Church Of Ibladesh/Book Of Prayers

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The oldest known copy of the Book of Prayers is kept in a special shrine in the Temple of the Heart in Ibladesh-city. Nobody knows how this mixture of texts, proverbs, prayers, wise sayings was combined into one book. To the people of Ibladesh it has been always there, although historical facts do deny that.

The Book of Prayers has it's most important role as artefact on the Opening of the Theocratical Year. During the highlight of this three day during Festival, the Pontifex of Ibladesh takes as the First Disciple of Ramsus the Book out of its shrine and shows it to the people, gathered at the foot of the marble stairs of the Temple of the Heart.

The most holy moment of the Festival is when the first page of the Book is shown to the people. On this first page is a gravure depicting how the words of the gods came to the people.

Although reading in the Book of Prayers is not necesary for the rites of the Church, it's prayers are oftenly (mis)quoted on special occasions as weddings, baptisms and funerals.

In each of the Temples in the realm of Ibladesh is at least one copy of this scripture present. Famous copies are kept in Oc Lu Pesh; the Golden Book covered with more than 500 pearls, in Itor Boss; a leather band with 5 emeralds, 2 diamonds and lots of sapphires. In Al Arab is the book totaly out of etched silverplates. This book is so heavy that the glass shrine has to be moved by 6 horses.


The Book of Prayers consists of 5 parts: