New Item Ideas

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 18:45, 2 January 2007 by Justantius (talk | contribs) (→‎Gems)

This is where you can add new ideas for items for adventurers to gather.

All items should be one of the following:

  • gems
  • animal parts
  • rare materials
  • misc. items

We are not talking magic items here. Nor are we talking about useful items. No horses, weapons, etc. As of now, the only (known) use for these items is as material for repairing or creating Unique Items by the Sage.

Stuff that I've removed was removed either because it didn't fit or because it was added to the game. No, I won't say which one in each case. Sorry. --Tom 09:47, 16 December 2006 (CET)


Ummm, Tom? Are you still accepting ideas? - Ken Hesse/Xypherius Killins

a large, red ruby with an imperfect center

A waterworn piece of hematite (submitted by JF)

A Tiger's Eye stone, square cut, set in a silver band (submitted by JF)

A large piece of amber with some type of insect embedded in it's center (submitted by JF)

A piece of marble

Fragments of a crystal that has been smashed

Ruby dust

Onyx stone

Tiny but perfectly cut topaz, perhaps dropped from a ring.

Pyrite, fool's gold - perhaps someone can be fooled into bying it?

Fake diamond - on closer inspection, it turns out to be just a worthless piece of glass.

Animal Parts

~Hoary Marmot Leather

Alligator (Or some other reptile) skin/scales (submitted by JF)

Bag of Dried out Frogs (intact) (submitted by JF)

Rabbit's foot (submitted by JF)

Long sharp horn, probably coming from some terrifying monster


Troll's tooth

Bear claw, symbol of strength

Rhino hide, could be made into a fine leather armour


Dragon's eye
Zombie parts
Incantations of bliss
Ogre hairs
Pixie Blossom
Elfin bone
Essence of newt
A Mana crystal

Miscellaneous Items

(Hope you are still accepting ideas: Joshua Ferguson)

Bottle of Wine (Submitted by JF)

Small Pouch of Tools (Submitted by JF)

Bag of Unknown Powder (Submitted by JF)

Painting of an Ancient Noble (Submitted by JF)

Map of the Continent from 100 years ago (no real value) (Submitted by JF)

Stuff not sumitted by JF

Tobacco Leaves

Snake Venom

Coca Leaves



Looking Glass


Potato Moonshine

Bottle of Wine

Bird Cage

Music Box

Salt and Pepper
