Bluelake Family/IlyaRP/Attacked in Nazia

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Baroness Ilya Bluelake travels home

After the visit to the family in Menedor, Ilya spent her time with the Black Army, securing Corniel and surrounding regions, an easy task which she gladly accomplished, enjoying the long weeks to rest and craft baby clothes. During that fruitful time, the Cagilan Empire invaded Nazia, and started to torn down the palisade, enter the noble houses to steal tax money, and even a few reports of burning food were sent to the baroness. Though her heart was heavy, the baroness didn't want to risk her child, or leave her service to the army, so she stayed, receiving every time harder to read reports, and somewhat sorry that the baby wouldn't be born in the mountains. After a while, an order came from her Duke: Go there, care for your people.

With a letter to her husband, Willem, Ilya started moving. In Barad Falas, she changed some bonds into gold, left her unit, ~=B.A=~ Fledgling's Guard, as militia, sorry that they wouldn't protect her fledgling anymore, and moved to the taken Belegmon. There, she hired a few more scouts and travelled under disguise. The small party consisted of herself, mounting Fëalith, six scouts, Poe the scribe, her most trusted healer, and a midwife, who was also a herbalist. The last three rotated in the back of the scouts' horses.

Ilya arrives to Nazia

Ilya sat down and sighed, her head in her hands for a short while. They had been riding and walking for 11 hours straight, and now they were so close... The baroness looked down to the valley, where the bulk forces of the enemy camped around the village's ruined palisade. She had noticed that all the camps they had been passing through were usually adorned by the yellow and green flag of Darka, but the red flags in the valley showed the lion of the Empire. After a moment, Ilya stood up, with a small help from Poe, and had to sit down again, with black dots filling her vision.

- Poe, I can't, I truly have to rest... The scribe looked at her, worried, and then to the healers. - Should we stop or would it be better to get her quickly safe inside the Seat? The woman approached and touched Ilya's belly, then her forehead. - The child is fine, but my lady needs some actual sleep before she can continue, Mr. Poe. Poe looked to the other healer, who confirmed with his head. - Fine, fine. My lady, what do you suggest? Do you know anyone nearby?

Ilya lifted her head and situated herself. Yes, maybe she knew... - I think the Motosuwa Manor is around a mile in that direction, Poe. Bring me some parchment and I'll write them a small message. Don't let them send a cart, I won't stand the movement. Fealith will serve me just fine. Get one of the scouts to take you. - Yes, my lady.

After the scribe had left with one of her scouts, Ilya arranged herself. She didn't know whether Chi's parents would be there, and thus it would be better if she wore her crest, shield and sword, even with the comfortable travel outfit. The baroness feared for her life, if spotted by Darkan soldiers, but it was only a mile, and she needed the sleep. She'd only ride the last hour right before the sun set. While she waited, thoughts looped in her head. What if the Motosuwas were looted and robbed? They held tax gold in their manor... No, it was set, she needed rest. Hopefully there would be more honourable men like Baron Telrunya among the enemies in Nazia.

You were attacked

As you go to bed, you spot a dark figure hiding in the shadows. No sooner have you drawn your sword and readied yourself for combat, as the infiltrator attacks. You can parry most of his attacks, but he gets to you once, wounding you. Fortunately, your guards arrive before he can finish the job. The guards are unable to prevent his escape.

Derrin finds the Baroness' party

It was near sunset and Derrin's blade almost hummed from the vibrations of nightfall. Not knowing how well his blade arm would handle an assault, he wrapped himself well with dark better blend with the darkness that had become his friend. He scanned the horizon, searching for Falasan banners, and found one to be lagging behind the rest. This would be his target.

He crept slowly upon the caravan and waited for his opportunity. There didnt seem to be too many people around. Was this just a scouting party? Or a noble whose unit was destroyed by the allied forces? Derrin strode to the tents like a panther; quiet and intent upon sinking his dagger deep into the flesh of an unsuspecting victim...

...much to his dismay, there were no battle worthy men. No decorated heroes that he saw within the tent. There was just a healer and a baroness, who was already wounded. He looked on her with pity for a moment, as he waited for the healer to leave and get fresh water. A part of him screamed out inside that this was all wrong...that attempting to kill this woman would be nothing but pure evil; but, the hum of the darkness fell on his blade once again. Derrin's eyes, caring and kind, now turned cold and loveless.

He entered the tent silent like the wind, and moved as quickly...extended his right arm and sunk his dagger into her shoulder. Although the woman looked hurt already, she reacted as a seasoned fighter and drew her blade from under her blanket. When she moved, Derrin noticed something strange about this woman. Her physique suggested a thinner middle, yet this woman showed signs of caring a child in her womb. Derrin paused in complete astonishment and grief, for killing babies was not his calling card. Almost instinctually, like a lioness fending off the jackals, the Baroness' blade swung uncomfortably close to his face. The sounds of armor moving closer from the distance meant only one thing...TIME TO LEAVE!

He ducked and rolled out the same flap he entered, leaving the wounded pregnant woman behind. His heart raced, not because he was being chased, and not because he was afraid of being identified...but because he was afraid that if that woman were to meet him again, he would surely tell no lies with his eyes. While all identifying items were left behind before the assault, Derrin's eyes never told a lie. This Baroness would remember him forever.

Derrin Brookshield (Knight of Bisquez)