Talk:Adventurer Game

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Resting using the "sleep on the floor" opion removes about 2 points of fatigue for each hour.

My Adventurer slept on the floor for 4 hours and only lost 6 fatigue, while according to this above it should've been 8. How come? Van Peteghem 14:39, 16 December 2006 (CET)

That's why it says "about"...
Hey that's not nice of you!
The same thing happened to me both times I tried it. I think this entry is a bit off. --Tj 18:36, 16 December 2006 (CET)

I wouldn't expect it to be an even number - in fact it seems to be more of a range. I've slept on the floor twice now. 5 hours removed 6 fatigue, and 3 hours removed 4 fatigue. -- Murakama 08:39, 17 December 2006 (CET)

It seems pretty consistently to be around 1.5, or even slightly lower, to me. --Indirik 14:55, 17 December 2006 (CET)

Resting in Primitive Room

cost 1 silver, regains ~2.5 fatigue per hour, available in rural regions, someone confirm so we can put in fairly certain.--Aralaiquendi 17:34, 16 December 2006 (CET)

A sage can help you repair or construct a unique item from raw materials. Sages are hard to find, though.

Oh crap I just found a sage but I didn't have anything...Van Peteghem 18:11, 16 December 2006 (CET)

Has anyone found anything other than silver so far?

Yes, I have a gold piece, and I got some good leather today.--PrinceScamp 19:06, 16 December 2006 (CET)

After following the same trail of undead four times I found the Cursed Crown of Nocaneb, a unique item. The game told me to create a Wiki page with it's legent/history and how I came to have it. --Pjweisberg 01:11, 17 December 2006 (CET)

I didn't find it, but I did find a colorful feather, which apparently a somewhat prized thing as it went for 1 gold and 4 silver in a woodland region. --Kag 02:01, 17 December 2006 (CET)

I love the class, but one thing that might keep it more on the BattleMaster theme would be if we were called Rangers not Adventurers. It would have more Bm theme, ,like Lord, Knight, Hero, etc.

I found a sage and had a piece of quartz however I got a "parse error" when I clicked the link.--Alex 21:07, 17 December 2006 (CET)


  • I've tried to resume a previous hunt a couple times now, but have never been able to do so. Has anyone else had trouble with this - resuming their own hunts, or one started by someone else? Granted, it could be intended this way... -- Murakama 08:39, 17 December 2006 (CET)
I've tried a few times to resume a hunt that I had to end because of fatigue, but it said that "the undead are nowhere to be found". Either they moved on like the game suggests they can or another adventurer fought them and didn't tell me. But the feature does work. I ended a hunt and then restarted it a minute later just to test it and it was successful. Fredrich 14:58, 17 December 2006 (CET)
I've resumed a hunt after a couple of hours, so that definitely works. I've never tried resuming someone else's hunt, though. --Pjweisberg 20:55, 17 December 2006 (CET)
  • My character tried taking on an undead army but got defeated, her fatigue jumped up by 8-12 points. -Gitami
  • Is the hash you get from the game universal or does it distinguish between monsters and undead, e.g. the hash you got from an undead hunt will (or will not) fit when entered into the location window during a monster hunt? --RealUlli 16:15, 17 December 2006 (CET)
I've seen one person report putting the hash for a group of undead into the monsters screen and not finding them. --Pjweisberg 20:55, 17 December 2006 (CET)

Moving regions.

Do you have to pay to leave any region? I'm stuck in a region that there's no monsters or undead and every time I try to leave, there's a toll that I can't pay. It doesn't matter what region I try and move to, I get sent back. Mischa 10:09, 17 December 2006 (CET)

Try to gather stuff to sell and get gold that way. I think you can get thrown out of a city region as well. --RealUlli 11:53, 17 December 2006 (CET)