Tol Goldora

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Theocracy of Tol Goldora

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Island Dwilight
Capital Muspelheim
Largest City Muspelheim
Government Theocracy

Duchies 3
Regions 1
Population 17,744
Gold 6320
Food 1715
Nobles 10
Autarch Simon Bards
Stratarch Jalo Steele
Vestarch Morwenna Duskfarer
Sakellion Bador Komurov

Tol Goldora

Tol Goldora is primarily both a Trading and Raiding Nation. It's capital is the wealthy Golden Farrow, which acts as a central trade node between the East and West of Dwilight, and acts as an excellent Port City for her allied forces to anchor when travelling the Seas. Furthermore, Golden Farrow allows for Tol Goldoran raiding forces to hit many rogue-controlled Regions all around Dwilight.

Tyrannical by definition rather than inherent nature, the decision to consolidate power around the upper echelons of Tol Goldoran society was agreed upon by the Founding Families upon it's creation and secession from Sol - this was because Tol Goldora had no intention of extending beyond what was originally the De Jure Duchy of Golden Farrow of Old Caerwyn, and therefore an Imperial system would be unsuitable for such a small demesne. The Navarch is the absolute Ruler, with a final say on all and any diplomatic, militaristic or legal decisions when it comes to the stewardship of the realm, but the Navarch may appoint Nobles to perform duties in his stead - the Stratarch was traditionally responsible for Military matters, the Vestarch was responsible for matters of law and governance, with the Sakellion holding the responsibility of Steward to the realm.

A large portion of Tol Goldoran culture derives from Old Caerwynian culture that survived the destruction of the once Great Nation - although Tol Goldora does not claim to be any form of successor, many old naming and cultural traditions were adopted by the ruling caste during the integration of Eastern Colonists and the Western Inhabitants. For example, the old title of 'Archon', once rulers of Caerwyn, was partially adopted into the Tol Goldoran title of Navarch - and many ruling practices of Old Caerwyn were integrated in the ruling system also.


Tol Goldora was created by a secession from Sol, two weeks after Eastern colonists took Golden Farrow in the Year 46, Winter (November 2018). It was founded on the backs of the Six Nobles from the Eastern Dwilight, known as the Founders, who would later go on to play important roles in the development of the small, fledgling Nation.

In the early days of Spring, Year 47, Westgard would begin a cruel and injust invasion of Golden Farrow which would known to the locals of the City and surrounding Regions as the War against Westgard Oppression.

The Founders and the Founders Hall

The Founders Hall is a hugely prestigious and respected Guild and "club" of Tol Goldora, both protected by law and by tradition. Anyone who can prove close (and Noble) blood relation to the Founding Houses of Tol Goldora are permitted and granted entrance to the Hall by virtue of the ruling Navarch. Members of the Hall are therefore given preferential treatment for positions of power or titles within the realm, such as Elder positions in the Gylded Bank, available Lordships etcetera.

The Founding Families themselves also have considerable influence over many aspects of Tol Goldoran politics.

The Original Founding Families

Camlann Family - Medrawt Camlann was the organiser, initial military leader of the Colonists and the Golden Host, and the First Navarch of Tol Goldora.

De La Fere Family - Nigel de la Fere was the primary benefactor of the initial colonial expedition to Western Dwilight and patron of the Golden Host. He was also appointed the first Duke of the restored duchy of Golden Farrow.

Stromhar Family - Umerith Stromhar was the primary Diplomat, Ambassador and Representative of Tol Goldora. During his tenure as the first Vestarch to Navarch Camlann, he put in place the system of Government, Laws, and managed the diplomatic affairs of the Nation. He was appointed as Lord of Via.

Greybrook Family - Solomon Greybrook was appointed as the first Stratarch of Tol Goldora and Marshal of the Golden Host upon Medrawt Camlann's appointment as Navarch. During his tenure, Tol Goldoran forces managed to secure much of the De Jure demesne of the Duchy of Golden Farrow. He was also responsible for the admirable defense put up against vastly superior Westgardian Forces during Year 47, Spring, which many consider the reason Tol Goldora was not immediately wiped off the map before it started.

Nowack Family - Bemmy Nowack WIP.

Vasiliev Family - Berenis Vasiliev WIP.

Le Craint Family - Emyhr le Craint WIP.

Acknowledged Houses

None as of yet.

The Navarchs of Tol Goldora


Matters of State

Diplomacy and Ambassador

Chartered Guilds

Religious Rights


Law and Order

Culture and Practices

Historical Figures

Important Documents

Year 47, Spring - Golden Farrow Proclamation, a lengthy Pamphlet written by Vestarch Umerith Stromhar on the eve of potential war with Westgard.