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RedspanIcon.png City of Stargard

The centre of RedSpan for a very long time.

On 2004-07-21 Eilt Equar was appointed Duke of Stargard. Because sone after that he was also appointed Royal Tresurre he stepped down on 2004-09-23 to have the other TL's a chance on high positions in our realm.

On 2006-03-21 AJ von Krondor was appointed Duke of Stargard. This was a long time wish of AJ and he was in heaven. Not soon after that he was on a battle field with Tara and got a blow to his head and was seriously wounded. That is why Tony Malone was appointed on 2006-05-25 to take care of the City while we awaited AJ's return.

RedspanIcon.png Duchy of Stargard

Many regions in RedSpan, past and present, belonged to the City of Stargard. At this moment there are three regions allianged to the Duchy. Look at Regions belong to the Duchy to see witch.

RedspanIcon.png Surrounding Areas

Byblack region of Ash_Sea_Islands

Rogeshore region of Ash_Sea_Islands

Ambermel region of RedSpan

Upperfell region of RedSpan

Atblane region of RedSpan

Meldeen region of RedSpan

RedspanIcon.png Regions belong to the Duchy





RedspanIcon.png Troopleaders of the Duchy of Stargard

Yony Malone, Duke of Stargard

AJ von Krondor, Knight of Stargard

Adolamin Trannyth, Knight of Stargard

Mother von Krondor, Knight of Stargard

Phantom Khan, Knight of Stargard

wagon seedees, Knight of Stargard

Denzel Stourbridge, Knight of Stargard

Zwart Khan, Knight of Stargard

Dileo Filador, Knight of Stargard

Warth Despoiler, Knight of Stargard

Ornor Goromir, Knight of Stargard

An'ton Unitea, Knight of Stargard

Omenn Unitea, Knight of Stargard

richaap klappen, Knight of Stargard

Valanduil Raret, Knight of Stargard

desent Kilard, Knight of Stargard

Blovec Von Fedrovberg, Knight of Stargard

Eltharion Shadowguardiens, Knight of Stargard

Razer Turik, Knight of Stargard

Irthian Kahul-do-Baga, Knight of Stargard

Todd Maldon, Knight of Stargard

Tarkus Turik, Knight of Stargard

Nagash Kahul-do-Baga, Count of Meldeen

AasWulF Da Carinthie, Knight of Meldeen

Roshel Elonke, Count of Upperfell

Serdric Forgray, Knight of Upperfell

Koshi The Bloody Sword, Knight of Upasael

Alsaces Laoshu, Knight of Upperfell

Uther Pendragon, Count of Bolgar

Old troopleaders from the Duchy of Stargard

RedspanIcon.png New Troop Leaders lessons

Look on the main page for Mentor Lessons!

Main page

RedspanIcon.png Troops recruitable from this region

Altrenn s men Infantry 25 55 / 55

Shoot a Goat Archers 60 70 / 90

RedspanIcon.png Paraphernalia recruitable in this region



Siege Engines

RedspanIcon.png Things to do in this region

Academy, Train yourself in the art of: Sword fighting, Joisting, Leadership or Burocracy.

Blacksmith, Repair your units' equipment.

Entertainment, Give your men the time of there lives to raise morale.

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Realm [[part of::RedSpan]]
Duchy of [[part of::Stargard]]
Local Lord [[has lord::Tony Malone]]
Region Type City