Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/June

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1st June

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

As the drunkard tried to swing at her, Tyra simply laughed and stepped away. After three or four tries, the man fell face down on the ground. Still laughing, and looking at Duncan's horrified expression, Tyra called her captain.

"Otwin, get this man something to do in our unit, he's useless now but maybe can do some laundry, I don't know. Be creative."

Otwin nodded, smirked and took the drunkard away. In a few minutes he'd be seen in his underwear, sleeping in the middle of a 10-men tent, being told an interesting story of how his night turned out and how he'd have to pay for it. Tyra guessed in two days he'd have run away. If he stayed, he'd be perfect for them.

Shaking herself, the knight took Duncan's arm and said, happily: "Let's go, my friend, I think I can face a bunch of Bluelakes now, without trying to fight anyone. Thank you for bringing me that oaf."

The man was still looking sour. She smiled her sweetest smile, not lacking a little mischief. "I know, he treated you so badly. But you picked him. Isn't all well that ends well?"

"Yes, milady..." He sighed "But spitting on my shoe, wasn't that too much?"

"Well, took some guts." she shrugged "Come on, I'm here and in a good mood."

They were standing before the Bluelake manor. It wasn't too large, neither too new. It had that indistinct quality of a house that is cared for, but also slightly disarranged from being actually lived in. A few plants climbed the walls, and in places you could see they had been ripped by little climbing hands and feet. That made Tyra feel happy. Children being children.

Duncan went up to the fence to make the announcement of her arrival.

Tyra arrived to Poryatu with sunrise, and immediately proceeded to... nowhere. She let her men play a few rounds of Skat while she paced back and forth, eyeing the town, then the beautiful hilly fields right next to it. She knew exactly where the Bluelake manor was, but she had suddenly lost all will to go there. What would she say?

Duncan observed his dame and waited. He knew she'd make the right decision because she had promised him. But he had to give her time. In the meanwhile, he wrote a few notes on the journal he kept about her advances.

Tyra paced and paced and got more and more worked up. She couldn't just go in and yell at them, but it was all she wanted to do. She didn't have it in her to arrive with a gift of flowers and offer friendship to the family of that woman. No. Never!

"Duncan!!! I need to blow some steam! Get me a man to fight me, will you?"

Roleplay from Gerald

By the time Duncan got his things together and sent into town to find an unfortunate soul most capable fighters moved on to their errands... the only half capable person left was a brooding drunk mercenary who caught a girl over his knee and was sneaking his hand under her skirt.

"This one will do" said Duncan pointing to the drunk.

Duncan arrived back to camp nearly dragging the mercenary along. He was just happy this time his dame seemed to really want to fight and not do what she referred to as "sparring" or "training", which she usually did with her soldiers anyway. Yet, despite having heard this was one of the best wandering fighters in the region, Duncan was a bit unsure about his condition. He couldn't hide the despise under his usual dignified expression.

Her scribe's face looked so disgusted when he arrived dragging the man, that Tyra snapped out of rage and started laughing.

"What on earth did you find me, Duncan!? Was this the best you could get?! Can he stand straight at least?"

Roleplay from Gerald

The drunken mercenary reeked of booze and garlic so bad that you could smell his presence twenty feet away. But at the insult he got his strength together and strengthened up. This fellow here said he will pay me a week worth of inn stay if I give your lady ass a whooping! He pointed the finger at Duncan whose terrified expression could not be hidden.

"Thats not true my lady! It is not what I said. I told him I will give him a weeks worth of stay if he spars with you. Nothing beyond that!"

The mercenary smiled widely, proudly showing off a few missing teeth through which he landed a nice spit on Duncan's shoe who stepped back in disgust

Roleplay from Tyra Andrasta Bluelake (18 hours, 9 minutes ago)

He really did it! Duncan's expression was priceless. He was usually so unphased! Tyra laughed so hard she was almost out of air. She gave Duncan an apologetic glance but walked over to the man with a broad smile.

"Let me see that ass whooping, man!" she gave him a hearty slap on his back, and he promptly lost his balance. She laughed again. "Well, I don't think there will be ass kicking today. You seem quite useless right now. Come and give me a try."

As the drunkard tried to swing at her, Tyra simply laughed and stepped away. After three or four tries, the man fell face down on the ground. Still laughing, and looking at Duncan's horrified expression, Tyra called her captain.

"Otwin, get this man something to do in our unit, he's useless now but maybe can do some laundry, I don't know. Be creative."

Otwin nodded, smirked and took the drunkard away. In a few minutes he'd be seen in his underwear, sleeping in the middle of a 10-men tent, being told an interesting story of how his night turned out and how he'd have to pay for it. Tyra guessed in two days he'd have run away. If he stayed, he'd be perfect for them.

Shaking herself, the knight took Duncan's arm and said, happily: "Let's go, my friend, I think I can face a bunch of Bluelakes now, without trying to fight anyone. Thank you for bringing me that oaf."

The man was still looking sour. She smiled her sweetest smile, not lacking a little mischief. "I know, he treated you so badly. But you picked him. Isn't all well that ends well?"

"Yes, milady..." He sighed "But spitting on my shoe, wasn't that too much?"

"Well, took some guts." she shrugged "Come on, I'm here and in a good mood."

They were standing before the Bluelake manor. It wasn't too large, neither too new. It had that indistinct quality of a house that is cared for, but also slightly disarranged from being actually lived in. A few plants climbed the walls, and in places you could see they had been ripped by little climbing hands and feet. That made Tyra feel happy. Children being children.

Duncan went up to the fence to make the announcement of her arrival.

2nd June

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

First contact

They were standing before the Bluelake manor. It wasn't too large, nor too new. It had that indistinct quality of a house that is cared for, but also slightly disarranged from being actually lived in. A few plants climbed the walls, and in places you could see they had been ripped by little climbing hands and feet. That made Tyra smile. Children being children.

The house was traditionally built, with wings on each side, several rooms. Only one of them looked closed off, but in general it seemed like a lot of people lived there. Facing east there was a glassed section with a winter garden and living space. A fire could be seen from the outside, shimmering through the glass. The dame felt some of the old anger flicker, but remembered the drunkard and kept her peace.

Duncan went up to the stone fence to make the announcement of her arrival. Through the gate, he caught the eye of a serving girl and told her Dame Tyra Andrasta Bluelake was there to see the Head of the House.

They were soon taken into the winter garden. Tyra took place near the plants and waited for Zhou Tai. He never came. Instead, she was greeted by an older lady, blonde, with smart eyes and an easy smile: "Welcome, Tyra. I heard a bit about you, but wasn't expecting a visit..." she looked at the knight with an appraising glance "You are not what I had expected... but it fits you so well, Tyra Thunderborn."

Tyra squinted. Her pale eyes almost bore holes on that woman, trying to perceive the least bit of malice.

"It wasn't a loving epithet, milady...? It just meant I caused great noise and destruction wherever I hit."

"I'm Alice. From the royal line." Seeing Tyra's face was still questioning, she continued "I forget you know nothing of us. Aunt Vanya did a terrible job. I can fill you in on the family heritage later... Just know I'm Alice, and happy to meet you..."

"Where's Zhou Tai? I had business with him."

"Not here, I'm afraid. Overseeing recruits."

Tyra grunted. "I'm leaving, then. He's the one I must talk to."

Alice seemed dismayed. She was a strong middle aged woman, not a whiff of fragility to her, and a hearty voice. "Oh, no! Please don't! It's not always we have a lost family member come back to us, please stay and tell me about you?"

The Andrasta swayed. She almost sat down to tell this woman her story, about the bullying, her come backs, her friends and adventures, how she had learned of true evil in people, and of abandonment... Then she hardened. "I won't stay a minute in here if not to speak to Zhou Tai and ask him to stay out of my business."

The older woman looked sad. "It's your right, my dear. But if write to you, will you answer me?"

The dame considered it, then looked at Duncan. "Write to him. He'll tell me the important bits." after a pause "Thank you, you were nothing like what I was expecting."

Alice just smiled. Such a warm smile Tyra felt her eyes welling up. Her own mom hadn't given her such a smile since... Since Outer Tilog. Cursed Vanya Bluelake. Shaking her head with anger and disgust, Tyra turned and left. She was almost at the gate when she was chased and stopped by a young boy, not even 10 years old. star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] [character details] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]

Solomon Greybrook

The Journey Home

Crossing the pastureland outside Askileon, Solomon looked to his left to see Hadroria chatting to a soldier of the guard. However, beyond this face, the Guard were not as friendly. The long campaigns north have meant the inability for messengers to provide the money Solomon needed to pay his men. Without question, Solomon knew it affected the men more and more each day. Going over the brow of the hill, Solomon looked back to see his men. They were not usually men of resentment. However, they really did need this rest in Giask and need to be paid. To Solomon, he really just desired to go home for at least a day and look over the Grand Harbor from his chair.

The journey home took longer than he would of liked.

Perhaps, a good night's sleep for a change.

Emyhr le Craint

Arrival in Giask:

Stepping off the boat into the docks of Giask, Emyhr let out a sign of relief. His men were tired after spending the past couple of days traveling across the majority of the north of Luria. He turned and addressed his men, handed out the pay that was owed to them all and gave them permission to relax and rest for a couple of days. During which, Emyhr knew he had no time to relax and headed straight for the recruitment centre to bolster his forces once again. Followed by the blacksmith to pay for the repairing of the equipment.

As the men dispersed into the city, Captain Gustaf walked back over to Emyhr who was now sat at a table of a nearby tavern unraveling and examining different scrolls and pieces of parchment.

"Hows the situation looking? This is an expensive trip it seems." The captain called over a local barmaid to bring over to mugs of ale to the table.

Emyhr looked up briefly as the captain sat down but immediately turned back to the numbers on the scrolls. Took a big swig of the drinks that the barmaid brought over.

"Its a good thing the taxes should be coming in soon, that will relieve the burden. However, we should be find to accrue the necessary repairs and recruit a few more men. Will have to be careful with the funds until the next tax collection though."

Emyhr took another big swig from the mug finishing off the last of the Ale. Gustaf noticing the stress on Emyhrs face, he handed his drink over and called the barmaid over again for another round.

"Well since we have arrive here before the majority of the others, why not give yourself some time to relax. Lets celebrate our previous ventures with another round of drinks".

The barmaid returns with two more mugs of ale, captain Gustaf hands her a couple of silvers as thanks and proceeds to give Emyhr one of the mugs.

"Its time to celebrate, let us drink for a little while before we move on to the next task"

3rd June

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

Drake Bluelake

A young voice yelled at her to wait. Tyra almost ignored it, but it was a child's voice. Remembering the climbing marks outside the house, she waited for the boy to catch up. He had dark hair, deep blue eyes, and fine features that reminded her of Alice. She wondered for the slightest moment if her own features were any similar. He also came with a smile, and a young lordling's clothes with the blue and silver colors of the house, and golden trim. There was a rip on his tunic that gave her pause.

"Dame Tyra!" he panted a bit "Aunt Alice forgot to give you this..." he thrust a leather pouch into her hands. "And this!" his other hand offered her a slice of cake.

Tyra was so surprised by the cake, she took the pouch without noticing. "Cake?"

Duncan by her side gave the boy an approving nod. The 8 year old puffed up. "Sharing food or drink will make you my guest, and under my protection."

The Dame laughed, taking the boy by surprise. She quickly recovered, though, and asked seriously, while taking the cake. "And under whose protection am I placing myself?"

"Drake Cedric Tinsley Bluelake, son of Gavin Drake Tinsley Bluelake, son of Queen Ilya Bluelake and King Willem Tinsley of Falasan, royal Bluelake line, Heir of the House."

Tyra fought an urge to spit the cake she had already bit. He was so eanerstly serious, she just nodded. "Thank you, young lord. I don't think I'll need your protection fighting monsters, though."

His eyes shone "You fight monsters a lot?" "Yes, mostly that's what we do." "Can I come with?" "What?! No!" Drake looked disappointed for a moment, before producing a smile and making her a courtsy. "Then we must part, gracious knight. That our meeting today is the auspicious beginning of something good."

With a smirk, Tyra bowed her head slightly and left, ever with the feeling that this visit didn't quite go the way she had wanted it to.

4th June

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Sevastian Schwarzherzig

Mattan Dews

A great bonfire spit sparks into the night, and the ale was plenty. Luria had returned to Mattan Dews, and the celebration was in full effect. Sevastian had ordered the men of Ultima Ratio Regum to leave their arms and armor behind at the camp with a pair of guards, men who had earned punishment, and join the festivities. Drums pounded and the men had mostly paired off with some of the local ladies. Sevastian, a few drinks in, jumped up on a bench and began to sing. His men cheered, for their commander had a fine singing voice. A jaunty tune picked up, and Sevastian's captain, the son of an Asylonian refugee, began to play his pipes.

"Axes flash, broadsword swing, Shining armor's piercing ring Horses run with a polished shield, Fight those bastards till they yield Midnight mare and blood red roan, Fight to keep this land your own Sound the horn and call the cry, How many of them can we make die! Follow orders as you're told, Make their yellow blood run cold Fight until you die or drop, A force like ours is hard to stop Close your mind to stress and pain, Fight till you're no longer sane Let not a one damn cur pass by, How many of them can we make die!

Time and again we'll give them war, Right until the islanders are no more, Trample their feeble walls to dust, Submission to the Hegemony is a must, The Maddening is shining bright, And our lust drives us onto the fight, Drive your bloody blade home and cry, How many of them can we make die! How many of them can we make die!"

Sevastian echoed the refrain, his men joining in, and as the song died, Sevastian stepped off the bench, in search of another drink.