MontFort Family

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de MontFort
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Well! Conversation with Anant brought back memories ...
long days and weeks in the mud of Bruck serving the Glory of Oligarch
and all that was good and proper.
So ... we begin again!
--BenTrem 16APR08

The Montfort Lineage

  • Simonix of Ar Mosul, Troop Leader of Standard Bearers
    • Liege: Sir Modi Jorvik, Marquis of Ar Mosul, Duchy of Partora, under Sir Nightmare Aroo, King of Perdan
  • Vollanix from Hamadan, Troop Leader of the Protectors
    • a member of Caligus in allegiance to Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan

Turning Points of History | Tales of Woe and Glory

Destruction of Oligarch

The End of a Mighty Realm

[- This lifted from Lorrie Furion Archbane's invaluable History of Fontan -]

Fontan City seceded from Fontan at the behest of Lycastus. He felt the old Fontan wasn't around anymore and sought to bring it back with Light Of Fountain, a Theocracy. There were some religion in his talk, which i think is to legitimize his claim for LOF. Anyway, a couple of experienced TLs moved to LOF. An Najaf and Negev joined the new realm. There was much hype about what to do, but in the end, Fontan continued their feud with Oligarch. Viseu joined LoF awhile later, brought over by a unhappy TL.
Fontan did better even with less tax. They took Greatbridge, Hagley, Troyes and Westmoor in quick succession. They rested and refitted and coordinated with allied generals, on the final push. Then Oligarch City fell. A combined force of 48k cs attacked the 20k cs in Oligarch City. They stone walls creaked under the march of Fontan, Sirion and OR's troops. So Oligarch is no more. Sirion is currently doing a TO of it. Commonyr is being TOed by our TLs. Oligarch is dead. Destroyed by our combined might. The Northern Conflict is finally over.

[- This lifted from Edition 9 of The Oligarchian Observer -]

May 28, 2006- Today, Commonyr fell to Fontanese forces. The realm of Oligarch has come to an end. Now we are only a body of refugees, a body of refugees which shall carry on the fight from other realms. Let it be known that Oligarch went down fighting, and never once betrayed a friend, never once backed down from its side.

In the Absence of Oligarch

[- This lifted from History of Perdan's Praetorian Strike Force -]

Soon Perdan founds itself facing a new threat from both sides. Ibladesh and Itorunt, unable to deal with the great Perdan army, called for Sirion assitance to help slow their destruction. Sirion answered the call, and soon a large Elivish army was approaching Bescanon, and for the first time in decades, northern alliance forces stepped foot on Perdan soil. Despite the initial surprise, the great King Nightmare quickly reacted to the attack and the Perdan army prepared to launch an attack into Bescanon from the regions of Brive and Perdan City. The Sirion hordes quickly realized they had strayed too far from home to even hope for a victory and quickly retreated to the north.

Oligarch's Historic Role

[- This lifted from Oligarch's History by Grand Justiciar Hireshmont -]

Oligarch is a proud realm with a rich heritage written in blood and tears.

We stand on the border between the overpowering Sirion and the diabolical Fontan as a bulwark to the southern states. We are locked in struggle against these foes. Our republic stands proud in the fray, strong and stalwartly defending all that is honorable in East Continent.

Oligarch was destroyed as of May 28, 2006 by the combined forces of Sirion, Fontan, and Old Rancagua.