Igelfeld Family

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The insperation for the Igelfeld family is drawn mostly from the work of Alexander McCall Smith and his unceasingly clever work. The name Igelfeld comes from the protagonist of Portuguese Irregular Verbs a Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld, who is a prideful and stoic character who is unable and unwilling to admit failure in his professional or personal life.
The Family estate is located in Golden Farrow on the island of Dwilight

Igelfeld Family Memoirs

Central to the idea of being an Igelfeld is the ideal of wisdom and dedication, and no where is that more easily seen than in the story of the first of the Igelfeld line to be knighted. Sir Dimitri Von Igelfeld was not noble by birth for he began his life as the son of a wealthy merchant. His father longed to be looked upon as an equal, but having been born not of a noble line meant the people with whom he was economically peers, thought of him as lesser. frustrated He looked to his eldest son, Dimitri for he was bright and quite charming in his way. Dimitri received a splendid education and studied military history. Shortly after his twentieth birthday He entered the service of King Frederick the Third as the court historian and quickly become recognized as the foremost authority on ancient military tactics. During the siege of Itau, the Grand Marshal approached Dimitri seeking advise which he willingly gave. Based on Dimitri's word the Grand Marshal changed his battle plan and successfully took the city, and although the Grand Marshal reveled in his recognition for this victory, he secretly praised Dimitri for his actions. Shortly after he was Knighted by King Frederich the Third and given charge of the royal library.

Now on the Island of Dwilight where Frederich the third once ruled and now civilization struggles to exist. The city of Golden Farrow stands, beautiful and refined. It has flourished under the flag of Caerwyn for some time now to the benefit of all. Near the palace lies the Igelfeld family estate a grand gated affair overlooking the sea, with considerable affluence and a greatly expanded library housing many rare and one of a kind books. The Igelfelds are now very well know for their work as mentors and historians and on any given day many children are found here reading the works of their predecessors. Although many great books can be found here, there is but one for which people travel. It sits alone on the central table and upon its cover is written Igelfeld Family Memoirs

Moritz Von Igelfeld

(Inspiration: The dry wit of Douglas Adams and a dash of Oscar Wilde)

Fancying himself as a somewhat dashing and debonair noble, Moritz emanates confidence and presents a striking figure with his long hair and sharp features. His hair, light brown with loose curls, is kept about chin length and his cleanshaven face makes him easily identifiable as an Igelfeld with the high cheekbones and Romanesque nose characteristic of the family. Given his strong confidence, Moritz values his pride more than most and although he is quite young, already he has dueled to protect it. The duel was between him and Lord Jax in Caerwyn. Moritz was victorious but a bumbling match it was indeed as nether knew a wit about handling a sword. Moritz now longs to hone his skill with the sword and become a true terror on the battlefield.

For a time he was the marshal of the Legion of the Golden Griffin and a well respected mentor of Caerwyn. He is still well respected, but he tired of the constant monster attacks and the frontier life seemed so very brutish. Therefore, Moritz took time to write in the cherished family memoirs, and decided to set sail to seek a new life in a new world far away from the vile monsters that plague Dwilight.

After a short time abroad in Atamara, the Igelfeld family sent word that the colony of Asylon was preparing to move. Moritz quickly boarded a ship back to Dwilight and now serves as the ambassador of Asylon. As Ambassador, Moritz gained significant renown as the first human to successfully negotiate a treaty with the Diamon's of Dwilight, and thereby securing the duchy of Koshtlom. This accomplishment alongside his mitigation of Caerwynian concerns made him the affective heir to the throne. Thus far under the kingship of Moritz the first temple to Sanguis Astroism was constructed in Vakreno Heaps, and Caerwyn has noted that although this king has come from their stock, he is not their puppet.

Traveling Companions

Westley: He was the only remaining survivor in Tofino when it was first claimed by Aspar. Now he serves Moritz as a loyal scout and scribe. Through his longstanding service to the King, Westley is now recognized as a member of the Gentry.

Kimwa: Met during Moritz's first journey to the Zuma territories. Kimwa is a considerably old fellow, taller than most and skinnier than the peasants of Ash'rily. He claims to have great knowledge of this world and is not shy about stating his opinion.

Sir Moritz and Messanger of the Zuma
The First Journey through Zumaland, The Ambassadors Plight
The Third Journey, The Pilgrimage of a King
Birth of Cordatum Bestiarium

Moria Von Igelfeld

A simple and strong woman, after her cousin left the land of their home she journeyed back to Caerwyn to spend time with the family. However, the call of war once again brought her away from the family and to the invasion of Beluaterra. She fought for Dominion of Alluran, Heen, Mesh, Hetland, and Bara'Khur. After the invasion was quieted, she immigrated to Caergoth, where she serves as High Wisdom and Viscountess of Lanston.

Traveling Companions

Beatrice: Moria's Lady-in-waiting and all around confidant. She is from one of the lesser noble families of Lanston and is a remarkable beauty.

Borus Von Igelfeld

(executed: by Leta Kindon Judge of Carelia for diplomatic reasons)

The eldest brother of Moritz and the most fatherly member of the Igelfeld Family. Possessing a strong dark brown beard formed in the style of the Nordic kings and vibrant green eyes, Borus truly stands out in a crowd. After some very harsh travels around the different islands of this world, he decided to head to Atamara to try and find some peace in order to write. He is a self labeled historian and is currently working on a overview of the different realms of Atamara, but the peace he seeks is forever fleeting as his journey to Coria has lead only to intense battles with Falasan and the northern allie s.

Quite curious the change that come over Borus in his 30th year, he served as Master of Scales of Coria for several years but one day something strange happened. Some called it insanity, others said it was a marvelous act, but one way or another he stole over 10,000 gold from the nobles of Coria and tried to proclaim himself "Almighty Potentate". After a short run around Atamara, he was captured in Carelia looting and pillaging their lands. He was executed without trial.

Merodak Von Igelfeld

Oldest son of Borus, Merodak is now shrouded in mystery. He became a dominant figure in Caergoth before vanishing under mysterious circumstances. His strange life has since been immortalized in song:

Merodak the Traitor King.

Lend me your ear and I shall sing
the tale of the great Traitor King.
Who made a splash
but left in a flash,
and is a bit embarrassing.

Once in the land of Caerwyn,
there was born a great nobleman.
Merodak von Igelfeld his name,
and with it he sought great fame.
Taught in the ways of rhetoric,
He found the skill could do the trick
and gain him power great wide
over men and mouse, even maiden hide.

Yet still young he traveled far,
for his father sought lands far from there.
In Atamara the found a home
after much a want and a much more roam.
Amidst the stretched Empiric arms
they settled under Corian charms
where long his father served as scales chief,
and later they chanted “thief, thief, thief!”
Mad Man of Coria; his fathers renown
as he stole all funds from that daft crown.
“I shall rule” was his call,
and for it he did fall.
Slain was he for his crimes,
and for Merodak it was the worst of times.

But justice came to his waiting arms,
as Coria hosted Darka's crueler charms.
Burn and rape those Darkans did,
and with them Merodak rid.
He shouted and stormed that city on the lake
and for their crimes he made them bake.
Jubulent was young Merodak
as their courtly flag he did defrock.
Burning with intense hate
he struck the duke for fathers sake.
But when the sedge had run its course.
They tore him from there by great force.
He swore one day he would return
again to see those towers burn.
But then some rest did he take,
as other Igelfelds more interest make.

When he returned slightly older,
his temper grew a bit colder.
Making his home in Caergoth
a land of Viking creed and wrath,
He found it ruled by fearful men
who loved hiding in their secret den.
He pledged that day to live by virtue,
to courage and strength he was true.
He gathered men for revolution
to restore Ceargoth's true vision.
But then those leaders heard the plot
and placed Merodak in a confounding spot.
For they chose to turn his world round
by having their queen quickly step down.

He sent out his call and stood for election,
but his plot was reveled and he stood for ejection.
“traitor!” was chanted by those in power,
But “King!” came the call from every tower.
They people had chosen their first traitor king,
and of Caergoth's new age did the heralds sing.

The election was won
but his work just begun.
As piles of papers threatened his life,
with requests and diplomacy and dangers rife.
“do this! Do that!” demanded his people
while traitors hid behind the steeple.
“Enough!”, he said as he headed to bed
“I simply must demand a free weekend!”
So he slept and he slept as the papers did pile,
and for two days he averted and smiled.
But in the end that would be his doom
as the piles of letters blossom and bloom.
The pile did grow until no more could it fit,
so it fell to the floor and a candle it hit.
The king woke with a start with his eyes all aglaze,
for the tower of letters was now all ablaze.
And that my friends is the end of the story,
for the traitor king died in a great blaze of glory.

And if you seek a moral to come.
Perhaps you may think on this one.
Although the young may have passion and fight,
with experience and wisdom they might be light.
this poor King did try his best,
but as many who know little, he failed with the rest.
So now I shall warn all of you,
to not bite more than you can chew.

Ulrich Von Igelfeld

Officially Ulrich IV, named after his great grandfather. Ulrich's younger years were filled with luxury and pleasure, having grown up as the favored nephew of the Master of Scales of Coria provided him with the best Atamara had to offer. He dreamed of one day serving as a judge or banker in the southern alliance of Atamara, but a sudden change in his uncle quickly destroyed Ulrich's life. At the hight of respectability and power, his beloved uncle Borus became fixated on the idea of eternal life. He spoke with all the greatest sages and wizards of the land and was given an elixir of life. whether or not it would have given him eternal life or not cannot be determined, but regardless Borus began to show signs of insanity or demon possession. His actions caused the entire family to be hunted like disobedient peasants. With that relentless pursuit of the zealous diplomats and military men of Coria forcing him from the land he loved, Sir Ulrich Von Igelfeld left Atamara in search of a new home.

Arcaea now serves as the home for this spoiled philanderer, and for about a year after his initial arrival he lived a life of leisure off of his families wealth. However, word reached his family about the base life he was living and he was forced to seek a new means of sustaining his lifestyle. Now he is a knight of Remton and a decent troop leader but still a bit of a coward. He leads archers because he doesn't like being to close to the action.

Traveling Companions

Wilbert: Ulrich's manservant. He is a good deal older than Ulrich and tries to keep the younger Ulrich calm and reasonable.

Hector Crashes Ulrich's Party