Asgard Informer/Issue Five

From BattleMaster Wiki
Price: 1 silver coins Phoenix sized.png Main editors: Xaphan, Rognak

Phoenixsmall.png   Northern Federation breaks up!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Xaphan

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

February 20, 2009

War within the federation! (1 day, 22 hours ago) Eston has broken with the federation. A declaration of war has automatically been issued.

War within the federation! (1 day, 21 hours ago) Barony of Makar has broken with the federation. A declaration of war has automatically been issued.

An alliance was forged (1 day, 3 hours ago) The realms of Darka and Eston have joined into an alliance.

The above quotes explain it all, Barony Of Makar and Eston have betrayed us, why? Out of greed. Eston having been beaten in yet another war (So far they've been beaten by us, then Falasan and now by Darka) made a deal with Darka where they would both ally, Darka would keep Massilion city and Eston would break from the Northern Federation and attempt to retake their old lands from Norland, not that they are capable of taking land from anybody it seems. Looks like the honour L'Eston gained from King Andrew is long gone, betraying their own federated brothers. As for the Barony, well this is truly a shocking turn of events! after many years of brotherhood and camaraderie Barony Of Makar have split from the federation. Why? Land presumably, even though Norland returned lands to them once we made territorial gains AND they are supposed to be maintaining Egrets Rock and Uforth for us. So all of our good will aside they still want more. Though luckily for us L'Eston have proven themselves incapable in war and the Barony is a long dead realm incapable of any kind of fighting. but non the less this has caused a "Viking Schism" where the pseudo Vikings of the Barony have broken their Pseudo Viking honour and will attack their former Viking brothers for their own gains

Phoenixsmall.png   The south ventures north in a join move against Minas Ithil's dishonour!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Xaphan

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

February 17, 2009

Huge Battle Fought (4 hours ago) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lyton:

Caergoth, Carelia, Suville vs. Minas Ithil

Estimated strengths: 1760 men vs. 1400 men

The southern realms have clearly had enough of Minas Ithil's dishonourable ways and approve of Norland's war of attrition against them for they have taken up arms against Minas Ithil and its abhorrent existence. The fact so many realms in the south have come to our aid will be a great relief to Norland as the war in the North heats up. Also Norland has joined into an alliance with Tara, Norland seems to have a strong base of friends in the south.

Phoenixsmall.png   The opening moves of the new northern war!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Xaphan

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

February 20, 2009

The opening moves of the great northern war are at hand, Eston has attacked Belegrond and along with Darka they have amassed a force of around 21k C.S in the region adjacent to our borders, [[Atamara/Amdor|Amdor]. And to increase the pressure on Norland and its leadership the Barony have moved into Ashmoor and begun a Take Over.

Phoenixsmall.png   Battle In Barad Riel   Phoenixsmall.png
by Xaphan

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

February 22, 2009

Battle in Barad Riel Darka, Eston vs. Norland Estimated strengths: 940 men vs. 980 men

A magnamious victory for Norland, we scored nearly twice as many kills while having less than half their CS.