50 would arrive with the Young Knight when he would make port at Rines, where he would make his home in a old manor opposite the Grand Temple of Obeah.
He would live there for 3 months before throwing his ball, In which he would make the acquaintance of a few of Obia'Syela's Nobility, it would be this ball which would show off Marcus's talent for politics and his capability to handle fellow nobility.
This would see him rise to rank of Steward, which he would hold for a long time, he would also join the Farceurs of the Oracle army.
In time he would replaced in charge of the Oracle's 60th Birthday Party and the accompanying tournament, which would end on a sidetone as the Oracle's daughter Stheno died in a magical accident in the Solarium, in which the Oracle would use great power to heal the cursed Kethan, however these powers began to destroy the Oracle, leading to her daughter's sacrifice using a portal stone, Marcus never knew what transpired when Steno grabbed the stone as he was blasted to the ground and knocked unconscious
Not long afterwards Marcus would begin to train in the art of the arcane and rise to Grand Chancellor (Banker), where he would try to resolve the realm's tax problems.
Marcus's tax reforms would be poorly received and he would lose his title in the next election season, it would go back and forth with Marcus being Banker every now and then.
Lux Nova was found and immediately tensions flared, Marcus stepped back from the fire and let the others handle it. This decision would haunt him in the events that followed.
After his promotion to Vice Marshal of the Sapphire Flame Marcus tried to stem the tide of Lux Nova and Shattered Vales to no avail. He would fight to the last and die in the Second Great Battle of Avengmil, but death was not the end for Marcus, his friend and mentor Kethan D'Espana revived him and Marcus walked again albeit a pale shell of himself.
After the death of Grand Master Ferdinand Greybrook, Marcus would ascend after a close vote against Antonia Fitz Roberts, Marcus would turn to drinking a draught that allowed him to see visions of events yet to pass, this would play heavily on his mind and lead to him being a partly ineffective leader though due to his efforts and the efforts of others Obia'Syela began its slow trek on the path to peace.
Marcus would leave Obia’Syela for a time to spend time with his brother, Hervis in Dwilight where he performed a magical rite on the injuried Lady Bluelake.
He would return to give his congratulations to Saoirse as new Grand Mistress before he willing passed on, allowing his tortured soul to return to Obeah’s side as Marcus had not truly been alive since that battle.