Bellator Family/Weylyn
Weylyn, Hero of Perdan

Weylyn was the eldest of the original three brothers. He was a fanatic warrior with an almost suicidal courage, and a cunning stategist who knew how to turn the tide of a battle in his favour.
His command failed only once, on the fields of Az Zarqua where he fell honourably in battle. He and his men fought to the last, and Weylyn was the last man standing. He felled twelve soldiers before he collapsed from his wounds.
For some time, Weylyn served Perdan both as the Marshall of the Army of Perdan and as its Arch Priest. He was known in life for his just ways as much as his courage, he performed his duties well…
Weylyn’s body is entombed in the catacombs of the Tyrran enclave in Beziers, his runestone enshrined in its temple. A shrine has also been erected in his honour in the Caligan Hall of Heroes, an honour never before bestowed on any man outside of Caligus.
Honour: 73
Prestige: 26