Avamar (Realm)/Doc-umentaries/Doctator/onstage
"The Great Doctator" - A Drama Success
The three first acts of the Great Doctator are still on stage in the City of Avamar and in many other Realms of the East Continent.
ACT ONE : "Boombooming Elmbar"
Narrator: I guess Boom Boom, count of Elmbar will be very concerned for his region... Avamar and Oligarch have boom boomed his militia and they are now boom booming the region control...
I'm afraid that he'll start crying and asking from Doc to punish Oligarch and exterminate Avamar! And mighty Doc, first (and as it seems last) ruler of all Elves, shall say:
"Cry not my child! You are a loyal puppet and I won't let these bad people hurt you! I shall give you one of my other regions to play with!"
And then Doc will check the map of the East Continet from the sky (or at least he'll pretend to do so, as his paranoia has made hime believe that he was once an elven God -check his history if you do not believe me!:-))and He shall say: "Lets see first East Sirion...eeehhh....where East Sirion is? Oh....no more East Sirion. Ok it doesn't matter. Lets see West Sirion....eeeeh....I see a different realm there...oh yes! No more West Sirion either! Oooooh well...Lets see Coimbra. It used to be a loyal puppet-realm and I'm sure that there'll be a free council position for my dear puppet-troopleader!"
But Coimbra is no more...So Doc shall look upon Boom Boom who will feel tiny and weak in front of his majesty Doc (who will be climbed up on a tree-we've said that as a God he sees the map from the sky, remember?) and He shall say:
"Hmmm...look my dearest puppet Boom Boom....It seems that Sirion has been boomboomed recently and we have not so many puppet realms anymore. But worry not! I have kept some Sirion regions for reserves, not giving the countship to unworthy puppets! I shall name you Count of Hillmar!"
Then Doc shall check the map again and say:
"Hmmm...I see some Oligarchs near there....maybe Hillmar is not a good idea. But worry not Boom Boom!I shall name you Count of Rollbar! "
Then Doc will think again and He shall say:
"Hmmm...Rollbar is a bit far away and I see some Oligarchians and Avamarians near Sirion City... I suggest you to stay there for a while and if you fully obey my crazy commands, I shall soon name you...name you...eeeehhh...Duke of Avamar"!
Boom Boom will not believe to his own (Evyl)ears! He will think that he can't hear well as he hasn't used yet the pointy add-ons he is wearing to his ears in order to play the "Elf" according to his master's wishes! But it shall be true! Oh how much he adores Doc! He will leave with a boombooming smile, not able to believe to his good luck!
Doc shall smile, satisfied by himself.
"I'm so clever! The idea I once had (sometimes it happens even to Doc!:-)) to lobotomise all my TLs, proves to be very useful! Boom Boom believed me and he'll remain loyal to me for some more years! Maybe untill then I'll find an excuse to migrate from East Continent and not face the utter destruction of Sirion"!
ACT TWO : "Taking Over Limbar!!!"
While the Great Doctator was still praising himself in his bedroom for being so clever and capable...
- "My Master! My Master! Hail!”, Lord Hail Gopher, former Count of Limbar, came in Doc’s chambers running all the way..."My great region, you know....Limbar!....is being attacked by a powerful Avamarian force! We are losing another region!!! Is this ever possible? Sirion, the ultimate world super power, is loosing another region? But I worry…they seem unstoppable, Master! They are committed to their cause and a great joyful atmosphere reigns in their camps! They are working all together in harmony, taking common decisions and never arguing when they campaign against us! What should we do...? WHAT SHOULD WE DO....?????!!!!", x-Count Hail has gone mad...
-"What? Limbar? Where is that? Is it ours? Is it a part of our great, magnificent, wondrous, unforgettable, majestic, extraordinary, hyper-powerful realm? Pfff! Do not bother my loyal "doccy"...I will give you a cookie! Here you are...catch my new cookie!", says Master Doc and throws x-Count Hail a "Cookie of Fortune”! As x-Count Hail eats it, he realizes that there was a message in it... He spits it out coughing and reads: "We shall be victorious!”
-"What...what is that, my Master?”, x-Count Hail asks frightened.
-"Worry not, my dear puppet! I know what is happening all the time...Do not forget who I am...The Mighty Primus Doc, Master of the Universe, Supreme Leader of the Elven Kin, High Commander of the Continent! I’m the Beloved Ruler of the World! And after all, I am the Elven God! Or you think that I am not?”, Master Doc says, looking X-count Hail suspiciously…
-"Of course you are my Master! You definitely are! You and only you are the Mighty Primus Doc, Master of the Universe, Supreme Leader of the Elven Kin, High Commander of the Continent, Beloved Ruler of the World, one and only true Elven God!” x-Count Hails says bowing deeply, until touching the paved floor with the top of his head.
- “B-b-b-ut… except all of those are you alright Master...? You don't seem very well lately. You seem… a bit...strange!", x-Count Hail says in a halting manner.
-"Leave, poor Hail! I command you not to worry! I will give you Montijo soon...and Commonyr…and Krimml…or I’ll name you King of Eleador if you like, or even better ruler of the Human kin, so you will be able to play again a bit and stop bothering me for minor and unimportant things...Now, leave! I want to rest myself!", Master Doc orders!
-"Whatever you say, Master!" and Lord Hail leaves the room friskily from his joy!
Then, the Great Doctator shall climb into his bed...praising again his unique abilities on having his Troop Leaders disciplined; "I am such a great Leader, how lucky my puppets are!” he whispers smiling ...until a dream takes shape in to his mind:
In that dream Doc is surrounded by the phantasmal figures of three beautiful Mistresses and two well-fitted Masters. Each one has a strange rune drawn in his/her face. Doc, as a God, can easily understand the meaning of the runes…Five letters…It is an “O” a “T” a “D” a “J” and an “N”. All of these strange people wear leather clothes and apart from him everyone holds a leather whip of a specific design (see footnote). He is being silently tortured, mercilessly whipped, but that is what he loves most! And the fun has just begun...
Is this a sign...?!
(footnote):Whips made of leather are Primus Doc's most favourite equipment! He usually orders his most loyal puppets (as Handow and Evelyears) to whip him with delicate and specially designed pieces, as THE BEST whips deserve only to THE BEST Tyrant… eeeh….Leader! The particular whips used in the “Great Doctator” play, are designed in Avamar and they are made only for punishing whoever is the Mighty Primus Doc, Master of the Universe, Supreme Leader of the Elven Kin, High Commander of the Continent, Beloved Ruler of the World, one and only true Elven God! OK, and some of his obedient puppets as well! They are the famous "DOCCY'S PLEASURE WHIPS"! Pieces one of a kind! Hand made whips, made of true Elven Leather only to pleasure His Talent-cy!
ACT THREE : "Superiority of the Avamarian Nobility"
After the liberation of the former regions of W.Sirion…
-“Lord Doc!We have been defeated seriously!We have lost both Limbar and Elmbar!You have said that you will give us other regions to command!!But you have done nothing yet!!Why?We are starving for power!!Give us some more Cookies!!”,Noble Hail and Noble Boom Boom were complaining.
-“What?!You are starving after so many Cookies I have feed you?!!!How greed you are!!!Stop complaining!!You only cause me a headache!!But I shall see what can I do for you,puppies…Just because you are my beloved puppies,I will try to convince the poor Avamarian Nobles to supply us with more Cookies when I am going to meet them again”and Lord Doc is thinking of the wet dream he had some days ago,in which he was being whipped by some Avamarians Troop Leaders who were using the “Doccy’s Pleasure” whips in order to punish him…“Now,you should better leave me alone!!Leave my sight at once!!!” and Lord Doc deeps into his thoughts.
-“Alright,Lord!”,Noble Hail says disappointed.
And Nobles leave from “Prime Minister’s” Doc sight…
-“It can not continue like that!We have to take actions if we want not to lose any Pound!!!A Sirionite Lord HAS TO eat well if he wants to be “respected” by the People!!!We should do something about that!”,Noble Boom Boom boom boomed to Noble Hail.
-“Shut up,you idiot!!If only Lord Doc hears us…He would execute us!!You fool!!!Do I have to remind you that none is allowed to gain power while Lord Doc has the Rulership of Sirion “Republic”?Be more careful of your words in the future!!”,Noble Hail advises his fellow Noble.
“Prime Minister” Doc asks,kindly as always,using his known Noble manners from Avamarians to supply him with more Cookies…
-“My Puppies are barking loudly!So…Grrrrrrrr!Give me my Cookies,Limbar and Elmbar,back AT ONCE!!!Or I shall DESTROY you!!!”
And Avamarians of course responded nobile,while trying to kindly hide the laughs that Lord Doc was causing them with his silly demands…and his unrealistic threats…
-“Ok,Lord Doc…We will see what we can do for you…”
But even Lord Doc did realize that Avamarians were kindly denying his request,so he had thought to ask for some help from the “devoted” Avamar’s ally…Fontan of course!
-“Lord Alexi,PLEASE aid me by joining my attempt to convince Avamar to show some mercy and supply me with the nessecary Cookies to feed my doggies who are starving!At least you are a “loyal” ally to them and would hear you!”,Lord Doc tries even more to take what he wants.
-“Alright,Prime Minister Doc!Although,I have nothing to gain from this,I shall aid you!I will speak personally,in my Honour,with Avamarians in order to supply you with what you need!”,Lord Alexi successfully replies.
And “Prime Minister” Doc leaves pleased of his GREAT diplomatic handle of the matter.
A message arrives by one of Lord Alexi’s messangers…in which was written:
“Prime Minister One,Lords,Nobles and People of Avamar,
Please follow my advice and supply Prime Minister Doc with what he needs.Give Elmbar and Limbar back to Sirion.This would help our alliance treaty very much!I have a very well organized plan!I ask you to honour our alliance and trust me following my indications. By the way,I would like you to show great respect towards our alliance and supply me with some Cookies as well.Give me Oporto for now and I am going to take Montijo myself as soon as possible in order not to bother you any more by asking you all the time.
Your close friend and devoted ally, Lord Alexi”
Avamarians well-known for their Nobility and Devotion towards their alliance treaties have felt sorry for “Prime Minister’s” Doc doggies and had shown great superiority following the indications made by their “devoted” ally Lord Alexi ,trying not to disappoint him.
Now,Nobles Hail and Boom Boom jump frisky again full of happiness hoping that their Leader will give them some Cookies again…
ACT FOUR: "Dr. Doc"
Attend the performance at the People's Theatre of Avamar! Tickets available HERE