Zarkonian Family

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Zarkonian, named after the first family member Zarko. Zarko from Taselak of South East Islands.


Not much is know about of how the family tree actually started to sprout its roots, but all that remains of a forgotten tales of stories told from one generation to the other. Handing on legacy of the famed name which runs through ones viens, pushing one to glory and forgotten valor of thier ancestors.

The story starts during the time of the colonisation of the wilder lands of the South East Islands, during the time ships first arrived from the far reaches of the sea. Men tamed forests for farms, hills for mines and plains for grander cities. All went well, till the land spilled forth thier anger back. Awakening Dragons and beast which sleep unawoken till now...They spread thier destruction with the fury of heart, Almost bringing than colonies of man to extinction.

But on a lone colony called Taselak, Zarko son of a Blacksmith took up arms when his father was burned in the island's fury.In vengence he took up the very arms his father made and pierced the very heart of the beast which slayed his father. As blood ticked down from the beasts heart, the word of mortality came to his mind. Followed by a few on his way, he joined many others like him whos lives were betrayed by the dreams they weaved. In might, the colonisers defeated the waves of beast which came from the caves of the land and vanquish the fury which now fluttered in memories of old.

Zarko died after a few years, Survived by his son Ducanga. From where his father left Ducanga set into the rebuilding of all the human colonies in that Island......When the realms of Taselak, Ikalak and Sandalak grew up from the remaining colonies into modern cities, The Zarkonians were passed in forgotten ages.

But the family still remains, only as a remant of the past which once famed in greatness of the island.

Uber Zarkonian

Uber , Son of Jhonatahn. Uber is a fist hearted person, big, strong, stubborn and very clumsy. Even thou he is stubborn, his duty and loyalty to his higher noble in unspeakable. But occasionally his rage builds up in times of frustration and spills uncontrolled.

Path to glory

Picking up his helm and sword from the dusty attic, he started noble career from the very colony his once ancestor took up arms…In Taselak, Capital of Taselak in South East island.

As time passed with the absence of his hated brother, he left the island of war. Traveling far into open sea, he landed upon the blessed lands of the Far East. Arcaea was the flag he chose; by a mere game of coins and stones.

Light Bringer

Light Bringer , son of Jhonatahn and Uber's hated brother. He very much dislikes his brother for his stupidity and stubborn personality. Which on the other hand would reflect the ego of his brother, being smart and able to get people into troubles by just escalating some matter which did not have to be. But as his duty, he remains as loyal as his brother to his higher lords...sheding light in some matter, no matter what.

Path to glory

A day happened as such when, Uber wearing holding the banner of his realm barged into his room and hit him over a fight the previous night over some barrels of ale. Sighted with frustration, he left the house. Unable to face him in person, Light Bringer joined the realm of Ikalak on the other twin Uber traveled not.

Raging wars and constant skirmishes without any victor made his mind confused, he was hunger..not for wars, but hunger for knowledge. Seeking the right time for his escape, he caught a ship towards Beluaterra. Choosing to live at the southern end of the island, he took up the banner of Luz De Bia


Nemrus is the adopted son of Sharlona and Geirat, cousin of Uber and Light Bringer. He was found by the couple on the shores of Taselak in a basket, with him a half burnt letter next to him

"Please take care of the boy for me, the ship on which we were traveling was caught in a storm ......... The ships boa.................., ..This basket to keep my son alive. If I am not next to the basket tha........ So please take care of my from Far East"

Grown in the atmosphere of the famed family of the Zarkonians,he grew out to become a truly honorable member of it.