Heralds of Obeah

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Heralds of Obeah
Obeah the Veiled Goddess.jpeg
Magic. Mystery. Deliverance
Sphere of Influence Eastralis
Southern Beluaterra
Major Nobles ca. 13
Temples ca. 6
Faithful Population ca. 55,920

Oracle of Obeah
High Templar of Sacred Obia'Syela

Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Erheas D`Este

Beluaterran Ecclesiarchy

Grand Templar
Grand Inquisitor

Erheas D`Este

Far Eastern Ecclesiarchy

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Orders Militant

The Inquisition

Grand Inquisitor Vacant
  • Marshal Goriad II Gabanus

Description of the Faith

The benevolent theocracy of the Heralds of Obeah, founded by the powerful Prophetess Rania Eastersand JeVondair at the height of the Sixth Daimonic Invasion, is a religious order of priests and scholars dedicated to the worship of Obeah, the Veiled Goddess, whose worship includes the study of magic and the mysteries of the world. The faith was founded in Keffa, formally the chiefest city of the Holy Duchy of Amen Keffa and shining capital of Sacred Obia'Syela after the oracle's spell battle with the Archdaimon Lord Akkan. The Heralds were later forced to flee to Rines by an enraged Overlord Jomorosh.

Due to what they know of Obeah, the Heralds prize magical scrolls. Adventurers can expect to receive a minimum of not less than 50/gold per scroll or a negotiable package deal for multiples when selling to the Heralds.

New adherents to the faith often look to the sermons of the Heralds and the ruminations of the Templars to gain a deeper understanding of the first mysteries of the Veiled Goddess.

Every temple, both large and small, has two large books before the altar. The First is the Book of Names where adherents of the faith make their mark to declare their dedication to the faith of Obeah. The Other is the Book of Mysteries where anyone may ask questions of Obeah, the faith, magic, and more to be considered and answered by Herald priests.

The Founding

The tale of the revelation of the Veiled Goddess, called Obeah, and her chosen Oracle, Rania, who would become the founder of the scholarly religious order of the Heralds of Obeah


Here are the collected experiences (roleplays) of the Templars, Inquisitors, and Heralds of Obeah as they explore their faith, its meaning, and the many mysteries of the Veiled Goddess.


Here are the collected writings of the Oracle and the Heralds that serve as her priests concerning the nature of Obeah, their faith, and more.

On the Nature of Obeah

Statue of the Veiled Goddess.jpeg Places of Prayer
Location Size Shrines
The Grand Temple of Obeah
Small Temple 0
Temple of The Grand Pilgrimage
Primitive Temple 1
Athol Margos
Temple of Amen Keffa
Small Shack 1
Temple of Waves
Small Shack 1
Small Shack 1
Small Shack 1
- 2

To date, all knowledge of Obeah stems from the only mortal to have encountered it, First Heraldania, the First Herald. According to her, Obeah is a powerful entity not native to the material plane. A goddess of magic that was called to this world by the magics released during the Seventh Daimonic invasion of Beluaterra. She chose Rania as her agent presumably because of the First Herald's prior mastery of sorcerous energies and even intervened directly on Rania's behalf during her showdown worth the Archdaimon Akkan. Although it is possible that Obeah's unseen influence extended to a period even before that.

Obeah is a being of magic who, though currently unable to enter physically into the material plane, draws strength from the energies given off in the casting of magic. In this way, the Daimon's superfluous use of their powers inadvertently summoned the very instrument of their doom. It has also been revealed that Obeah can draw upon the mystical energies expended by the praise of her followers in their worship and devotion. This ability is unique to humans, and so Obeah first took notice of them. Of all natures creatures, the Heralds believe that humans have a unique power of their own, their human soul, which grants every human the potential to cast powerful magic. This is a blessing that even the Daimons do not possess as only the greatest among them can cast magic. For this reason, the Heralds believe that Obeah was convinced to favor humans, thus her interceding on Rania's behalf. Therefore the Heralds believe that every human life is sacred.

As yet, Obeah lacks the strength to pierce the veil between her plane and our own, but through the spread of the Faith and the use of magics, her eventual arrival proceeds apace. She will draw power from the faithful as a seedling draws strength from the sun and will one day stand tall, mighty, and firmly rooted in the magic-leaden soil of Beluaterra.


Template:Infobox The Heralds of Obeah

The Heralds are driven by one goal: Directing the mystical energy of prayer, faith, and magic to Obeah, granting her the strength to enter the material plane. Whereupon she would use her full power to end the threat of additional Daimonic Invasions. By expanding their faith and increasing the number of worshipers, the Heralds believe that will direct more and more power for Obeah to gather.

After the order was forced to flee Keffa by the Daimon Overlord Jomorosh and his horde of gibbering, bloodthirsty daimons, the Oracle lead the heralds on [{The Great Pilgrimage]] from Keffa to Rines, a once-grand city on the far side of the continent and hundreds of leagues away from the Seventh Daimonic Invasion. There, the Sacred Realm reformed around a new capital and The Templars organized themselves into an effective fighting force that eventually conquered the entire peninsula for the Duchy of Amen Keffa with plans to expand even further to form secondary duchies and eventually kingdoms under the auspices of the Veiled Goddess.


Obeah is a real entity that dwells somewhere beyond the mortal plane and deals in magical energy. Spells, faith, prayers, all mystical power is of use and interest. If directed to her or cast in her name, the Heralds believe she will be able to collect that energy and feed on it to fuel her eventual arrival to save the Mortal Plane from the Netherworld.

The Heralds are not monotheist. Rather, they are mono-purists. They believe that Obeah is not the only divine entity. However, they do firmly believe that she is the only one who has taken a direct interests in delivering mankind from the tyranny and suffering inflicted upon them by the Netherworld.

Obeah guide us. Obeah teach us. Obeah protect us. Obeah deliver us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives are yours.

Religion Titles/Ranks

Holy Oracle of Obeah Rania Eastersand JeVondair
High Templars Erheas D`Este
Lord Templars Erheas D`Este
Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Zacharie Moonsun
Arterius Kye
Kiki Raven
Goriad II Gabanus
Scholar Adept
Adept Virth Myrion
Nobles Less than 20
Followers 55,920
Temples 6
Shrines 3

Founder = Oracle

High Priest (Elder) = Grand Herald (Serves the Oracle, commands and advises High Templar)

Noble (Edler Rank-Secular) = High Templar (Leads Templar in his/her domain)

Priest (Full Rank) = Herald (Responsible for preaching and collecting/researching magic)

Noble (Full Rank-Secular) = Templar (all Obia'Syelan Knights are warded this rank immdeiately)

Noble Follower (non-full member) = Scholar Adept (Non-Obian Knights who must show commitment to the Veiled Goddess to reach the rank of Templar)

Common Follower (adventurer rank) = Adept

Holy Capital of the Faith

Rines - Temple of The Great Pilgrimage

Constructed By: Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Temple Size: Primitive Temple
Shrines: 1
Est. Believers: 12,000
Local Deity: Obeah - The Veiled Goddess

Views on Other Religions

The Heralds are a brand new order. not enough time has passed for them to form opinions or policies on other human faiths. The one certainty is that anything Daimonic is anathema to them.

Glossary of Terms

Heretics: Non-believers that resist Obeah's sovereignty on the mortal plane.

Apostates: Heretics who actively work to delay or prevent the prophesied coming of Obeah

Infidels: Those who bear false witness against Obeah, her priesthood, or the teachings of the Faith

More to come!

Ecclesia Humanitas - The Church of Humanity
Doctrine The DivineOath of FaithMagni PeregrinatioPrayers and BenedictionsSacrosatictuni Scrinium - Saints & MartyrsVirtues & VicesOther Faiths
Organization Territorial and Titular HierarchyHoly Crusades - The Divine CallsTemples of the DivineVestments of Clerics and Templars
History and Sermons The RefoundingTexts of the Heroic AgeSermonsDocuments of the Unholy War of Eastralis
Orders Militant Ordo Fraternum Templarii - The Templar OrderOrdo Sancte Proelium - Order of Holy Battle