Barrons Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Jericho Barrons

Jericho was the first of his family to enter Knighthood. He began as a simple warrior for the Harbingers of the Storm, being a puppet for his loveable but gruff Captain. Jericho avidly avoids any sort of politics and then became entangled in a brief Barony of Dunnbrook, won in battle with Astrum. He could not earn the loyalty of the stubborn peasants of Dunnbrook and thus lost the region. Bitter, he continued to battle and take orders, always refueling with his desires for pretty women and wine.

When Jericho had had enough of the boom and bust of wartime, he gallantly volunteered to join the King's Guard that had been reinstated in order to protect and stabilize the holdings of Asylon. He was supposed to become courtier, but the cheeky knight enjoyed the reputations of warrior status too much with milkmaids and barmaids alike. They were not looking for a romp with a graceful and civilized courtier, but a strong and hard warrior like Jericho himself.

Hi is currently Vice Marshal of the King's Guards and tries to follow the orders of their esteemed and respectable Marshal, but is easily distracted by fat bottomed girls. This leads to his Marshal often wondering if the Vice Marshal is plotting against him, or is just plain reckless.

Title: Vice Marshal of the King's Guard, Viscount of Shuberstone


Red headed, Asylonian huntress extraordinaire, she was murdered by an extremely tough and relentless horde of monsters that she tried and tried again to beat. The red head had enjoyed being an ice queen, with but one friend in Liethdrow Cuir. They had been meeting and fighting monsters together for some time, but Sorcha had been overly confident against a particularly tough alpha. It was a sad day for but two lonely hunters.


A small, fair, blonde maiden who is often mistaken for a child, thus giving her the advantage time and again with man and beast alike. She is an excellent hider and often surprises her prey with her agility and speed. She was approached by a Master Ranger in Luria Nova to join the esteemed Royal Rangers, a hunting group dedicated to seeking and destroying all monsters and undead in Luria Nova. They are often praised by nobility, behavior towards commoners not readily accepted in Dwilight. She fought alone for most of her time with the Rangers, never settling on joining the hunting groups. She had ultimate plans to visit the very bloody soil where her red headed sister, stolen by monsters as a child, died. She is forever haunted by the ghost of her sister and desperately wants to be rid of her annoying habit of scaring the bejeesus out of herself. Avhienda

Adventurer in the Colonies.

Unique item- found three times and hence must be cursed, the Brilliant Arrow of Battle.

Brisa Barrons

Noblewoman in Aren, Colonies. She quickly climbed the ranks in this small but quickly growing realm after years sailing the seas and studying natural history. Titles: Lawgiver of Aren, Duchess of Alowca, Margravine


Adventurer in Thalmarkin, Beluaterra. An extremely ordinary brown haired young woman who always seems to be running from the undead and monsters alike. She always makes it out of fights alive, but only thanks to Lady Luck. With no strength or real smarts, Blasa blunders along and true to her intimacy with Lady Luck managed to find two unique items within as many days.

Unique items: Cold-Forged Warhammer of Doom and Doomed Gem of Warding

Alas Blasa met her end by Undead claw, Lady Luck failing her.

Brigid Adventurer in Thalmarkin, Beluaterra. A blonde spitfire who hates nobles, but has the uncanny knack of discovering unique items while slaughtering Undead Champions. She lives to fight and avenge her sister Blasa's death by Undead.

Unique items: Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano and Unbreakable Buckler against Fire