
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 08:57, 12 October 2007 by Tom (talk | contribs)

The contents on this page discuss a possible new feature. It may or may not be ever included in the game, and it may or may not be partially in testing somewhere (usually on the testing branch).
In short, consider this page is a sketchpad of sorts and don't rely too much on things written here until this notice disappears.
-- Tom

Status: Currently, resources are slowly being added, but no game effects are implemented, yet. In other words: Your actions will always succeed, even if there are no resources available.

Resources are the raw materials needed to build or repair things. The following resources are available:

Resource Creation

Resources are automatically created and distributed on the duchy and realm level.

They are created by individual regions, as indicated on the region details page. For example, many mountain regions create stone and or metal, while woodland regions create, of course, wood.

But since there are small forests even in the plains, and a quarry or two in the hills, etc. there might be minor amounts produced even in regions that do not explicitly indicate the resource. In additional, trade generates a small supply, so no realm will ever be entirely without any resource.

However, the fact remains that some regions will be valuable for their resources.

Resource Useage

Resources are automatically taken from the duchy-wide supply, if available. If that does not supply enough, resources are automatically taken from the realm-wide supply, but at a small cost to cover transportation, etc.. To simplify things, the cost is not in gold, but in resources, meaning that for every 10 units used on the realm level, 12 units are consumed.

Imperial regions always access the realm resources, and always incur the overhead.

If no resources are available either at the duchy or the realm level, then the action requiring the resource can not be done.

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