Obsidian News/January 1012 - Issue

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: Unknown Issue: 24

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Region Takeover Obsidian Islands has taken control of Gadlock , a former rogue region. Obsidian Islands now controls 10 regions.

Region Takeover Eponllyn has taken control of Zawr , a former rogue region. Eponllyn now controls 5 regions.

Region Takeover Nivemus has taken control of Pucallpa , a former rogue region. Nivemus now controls 5 regions.

Region Revolts The people of Kazakh have revolted and declared independence from Obsidian Islands!

Region Revolts The people of Nascot have revolted and declared independence from Caligus!

Region Takeover Armonía has taken control of Enubec , a former rogue region. Armonía now controls 7 regions.

Gadlock Falls
January 13, 1012

After a very short take over in Gadlock, the region has fallen to the Army of Obsidian Islands. It is predicted that the region, much like Kazan, is going to be difficult to repair and even harder to bring the peasants morale and loyalty up.

A New Tournament
January 8, 1012

A new tournament has been announced from the city of Avamar, within Sirion. This is to be a grand tournament, and it is said that it is in celebration of the victories Sirion has seen and the final defeat of their last enemy, the Sultanate of Asena. A very large amount of nobles is being expected as it should be a tournament for the history books to remember.

Power Rankings, Expanded
January 6, 1012

First place Sirion, does this surprise anyone? They defeated huge armies, many enemies and created Nivemus from Ashforth shortly before finishing off SoA in Pucallpa. Between a huge income, huge food production, a large military and many regions it is no surprise this giant holds the number one power spot.

Second place is the powerhouse of the south, the almighty Perdan forces. They had terrific showings against Ibladesh, tearing apart a few cities and turning several regions rogue (including Al Arab). A lot of military power backed by a very high income and food production puts this realm in a strong second.

Third place brings in Caligus, the other side of Ibladesh was also seeing some terrible times thanks to the attacks from the large Caligus realm. A very nice income and food production is protected by a nice assembly of troops, a strong and hard working realm that rounds out the top three.

Fourth in a step up (finally) is Westmoor. They held on through the years, making it through rebellions, wars and so much more. What have they lost? Nothing really, though they have not gained either. A strong military presence on the continent with a very nice income and good food production, and finally no longer sitting directly in the middle of the field.

Fifth place is Fontan who has been rebuilding very nicely. Though they lost Ashforth they did manage to get Krimml back, a strong city for them to hold. Along with their other regions they hold a good food production and good military to protect their interests with.

Sixth place is the new and growing Nivemus. Born from Ashforth through Sirion military work (which they also took part in), it is no surprise this realm is rising through the ranks. They have taken several regions and are set to continue this path with their strong military and dedicated nobles.

Seventh place goes to the new realm of Armonía, born from Itorunt it is no surprise that a strong city gives birth to a strong realm. Not much room to expand left but very high potential for both the city and the regions they have or will have in the future.

Eighth goes to Obsidian Islands who recently took Kazan and Kazakh though also lost Kazakh recently. A military presence around the continent with decent food and gold productions, has a little expanding room and potential to tap into.

Ninth is Eponllyn, a new realm born out of Semall. The city is a great one, but since being assaulted by Perdan on more then one basis was not in great shape to start with. Have expanded a bit but seem to be having some troubles, also a military presence around the continent with decent food and gold productions, has potential for the future.

Tenth place, bringing up the end of our list is the once almighty Ibladesh. Having lost all cities but Ibladesh, either through revolt, succession or just leaving the realm they have dropped their income to an all time low. Not to mention they have lost a huge amount of food production and have a very low military standing. It is in question if they will even survive much longer.

New Year Power Rankings!!!
January 6, 1012

First - Sirion
Second - Perdan
Third - Caligus
Fourth - Westmoor
Fifth - Fontan
Sixth - Nivemus
Seventh - Armonía
Eighth - Obsidian Islands
Ninth - Eponllyn
Tenth - Ibladesh