D'Arricarrère Family/Morlock

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Family Family
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Morlock moved to Atamara in his late teens, and established residence in the realm of Caergoth. He has served in the armies of Strength and Valor, and been quite vocal in the concerns of the nobility.

For speaking out loud his beliefs, he was kindly asked to leave the Duchy of Ser'quea by Duchess Aaliz, being invited by Duke Kindel to serve in the Duchy of Riverholm.

He was insulted by the fellow knight Carmine Calanar, who repeatedly and purposely dropped the noble epithet while addressing him after being warned not to do so, which ended in Sir Morlock defying Sir Carmine to a duel to death, which the latter avoided by fleeing north to Tara. A referendum was made in Caergoth, and further ignoble behaviors like the one Sir Carmine presented were declared illegal and punishable.

For his loyal service to King Merodak Von Igelfeld, Morlock gained the lordship of the imperial region of Barnlure and the Generalship of the realm. During the Helmsdale secession, while he was negotiating the peaceful return of the rebellious duchy back to Caergoth, Morlock learned about a soon-to-be-traitor noble, Ousgar Baraof, but failed to report him to the realm authorities, in order to avoid troubles in the negotiations. Its brother, the loyalist Duke of Riverholm Kindel Baraof, learned about this fact, and for the offense taken against his family he challenged Morlock to a duel to death.

The Duel

Roleplay from Morlock d'Arricarrère
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Camping at Yacon, Morlock was sitting alone in a trunk a little far away from the camp, his figure mostly concealed in the dark. He was looking at the fireplace where his men were gathered, though without a particular focus. The men knew about the death duel he had been challenged to, and decided to respect his desire for solitude. They tried to distract themselves and enjoy their time without worrying too much about the uncertainty of the future, but their Lord's state of absence of mind was starting to worry them.

Morlock while looking at his men was considering how far they had go. They were not many, less than three dozens, but they were highly experienced, hardened by battle and very united. Their training made them more reliable than larger less-prepared troops. But Morlock had a particular problem in his mind: his dueling weapon. He had not been born in Caergoth, and his realm of birth favored different weapons than his realm of choice, the one he was in now. He had been raised to wield swords and lances in a mount, but never to handle such heavy and clumsy weapons like the ones the men of this land were used to, and it would not be appropriate to bring his short sword to the duel, in the same way a spear would not be the right weapon for this hand-to-hand combat.

He fixed his gaze in one man's equipment: besides the large bow made from fine wood and bone his archers carried a thin short-sword, a small and unobtrusive buckler and very crude and light mix between javelins and spears. This melee weapons were last resources, used to stall the enemy and allow a safer retreat, not for offensive combat. A very light armor made of leather and a little silk helped against arrows, but would be of very little use against enemy infantrymen. He and his men were simply not tailored for this kind of combat he was going to face.

Morlock stood up and slowly walked to his tent. Reaching it, he weighted his purse and counted the coins, more as a ritual than for actual worry about the money. He would need to find a good weapon in Ash'rily, and learn how to better use it fast. There was no time for custom made items, but he knew a couple of very good smiths who he trusted could give him something of substantial quality. Maybe a mace with large spikes or good axes, anything he could use for cutting or stabbing, instead of simply bludgeoning. His slim figure benefited more technique over raw strength.
Morlock d'Arricarrère (Grand Marshal of Caergoth, Viscount of Barnlure)

Roleplay from Morlock d'Arricarrère
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Arriving in the streets of Ash'rily, Morlock left his troops in an unusually luxurious inn and headed for a known smithy. A few words exchanged, and he was taken to the back of the store, where an impressive display of weapons. Walking among them Morlock saw one he found particularly interested in.

"Hand me that one", he ordered the attendant. "The Billhook?" asked the smith with a confused semblance, and hearing no further confirmation he reached out and gave it to him. While Morlock weighted and wielded it, the smith continued: "ts' not the most noble weapon m'lord... It comes from the peasant farming tools..." "Shut up. You were not asked." Morlock was examining the weapon: a short staff for a handle and a long lance tip, with hooks and a curved-towards-the-end blade, giving it the impression of a hybrid between a short lance and a battleaxe. Morlock gave a thrust of the tip into the air, hurled the blade part into another imaginary target, twisted the weapon to use the hooks and pulled it back. Satisfied he told the smith: "I want the handle shorter, I am not fighting a horseman."

Silently the smith went to work. Morlock grinned, for he had found his weapon.
Morlock d'Arricarrère (Grand Marshal of Caergoth, Viscount of Barnlure)

Report from Bloemfonetaein's Reyjkovik Draekarne
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Morlock d'Arricarrère, Grand Marshal of Caergoth, Viscount of Barnlure meets his challenger Kindel Baranof, Duke of Riverholm, Ambassador of Caergoth for the agreed duel till death.

Kindel has decided to use the 'neutral' strategy while Morlock has choosen the 'defensive' strategy, giving Kindel the advantage.

The duel goes as planned, then badly for Morlock. He suffers several slight wounds, then a final, fatal blow. The healers hurry, but they are too late. Since there was a bounty out on him, Kindel gladly collects.

Kindel, although the winner, also received a serious wound.
Bloemfonetaein's Reyjkovik Draekarne (Lord)

Letter from Rob Kenwood
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Let us take a moment to reflect on today's events between Lord Morlock d'Arricarrère and Duke Kindel Baranof. The duel has been expensive for Caergoth. We have lost the Lord of Banlure and an Imperial Knight in Lord Morlock, who was killed in the duel. The Duke of Riverholm and Ambassador of Caergoth, Duke Kindel has been seriously wounded. Duke Kindel will undoubtedly be on the mend for some time.

Let us pray to the Gods to take Lord Morlock into their arms and hold him in eternal bliss, and to allow Duke Kindel to heal from his serious injuries quickly.

Caergoth's loss this day will not be forgotten.

In blood and sweat,
Rob Kenwood (Knight of Riverholm)