Arcachon Annals Battle Reports/Fall of Enlod

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Fall of Enlod
Part of The Theft War
Date 2011, February 28 sunrise
Location Enlod
Weather Strong Winds
Result After 7 rounds, Attacker Victory
Attackers Defenders
Arcaea, Ohnar West Arcachon
Vulpes de Zorro, Nicol Hibiki, Aldras McGlynn Farnese Vanimedle', Ingall Altenahr, Ciann Fraoch
24,938 CS (1299 Inf, 45 MI, 299 Arch, 56 Cav, 169 SF) 12,379 CS (719 Inf, 14 MI, 180 Arch, 47 SF)
Infantry Charge Fortification Defense

Arcachon > Battle Reports

Arcaea and Ohnar West storm the capital city of Arcachon.

This is probably the climax of the Theft War, which started when Arcachon claimed that Arcaea had stolen some of its grain. Arcaea then claimed that one of its nobles, Sir Tammo, was imprisoned and tortured, though this was disputed by Arcachon's judge Lady Ortisia Driscol.

So the two realms went to war. Ohnar West then sided with Arcaea, and the two allied realms invaded the Dark Isle. This war was the first time in recent memory that any realm has successfully invaded the Dark Isle. Even during the previous war with Arcaea, when Arcachon was then as well vastly out-numbered, the dangerous sea route and tall cliffs of Soniel had successfully repelled the invaders.

After initially trying the same approach in the Theft War as well, Arcaea finally allied with Ohnar West and invaded the Dark Isle through Ecsetuah instead. This proved to be much easier.


No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation Org CS
1 A Aerywyn's Thunder Leon Arcaea 12 Cav wedge 91 %   231
2 A Anastasia's Guardians Anastasia Arcaea 35 Inf wedge 85 %   298
3 A Arrows of Change Josh Arcaea 75 Arch line 93 %   758
4 A Bathgate Specialists Balthazar Ohnar West 51 SF line 94 %   1136
5 A Berserkers Audrey Ohnar West 38 Inf line 90 %   484
6 A Blades of the Eastern Ocean Aldras Arcaea 35 Inf line 92 %   484
7 A Blessed of Linwe Clinton Arcaea 50 Inf line 91 %   621
8 A Blitz Nicol Arcaea 26 Inf wedge 90 %   399
9 A Blood Knives Lucator Arcaea 37 Inf wedge 85 %   333
10 A Broken Crowns Celyn Arcaea 23 Inf line 91 %   319
11 A Brutes Edara Arcaea 48 Inf line 92 %   715
12 A Crow Wings Azrea Arcaea 24 Inf line 88 %   319
13 A Deathwatch Guard Erkki Ohnar West 27 MI line 17 %   460
14 A Druzhina Serge Arcaea 19 Inf wedge 90 %   222
15 A Erik's Janissaries Erik Arcaea 25 SF line 91 %   610
16 A Fletch and Steel Band Joseph Ohnar West 18 MI box 93 %   330
17 A Grey Wardens Alistair Arcaea 25 Cav wedge 91 %   524
18 A Hammers of Sagramour Sagramour Ohnar West 30 Inf line 89 %   356
19 A Heretics Urin Arcaea 22 Inf line 91 %   352
20 A Hunter's Blades Amelyne Arcaea 23 Inf line 92 %   404
21 A Igel Archers Ulrich Von Arcaea 40 Arch line 87 %   362
22 A Kabrinski Footmen Claudio Arcaea 99 Inf line 13 %   1017
23 A Kabrinski Footmen Faust Cryfdwr Arcaea 25 Inf line 87 %   267
24 A L'Landri Cyarwen Arcaea 48 Inf line 90 %   591
25 A Linwe Reborn Evan Arcaea 50 Inf line 90 %   596
26 A Linwe's Fallen Fallon Arcaea 50 Inf line 91 %   627
27 A Linwe's Hope Aerona Arcaea 50 Inf line 92 %   654
28 A Lisieux Janissaries Desiderata Arcaea 51 SF line 91 %   986
29 A Meat shields Bertrand Arcaea 21 Inf line 93 %   347
30 A Men of the Valleys Finn Ohnar West 40 Arch skirmish 12 %   446
31 A Midnos Elite Guard Killian Ohnar West 50 Inf line 14 %   569
32 A Personal Bodyguard Velax Arcaea 30 Inf line 91 %   448
33 A Personal Guard Brendan Arcaea 50 Inf line 90 %   569
34 A Pesoli Hellfire Reynard Ohnar West 42 Arch line 94 %   559
35 A Plains Light Militia Gaar Arcaea 25 Inf line 87 %   201
36 A Pride Of Valhalla Dentara Arcaea 50 Inf line 93 %   682
37 A Red Elites Vulpes Ohnar West 42 SF wedge 93 %   868
38 A Reginald's Guard Reginald II Arcaea 52 Inf line 85 %   353
39 A Sartan's Guard Spencer Arcaea 28 Inf line 90 %   389
40 A Saul's Charge Saul Arcaea 19 Cav wedge 89 %   368
41 A Scarlett Guard Galiard Ohnar West 50 Inf line 90 %   609
42 A Scarlett Guard Lucius Arcaea 40 Inf line 92 %   546
43 A Shadow's Whisper Adine Arcaea 11 Arch line 93 %   162
44 A Sparrow's Swords Caim Arcaea 42 Inf line 91 %   558
45 A Sparrow's Swords Ingvar Arcaea 51 Inf line 93 %   763
46 A Strings of Silence Sparticus Ohnar West 43 Arch line 93 %   576
47 A Swiftblades Jazz Arcaea 21 Inf line 88 %   258
48 A Taylin's Swords Taylin Ohnar West 32 Inf box 90 %   427
49 A The Bloodguard Azgath Arcaea 25 Inf line 87 %   264
50 A The Lost Ones Helene Arcaea 48 Arch line 92 %   521
51 D Arcachonian Longbowmen Gaodram Arcachon 18 Arch line 10 %   216
52 D Black Guard Divinus Arcachon 43 Inf line 88 %   518
53 D Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen Caesarion Arcachon 37 Arch line 87 %   399
54 D Flechitas (not present) Arcachon 26 Arch line 88 %   340
55 D Galloglaich Ciann Arcachon 55 Inf line 85 %   584
56 D Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen Ceneric Arcachon 28 Inf line 88 %   342
57 D Hearth Clansmen Hikari Arcachon 15 Inf line 89 %   247
58 D Holy Storm Saxons Farnese Arcachon 21 SF line 92 %   508
59 D Honorian Highlander's Honoria Arcachon 20 Inf line 89 %   282
60 D Hoodwinked Huarwor Arcachon 63 Inf line 88 %   689
61 D Iron swords (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 17 Inf wedge 11 %   221
62 D Lions of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 20 Inf line 12 %   302
63 D Lions of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 25 Inf line 8 %   204
64 D Lions of Enlod Melehan Arcachon 70 Inf line 89 %   868
65 D Lions of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 20 Inf line 12 %   306
66 D Lions of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 25 Inf line 8 %   247
67 D Lions of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 25 Inf line 12 %   358
68 D Longbows of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 25 Arch line 10 %   312
69 D Longbows of Enlod (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 25 Arch line 10 %   314
70 D Lyonnith's Call (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 20 Arch line 12 %   305
71 D Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 24 Inf wedge 10 %   282
72 D Ni'Tessine's Wardens Terril Arcachon 47 Inf line 88 %   511
73 D Novitas Defenders Marius Arcachon 13 Inf line 8 %   153
74 D Optimae Defenders (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 30 Inf line 13 %   385
75 D Personal Guard (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 17 Inf line 11 %   229
76 D Rapael Lions Andret Arcachon 43 Inf line 87 %   422
77 D Sicarii (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 14 MI line 12 %   205
78 D Spears of Mnalor Mathilda Arcachon 32 Inf line 87 %   381
79 D Standing Stones Widden Arcachon 27 Inf line 90 %   402
80 D Swords of Itomazh Hactor Arcachon 26 SF box 91 %   607
81 D The Cobalt Guard Majorelle Arcachon 20 Inf line 89 %   316
82 D The Cohort of Purification Ingall Arcachon 18 Inf line 88 %   245
83 D The Wolves Lucifer Arcachon 22 Inf line 90 %   338
84 D White Dragons (militia/guard unit) Arcachon 29 Arch line 11 %   341

50 attackers (1299 Inf, 45 MI, 299 Arch, 56 Cav, 169 SF)
34 defenders (719 Inf, 14 MI, 180 Arch, 47 SF)
Total combat strengths: 24938 vs. 12379

The region owner Arcachon and their allies defend.
The Arcaea troops attack because of their declaration 'The Return of Honor to the Dark Isle' against Arcachon.
Bathgate Specialists have attack orders.
Berserkers have attack orders.
Scarlett Guard have attack orders.
Red Elites have attack orders.
Midnos Elite Guard have attack orders.
Hammers of Sagramour have attack orders.
The troops from Ohnar West join in to support their realm-mates.
The Ohnar West troops join in the attack because of their alliance with Arcaea
The Arcaea troops join in the attack because of their alliance with Ohnar West

The region owner Arcachon and their allies defend.
The Arcaea troops attack because they are at war with Arcachon.
The Ohnar West troops attack because they are at war with Arcachon.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
The defenders take up positions inside the Fortress (5).

Dentara deLacy, Duchess of Lasop is spotted wielding the Broken Sabre of Flame.
Sir Velax de Vere, Viscount of Mraulaxon is spotted reading from the Cursed Compendium of Haste.
Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod is spotted wielding the Aegis of Protection.
Sir Velax de Vere, Viscount of Mraulaxon is spotted wielding the Shield of Piety.
Audrey Vaughan, Baroness of Anaos is spotted wearing the Dazzling Ring of Anaos.
Vulpes de Zorro, Duke of Ossaet, Marshal of the Ohnarian Legion takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Sir Nicol Hibiki, Marshal of the Field of Honour takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Aldras McGlynn, Baron of Irneas, Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Lady Farnese Vanimedle', Countess of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Holy Storm Crusaders takes command of her army. They deploy in Infantry Wall formation.
Ingall Altenahr, Holy Legate of Arcachon, Marshal of the Axe of Adaghar takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.
Lady Ciann Fraoch, Marshal of the Morrigu takes command of her army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

Turn No. 1



1 (12-C)
17 (25-C)
40 (19-C)

3 (75-A)
21 (40-A)
30 (40-A)
34 (42-A)
43 (11-A)
46 (43-A)
50 (48-A)

2 (35-I)
4 (51-S)
5 (38-I)
6 (35-I)
7 (50-I)
8 (26-I)
9 (37-I)
10 (23-I)
11 (48-I)
12 (24-I)
13 (27-M)
14 (19-I)
15 (25-S)
16 (18-M)
18 (30-I)
19 (22-I)
20 (23-I)
22 (99-I)
23 (25-I)
24 (48-I)
25 (50-I)
26 (50-I)
27 (50-I)
28 (51-S)
29 (21-I)
31 (50-I)
32 (30-I)
33 (50-I)
35 (25-I)
36 (50-I)
37 (42-S)
38 (52-I)
39 (28-I)
41 (50-I)
42 (40-I)
44 (42-I)
45 (51-I)
47 (21-I)
48 (32-I)
49 (25-I)


52 (43-I)
53 (37-A)
54 (26-A)
55 (55-I)
56 (28-I)
57 (15-I)
58 (21-S)
59 (20-I)
60 (63-I)
64 (70-I)
72 (47-I)
73 (13-I)
76 (43-I)
78 (32-I)
79 (27-I)
80 (26-S)
81 (20-I)
82 (18-I)
83 (22-I)

61 (17-I)
62 (20-I)
63 (25-I)
65 (20-I)
66 (25-I)
67 (25-I)
68 (25-A)
69 (25-A)
70 (20-A)
71 (24-I)
74 (30-I)
75 (17-I)
77 (14-M)
84 (29-A)

51 (18-A)



Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 153 hits.
White Dragons (84) fire on Lisieux Janissaries (28), scoring 88 hits.
Deathwatch Guard (13) fire on Lions of Enlod (64), scoring 178 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) fire on Hoodwinked (60), scoring 283 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (4) fire on Swords of Itomazh (80), scoring 491 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) fire on Kabrinski Footmen (22), scoring 30 hits.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Kabrinski Footmen (22), scoring 111 hits.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) fire on Galloglaich (55), scoring 131 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Erik's Janissaries (15) move closer to get better shots.
Flechitas (54) fire on Erik's Janissaries (15), scoring 123 hits.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) fire on Lions of Enlod (64), scoring 383 hits.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72), scoring 258 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Erik's Janissaries (15), scoring 163 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Erik's Janissaries (15), scoring 116 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) fire on Black Guard (52), scoring 237 hits.
Men of the Valleys (30) fire on Holy Storm Saxons (58), scoring 108 hits.
The Lost Ones (50) fire on Standing Stones (79), scoring 124 hits.
Igel Archers (21) fire on Rapael Lions (76), scoring 103 hits.
Shadow's Whisper (43) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 784, Defenders: 2296

Grey Wardens (17), Aerywyn's Thunder (1) and Saul's Charge (40) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Rapael Lions (76) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Black Guard (52) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Spears of Mnalor (78) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Hammers of Sagramour (18), Brutes (11), Linwe's Hope (27), Reginald's Guard (38), Anastasia's Guardians (2), Berserkers (5), Taylin's Swords (48), The Bloodguard (49), Sparrow's Swords (44), Sparrow's Swords (45), Pride Of Valhalla (36), Blood Knives (9), Blitz (8), Swiftblades (47), Hunter's Blades (20), Linwe Reborn (25), Personal Guard (33), Personal Bodyguard (32), Midnos Elite Guard (31), Broken Crowns (10), Linwe's Fallen (26), Plains Light Militia (35), Meat shields (29), Blessed of Linwe (7), Druzhina (14), Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6), Red Elites (37), Scarlett Guard (41), L'Landri (24), Kabrinski Footmen (22), Crow Wings (12), Sartan's Guard (39), Heretics (19), Scarlett Guard (42) and Kabrinski Footmen (23) advance towards the enemy.
Lions of Enlod (62), Lions of Enlod (65), Optimae Defenders (74), Lions of Enlod (63), Personal Guard (75), Lions of Enlod (67), Lions of Enlod (66), Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) and Iron swords (61) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.
Galloglaich (55), Standing Stones (79), Swords of Itomazh (80), The Cohort of Purification (82), Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72), Lions of Enlod (64), Novitas Defenders (73), The Wolves (83), Holy Storm Saxons (58), Honorian Highlander's (59), Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56), Hearth Clansmen (57), The Cobalt Guard (81) and Hoodwinked (60) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Blitz (8), Swiftblades (47), Hunter's Blades (20), Linwe Reborn (25), Personal Guard (33), Personal Bodyguard (32), Erik's Janissaries (15), Midnos Elite Guard (31), Broken Crowns (10), Linwe's Fallen (26), Plains Light Militia (35), Meat shields (29), Blessed of Linwe (7), Druzhina (14), Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6), Red Elites (37), Scarlett Guard (41), Kabrinski Footmen (22), Crow Wings (12), Sartan's Guard (39), Heretics (19), Scarlett Guard (42) and Kabrinski Footmen (23) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
11 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
1 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
9 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 307 hits on Black Guard (52).
Brutes (11) score 586 hits on Spears of Mnalor (78).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 634 hits on Rapael Lions (76).
Reginald's Guard (38) score 147 hits on Black Guard (52).
Anastasia's Guardians (2) score 135 hits on Black Guard (52).
Berserkers (5) score 427 hits on Spears of Mnalor (78).
Rapael Lions (76) score 53 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
Rapael Lions (76) score 89 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Rapael Lions (76) score 38 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
Rapael Lions (76) score 64 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 305 hits on Rapael Lions (76).
The Bloodguard (49) score 212 hits on Rapael Lions (76).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 548 hits on Black Guard (52).
Black Guard (52) score 65 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Black Guard (52) score 81 hits on Reginald's Guard (38).
Black Guard (52) score 49 hits on Anastasia's Guardians (2).
Black Guard (52) score 65 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Black Guard (52) score 48 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 651 hits on Black Guard (52).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 613 hits on Spears of Mnalor (78).
Blood Knives (9) score 175 hits on Rapael Lions (76).
Spears of Mnalor (78) score 59 hits on L'Landri (24).
Spears of Mnalor (78) score 45 hits on Brutes (11).
Spears of Mnalor (78) score 45 hits on Berserkers (5).
Spears of Mnalor (78) score 59 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
L'Landri (24) score 356 hits on Spears of Mnalor (78).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 760, Defenders: 5096

Bathgate Specialists (4) take 153 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Brutes (11) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Reginald's Guard (38) take 81 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Galloglaich (55) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Standing Stones (79) take 21 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Berserkers (5) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Rapael Lions (76) take 1429 hits (1326 in close combat, 103 from archer fire), which cause 40 casualties.
Andret Decus (Dame of Rapael, Arcachon) has been wounded by Taylin's Swords (48).
Swords of Itomazh (80) take 83 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Taylin's Swords (48) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Sparrow's Swords (44) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Caim Haerthorne (Knight of Topenah, Arcaea) has been wounded by Black Guard (52).
Black Guard (52) take 2025 hits (1788 in close combat, 237 from archer fire), which cause 43 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 64 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) take 44 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (64) take 95 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Erik's Janissaries (15) take 402 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) take 88 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Spears of Mnalor (78) take 1982 hits in close combat, which cause 32 casualties, wiping the unit out.
L'Landri (24) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Holy Storm Saxons (58) take 18 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Hoodwinked (60) take 48 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1544 (760 from close combat and 784 from ranged), Defenders: 5767 (5096 from close combat and 671 from ranged)
Total casualties: 38 attackers, 122 defenders

Turn No. 2




3 (75-A)
21 (40-A)
30 (40-A)
34 (42-A)
46 (43-A)
50 (48-A)

1 (12-C)
4 (48-S)
13 (27-M)
16 (18-M)
17 (25-C)
28 (49-S)
40 (19-C)
43 (11-A)

2 (34-I)
5 (37-I)
6 (35-I)
7 (50-I)
8 (26-I)
9 (35-I)
10 (23-I)
11 (47-I)
12 (24-I)
14 (19-I)
15 (16-S)
18 (29-I)
19 (22-I)
20 (23-I)
22 (95-I)
23 (25-I)
24 (46-I)
25 (50-I)
26 (50-I)
27 (48-I)
29 (21-I)
31 (50-I)
32 (30-I)
33 (50-I)
35 (25-I)
36 (48-I)
37 (42-S)
38 (50-I)
39 (28-I)
41 (50-I)
42 (40-I)
44 (40-I)
45 (49-I)
47 (21-I)
48 (31-I)
49 (24-I)
76 (3-I)

53 (37-A)
54 (26-A)
55 (54-I)
56 (28-I)
57 (15-I)
58 (21-S)
59 (20-I)
60 (62-I)
61 (17-I)
62 (20-I)
63 (25-I)
64 (68-I)
65 (20-I)
66 (25-I)
67 (25-I)
71 (24-I)
72 (46-I)
73 (13-I)
74 (30-I)
75 (17-I)
79 (27-I)
80 (24-S)
81 (20-I)
82 (18-I)
83 (22-I)

68 (25-A)
69 (25-A)
70 (20-A)
77 (14-M)
84 (29-A)

51 (18-A)



White Dragons (84) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 74 hits.
Igel Archers (21) fire on Lions of Enlod (64), scoring 91 hits.
Men of the Valleys (30) fire on Hoodwinked (60), scoring 89 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) fire on Lisieux Janissaries (28), scoring 51 hits.
Deathwatch Guard (13) fire on Lions of Enlod (64), scoring 185 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) fire on Galloglaich (55), scoring 203 hits.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) fire on Swords of Itomazh (80), scoring 90 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (4) fire on Hoodwinked (60), scoring 367 hits.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72), scoring 293 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) move closer to get better shots.
Shadow's Whisper (43) fire on Holy Storm Saxons (58), scoring 99 hits.
The Lost Ones (50) fire on Standing Stones (79), scoring 120 hits.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) fire on Swords of Itomazh (80), scoring 408 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Grey Wardens (17), scoring 46 hits.
Flechitas (54) fire on Strings of Silence (46), scoring 199 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 116 hits.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Grey Wardens (17), scoring 81 hits.
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) fire on Lisieux Janissaries (28), scoring 192 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 759, Defenders: 1945

Aerywyn's Thunder (1) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Grey Wardens (17) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Saul's Charge (40) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
There are 33 siege engines at the walls.
Scarlett Guard (42) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Personal Bodyguard (32) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Sparrow's Swords (44) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Berserkers (5) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Swiftblades (47) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Linwe's Fallen (26) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Reginald's Guard (38) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Blood Knives (9) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
The Bloodguard (49) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Sparrow's Swords (45) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Blitz (8) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Heretics (19) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Linwe's Hope (27) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Sartan's Guard (39) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Druzhina (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Scarlett Guard (41) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
L'Landri (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Red Elites (37) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blessed of Linwe (7) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Meat shields (29) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Linwe Reborn (25) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Personal Guard (33) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Brutes (11) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Hunter's Blades (20) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Plains Light Militia (35) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Pride Of Valhalla (36) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Broken Crowns (10) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Lions of Enlod (62) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Scarlett Guard (42), Midnos Elite Guard (31), Berserkers (5), Swiftblades (47), Linwe's Fallen (26), Reginald's Guard (38), Sparrow's Swords (45), Blitz (8), Heretics (19), Anastasia's Guardians (2), Linwe's Hope (27), Erik's Janissaries (15), Kabrinski Footmen (22), Druzhina (14), Scarlett Guard (41), Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6), L'Landri (24), Red Elites (37), Blessed of Linwe (7), Meat shields (29), Linwe Reborn (25), Personal Guard (33), Brutes (11), Hunter's Blades (20), Pride Of Valhalla (36) and Broken Crowns (10) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
2 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Crow Wings (12) score 120 hits on Rapael Lions (76) (276 before overkill).
Rapael Lions (76) score 25 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
Rapael Lions (76) score 14 hits on Crow Wings (12).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 97 hits on Rapael Lions (76) (224 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 39, Defenders: 217 (500 before overkill)

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
30 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
15 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
11 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Lions of Enlod (62) score 281 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 180 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 118 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Personal Bodyguard (32) score 251 hits on Personal Guard (75).
Iron swords (61) score 107 hits on L'Landri (24).
Iron swords (61) score 96 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 238 hits on Flechitas (54).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 191 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Berserkers (5) score 150 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Swiftblades (47) score 74 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 319 hits on Brutes (11).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 224 hits on Sartan's Guard (39).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 126 hits on Heretics (19).
Lions of Enlod (63) score 79 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 257 hits on Flechitas (54).
Reginald's Guard (38) score 71 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Novitas Defenders (73) score 83 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 77 hits on Berserkers (5).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 80 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
Blood Knives (9) score 124 hits on Iron swords (61).
The Bloodguard (49) score 101 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 401 hits on Lions of Enlod (62).
Blitz (8) score 221 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Heretics (19) score 152 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Anastasia's Guardians (2) score 112 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
The Wolves (83) score 370 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 428 hits on Holy Storm Saxons (58).
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) score 274 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Sartan's Guard (39) score 205 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 407 hits on Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 257 hits on Personal Guard (33).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 177 hits on Broken Crowns (10).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 206 hits on Plains Light Militia (35).
Druzhina (14) score 110 hits on Personal Guard (75).
Scarlett Guard (41) score 277 hits on The Wolves (83).
Holy Storm Saxons (58) score 281 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 682 hits on Meat shields (29).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 251 hits on Reginald's Guard (38).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 248 hits on Lions of Enlod (63).
L'Landri (24) score 305 hits on Iron swords (61).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 235 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Flechitas (54) score 27 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Flechitas (54) score 30 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 240 hits on Red Elites (37).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 154 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
Red Elites (37) score 709 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 180 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 103 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (23).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 303 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82).
Meat shields (29) score 142 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 384 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Personal Guard (33) score 243 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Brutes (11) score 498 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Standing Stones (79) score 382 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Kabrinski Footmen (23) score 107 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Hoodwinked (60) score 463 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 242 hits on Novitas Defenders (73).
Plains Light Militia (35) score 76 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 65 hits on Blitz (8).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 356 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 338 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
Galloglaich (55) score 465 hits on Swiftblades (47).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 200 hits on Anastasia's Guardians (2).
Broken Crowns (10) score 168 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Personal Guard (75) score 31 hits on Druzhina (14).
Personal Guard (75) score 45 hits on Personal Bodyguard (32).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 6928, Defenders: 7849

Lions of Enlod (62) take 269 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Crow Wings (12) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Scarlett Guard (42) take 463 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 80 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Personal Bodyguard (32) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Iron swords (61) take 288 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Sparrow's Swords (44) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 382 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Killian Midnos, Baron of Semon has been wounded by Standing Stones (79).
Berserkers (5) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
Swiftblades (47) take 465 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
Swords of Itomazh (80) take 556 hits (472 in close combat, 84 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (66) take 102 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (63) take 166 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Linwe's Fallen (26) take 27 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Reginald's Guard (38) take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Bathgate Specialists (4) take 190 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Novitas Defenders (73) take 162 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Optimae Defenders (74) take 180 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 154 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 281 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Blitz (8) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Heretics (19) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) take 200 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Strings of Silence (46) take 199 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The Wolves (83) take 186 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Lucifer Lawson (Knight of Itomazh, Arcachon) has been wounded by Scarlett Guard (41).
Linwe's Hope (27) take 281 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Rapael Lions (76) take 217 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Andret Decus (Dame of Rapael, Arcachon) has been wounded by Taylin's Swords (48).
Lisieux Janissaries (28) take 243 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) take 273 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Sartan's Guard (39) take 224 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 274 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Lions of Enlod (65) take 163 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
The Cobalt Guard (81) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Druzhina (14) take 31 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Grey Wardens (17) take 127 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (41) take 370 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Holy Storm Saxons (58) take 304 hits (287 in close combat, 17 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Lady Farnese Vanimedle', Countess of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Holy Storm Crusaders has been wounded by Linwe's Hope (27).
Lions of Enlod (64) take 142 hits (95 in close combat, 47 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Honorian Highlander's (59) take 48 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) take 79 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
L'Landri (24) take 107 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
The Cohort of Purification (82) take 203 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Flechitas (54) take 332 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) take 594 hits (544 in close combat, 50 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 15 casualties.
Red Elites (37) take 240 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) take 311 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 235 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Meat shields (29) take 682 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications. 2 Arcaea banners fall.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 338 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Personal Guard (33) take 257 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Brutes (11) take 319 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Standing Stones (79) take 148 hits (128 in close combat, 20 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Sir Widden Fraoch (Knight of Soniel, Arcachon) has been wounded by The Lost Ones (50).
Kabrinski Footmen (23) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Hoodwinked (60) take 198 hits (121 in close combat, 77 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Huarwor ap Leuan (Knight of Rrerat, Arcachon) has been wounded by Scarlett Guard (42).
Hunter's Blades (20) take 83 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Plains Light Militia (35) take 206 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Taylin's Swords (48) take 25 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) take 148 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 180 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Lions of Enlod (67) take 258 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Galloglaich (55) take 84 hits (50 in close combat, 34 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Hearth Clansmen (57) take 75 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Broken Crowns (10) take 177 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Personal Guard (75) take 242 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7726 (6967 from close combat and 759 from ranged), Defenders: 5813 (5484 from close combat and 329 from ranged)
Total casualties: 234 attackers, 137 defenders

Turn No. 3




3 (75-A)
21 (40-A)
30 (40-A)
34 (42-A)
50 (48-A)

1 (12-C)
4 (44-S)
13 (27-M)
16 (18-M)
17 (21-C)
28 (43-S)
40 (19-C)
43 (11-A)
46 (38-A)

2 (25-I)
5 (31-I)
7 (44-I)
9 (29-I)
10 (19-I)
11 (39-I)
12 (24-I)
15 (16-S)
18 (24-I)
19 (15-I)
22 (88-I)
23 (22-I)
25 (39-I)
27 (38-I)
29 (6-I)
31 (38-I)
33 (40-I)
35 (16-I)
36 (43-I)
38 (43-I)
39 (21-I)
41 (41-I)
42 (26-I)
45 (42-I)
47 (8-I)
48 (30-I)
49 (19-I)

6 (33-I)
8 (24-I)
14 (18-I)
20 (21-I)
24 (43-I)
26 (49-I)
32 (29-I)
37 (36-S)
44 (39-I)
53 (33-A)
54 (17-A)
55 (52-I)
56 (21-I)
57 (14-I)
58 (15-S)
59 (18-I)
60 (58-I)
61 (8-I)
62 (15-I)
63 (19-I)
64 (65-I)
65 (17-I)
66 (22-I)
67 (20-I)
71 (17-I)
72 (31-I)
73 (9-I)
74 (25-I)
75 (9-I)
79 (24-I)
80 (13-S)
81 (17-I)
82 (14-I)
83 (17-I)

68 (25-A)
69 (25-A)
70 (20-A)
77 (14-M)
84 (29-A)

51 (18-A)



Men of the Valleys (30) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 70 hits.
Deathwatch Guard (13) hold their fire.
Shadow's Whisper (43) fire on Longbows of Enlod (69), scoring 44 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Kabrinski Footmen (22), scoring 164 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Sparrow's Swords (45), scoring 159 hits.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Longbows of Enlod (69), scoring 101 hits.
White Dragons (84) fire on Pride Of Valhalla (36), scoring 120 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) fire on Sicarii (77), scoring 218 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) move closer to get better shots.
Erik's Janissaries (15) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 113 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Brutes (11), scoring 186 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (4) hold their fire.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) fire on Lyonnith's Call (70), scoring 209 hits.
The Lost Ones (50) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 84 hits.
Igel Archers (21) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 46 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) fire on Kabrinski Footmen (22), scoring 64 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 693, Defenders: 885

Aerywyn's Thunder (1), Grey Wardens (17) and Saul's Charge (40) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 22 siege engines at the walls.
Sparrow's Swords (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Berserkers (5) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Blood Knives (9) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Crow Wings (12) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Reginald's Guard (38) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Linwe's Hope (27) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Heretics (19) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Brutes (11) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Personal Guard (33) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Meat shields (29) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blessed of Linwe (7) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Linwe Reborn (25) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Broken Crowns (10) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
The Bloodguard (49) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Scarlett Guard (41) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Scarlett Guard (42) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Swiftblades (47) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Plains Light Militia (35) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Anastasia's Guardians (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Pride Of Valhalla (36) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Sartan's Guard (39) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Taylin's Swords (48) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
28 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
15 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
13 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Lions of Enlod (65) score 142 hits on L'Landri (24).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 15 hits on Meat shields (29).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 88 hits on Anastasia's Guardians (2).
Personal Bodyguard (32) score 157 hits on Holy Storm Saxons (58).
Personal Bodyguard (32) score 249 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Standing Stones (79) score 321 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 28 hits on Heretics (19).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 49 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 63 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 313 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 144 hits on Grey Wardens (17).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 212 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 141 hits on Crow Wings (12).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 254 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 94 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 72 hits on Personal Bodyguard (32).
Druzhina (14) score 29 hits on Novitas Defenders (73).
Druzhina (14) score 30 hits on Personal Guard (75).
Druzhina (14) score 62 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Berserkers (5) score 119 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Blood Knives (9) score 114 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Hoodwinked (60) score 115 hits on Red Elites (37).
Hoodwinked (60) score 26 hits on Swiftblades (47).
Hoodwinked (60) score 63 hits on Saul's Charge (40).
Hoodwinked (60) score 85 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (23).
Hoodwinked (60) score 90 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
Crow Wings (12) score 131 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Galloglaich (55) score 338 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Galloglaich (55) score 185 hits on Blitz (8).
Galloglaich (55) score 114 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
Reginald's Guard (38) score 81 hits on Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
The Wolves (83) score 269 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Novitas Defenders (73) score 51 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Novitas Defenders (73) score 20 hits on Druzhina (14).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 91 hits on Flechitas (54).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 398 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 93 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 69 hits on Broken Crowns (10).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 96 hits on Blitz (8).
L'Landri (24) score 99 hits on Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
L'Landri (24) score 51 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
L'Landri (24) score 56 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82).
L'Landri (24) score 38 hits on Iron swords (61).
L'Landri (24) score 82 hits on Lions of Enlod (63).
L'Landri (24) score 73 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 281 hits on Novitas Defenders (73).
Heretics (19) score 115 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 116 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 145 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Brutes (11) score 281 hits on Lions of Enlod (63).
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) score 205 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Personal Guard (33) score 260 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 170 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Lions of Enlod (63) score 35 hits on L'Landri (24).
Lions of Enlod (63) score 32 hits on Brutes (11).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 304 hits on Red Elites (37).
Meat shields (29) score 75 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 323 hits on Lions of Enlod (62).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 70 hits on L'Landri (24).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 65 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 318 hits on Holy Storm Saxons (58) (465 before overkill).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 309 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82).
Flechitas (54) score 89 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Broken Crowns (10) score 114 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
The Bloodguard (49) score 101 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Blitz (8) score 155 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Blitz (8) score 243 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Red Elites (37) score 182 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Red Elites (37) score 823 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 160 hits on The Wolves (83).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 234 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 171 hits on Lions of Enlod (62).
Scarlett Guard (41) score 213 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 137 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 139 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 92 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 34 hits on Druzhina (14).
Holy Storm Saxons (58) score 232 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Holy Storm Saxons (58) score 85 hits on Personal Bodyguard (32).
Grey Wardens (17) score 381 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 184 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Lions of Enlod (62) score 127 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Lions of Enlod (62) score 81 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Swiftblades (47) score 50 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 239 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 123 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Saul's Charge (40) score 329 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Iron swords (61) score 107 hits on L'Landri (24).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 60 hits on Plains Light Militia (35).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 196 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 54 hits on Aerywyn's Thunder (1).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 129 hits on L'Landri (24).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 114 hits on Personal Guard (33).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 161 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 85 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 99 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Kabrinski Footmen (23) score 108 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Plains Light Militia (35) score 46 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) score 123 hits on L'Landri (24).
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) score 120 hits on Reginald's Guard (38).
Anastasia's Guardians (2) score 70 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 331 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Sartan's Guard (39) score 153 hits on Personal Guard (75).
Personal Guard (75) score 33 hits on Druzhina (14).
Personal Guard (75) score 28 hits on Sartan's Guard (39).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 131 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 102 hits on Berserkers (5).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 190 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 6126, Defenders: 9546 (9693 before overkill)

Lions of Enlod (65) take 146 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Personal Bodyguard (32) take 157 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Standing Stones (79) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) take 361 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Caesarion Endellion (Knight of Rapael, Arcachon) has been wounded by Heretics (19).
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 497 hits (338 in close combat, 159 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (64) take 754 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod has been wounded by Linwe's Fallen (26).
Optimae Defenders (74) take 389 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Druzhina (14) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Berserkers (5) take 102 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Longbows of Enlod (68) take 55 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 139 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Hoodwinked (60) take 957 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 21 casualties.
Crow Wings (12) take 141 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Galloglaich (55) take 441 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Reginald's Guard (38) take 120 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Reginald II Von Borghoff (Lord of Arcaea) has been wounded by Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
The Wolves (83) take 107 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lyonnith's Call (70) take 72 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Novitas Defenders (73) take 208 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
White Dragons (84) take 53 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Linwe's Fallen (26) take 343 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) take 308 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
L'Landri (24) take 606 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Heretics (19) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 92 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
Sicarii (77) take 75 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Brutes (11) take 218 hits (32 in close combat, 186 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Personal Guard (33) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) take 83 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (63) take 244 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Swords of Itomazh (80) take 122 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Meat shields (29) take 15 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 127 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
The Cohort of Purification (82) take 245 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 460 hits (232 in close combat, 228 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Flechitas (54) take 61 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Broken Crowns (10) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Blitz (8) take 281 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Red Elites (37) take 419 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Sparrow's Swords (44) take 546 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (69) take 50 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (41) take 212 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The Cobalt Guard (81) take 143 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (66) take 139 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Holy Storm Saxons (58) take 319 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Grey Wardens (17) take 144 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (42) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (62) take 332 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Swiftblades (47) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Hunter's Blades (20) take 219 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Saul's Charge (40) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Iron swords (61) take 26 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (67) take 326 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Hearth Clansmen (57) take 209 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) take 589 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kabrinski Footmen (23) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Plains Light Militia (35) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) take 121 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 214 hits (94 in close combat, 120 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Sartan's Guard (39) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Personal Guard (75) take 123 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Honorian Highlander's (59) take 137 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Taylin's Swords (48) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6819 (6126 from close combat and 693 from ranged), Defenders: 6714 (6409 from close combat and 305 from ranged)
Total casualties: 197 attackers, 151 defenders

Turn No. 4




3 (75-A)
21 (40-A)
30 (40-A)
50 (48-A)

4 (44-S)
13 (27-M)
28 (43-S)
34 (42-A)
43 (11-A)
46 (38-A)

2 (23-I)
5 (28-I)
6 (17-I)
8 (15-I)
9 (21-I)
11 (33-I)
12 (20-I)
14 (14-I)
15 (16-S)
16 (18-M)
18 (22-I)
22 (76-I)
23 (18-I)
24 (26-I)
26 (41-I)
31 (31-I)
35 (13-I)
36 (37-I)
38 (40-I)
41 (36-I)
44 (22-I)
45 (29-I)
49 (16-I)

1 (11-C)
7 (41-I)
10 (17-I)
17 (17-C)
19 (14-I)
20 (16-I)
25 (37-I)
27 (37-I)
29 (5-I)
32 (25-I)
33 (37-I)
37 (26-S)
39 (20-I)
40 (17-C)
42 (24-I)
47 (7-I)
48 (28-I)
53 (23-A)
54 (15-A)
55 (44-I)
56 (18-I)
57 (10-I)
58 (9-S)
59 (14-I)
60 (37-I)
61 (7-I)
62 (9-I)
63 (10-I)
64 (51-I)
65 (14-I)
66 (19-I)
67 (14-I)
71 (15-I)
72 (23-I)
73 (4-I)
74 (15-I)
75 (5-I)
79 (22-I)
80 (11-S)
81 (14-I)
82 (9-I)
83 (14-I)

68 (24-A)
69 (24-A)
70 (18-A)
77 (12-M)
84 (28-A)

51 (18-A)



Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Kabrinski Footmen (22), scoring 167 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) move closer to get better shots.
White Dragons (84) fire on Pride Of Valhalla (36), scoring 112 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) move closer to get better shots.
Men of the Valleys (30) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 67 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Shadow's Whisper (43) move closer to get better shots.
Erik's Janissaries (15) fire on Lyonnith's Call (70), scoring 221 hits.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Brutes (11), scoring 162 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) fire on Sicarii (77), scoring 189 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Sparrow's Swords (45), scoring 115 hits.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Arcachonian Longbowmen (51), scoring 252 hits.
Igel Archers (21) move closer to get better shots.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 98 hits.
The Lost Ones (50) move closer to get better shots.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) move closer to get better shots.
Bathgate Specialists (4) hold their fire.
Deathwatch Guard (13) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 556, Defenders: 827

There are 24 siege engines at the walls.
Sparrow's Swords (45) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Berserkers (5) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
L'Landri (24) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Crow Wings (12) attack the walls with slightly overcrowded siege engines.
Druzhina (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blood Knives (9) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Midnos Elite Guard (31) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Linwe's Fallen (26) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Plains Light Militia (35) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
The Bloodguard (49) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Scarlett Guard (41) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Reginald's Guard (38) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kabrinski Footmen (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Brutes (11) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Sparrow's Swords (44) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Pride Of Valhalla (36) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Blitz (8) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Hammers of Sagramour (18) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
28 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
15 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
13 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Meat shields (29) score 80 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 354 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Red Elites (37) score 695 hits on Personal Guard (75) (808 before overkill).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 48 hits on Blitz (8).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 52 hits on Saul's Charge (40).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 43 hits on Plains Light Militia (35).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 75 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
Iron swords (61) score 127 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
The Wolves (83) score 145 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
The Wolves (83) score 106 hits on Aerywyn's Thunder (1).
Anastasia's Guardians (2) score 51 hits on Lions of Enlod (63).
Grey Wardens (17) score 182 hits on Flechitas (54).
Grey Wardens (17) score 112 hits on Lions of Enlod (62).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 298 hits on Iron swords (61) (393 before overkill).
Personal Guard (75) score 52 hits on Red Elites (37).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 122 hits on Personal Bodyguard (32).
Novitas Defenders (73) score 35 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Saul's Charge (40) score 310 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 109 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 136 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) score 191 hits on The Wolves (83).
Holy Storm Saxons (58) score 186 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
Holy Storm Saxons (58) score 105 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Hoodwinked (60) score 110 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
Hoodwinked (60) score 97 hits on Sartan's Guard (39).
Hoodwinked (60) score 133 hits on Sparrow's Swords (44).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 401 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Berserkers (5) score 137 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 36 hits on Heretics (19).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 80 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
L'Landri (24) score 152 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 155 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 129 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Lions of Enlod (62) score 101 hits on Grey Wardens (17).
Lions of Enlod (62) score 60 hits on Druzhina (14).
Crow Wings (12) score 151 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Druzhina (14) score 73 hits on Lions of Enlod (62).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 247 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 54 hits on Holy Storm Saxons (58).
Blood Knives (9) score 99 hits on Holy Storm Saxons (58).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 210 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 240 hits on Optimae Defenders (74).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 46 hits on Heretics (19).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 131 hits on Reginald's Guard (38).
Plains Light Militia (35) score 49 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 14 hits on Meat shields (29).
Optimae Defenders (74) score 119 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) score 130 hits on Brutes (11).
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) score 26 hits on Swiftblades (47).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 99 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 111 hits on Crow Wings (12).
Heretics (19) score 103 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Heretics (19) score 69 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82).
Galloglaich (55) score 258 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
Galloglaich (55) score 205 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (23).
The Bloodguard (49) score 97 hits on The Wolves (83).
Flechitas (54) score 23 hits on Grey Wardens (17).
Flechitas (54) score 67 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Personal Guard (33) score 166 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Personal Guard (33) score 111 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
Personal Guard (33) score 94 hits on Lions of Enlod (63).
Scarlett Guard (41) score 190 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Kabrinski Footmen (23) score 94 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 165 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Reginald's Guard (38) score 85 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 66 hits on L'Landri (24).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 125 hits on Personal Guard (33).
Fletch and Steel Band (16) score 78 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Standing Stones (79) score 103 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Standing Stones (79) score 206 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
Broken Crowns (10) score 198 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Broken Crowns (10) score 65 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Swiftblades (47) score 70 hits on Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 358 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 216 hits on Personal Guard (33).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 50 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 33 hits on Broken Crowns (10).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 87 hits on Berserkers (5).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 88 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Brutes (11) score 342 hits on Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 116 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 188 hits on Novitas Defenders (73) (443 before overkill).
Sparrow's Swords (44) score 219 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 94 hits on Fletch and Steel Band (16).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 369 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 97 hits on Broken Crowns (10).
Lions of Enlod (63) score 25 hits on Personal Guard (33).
Lions of Enlod (63) score 19 hits on Anastasia's Guardians (2).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 293 hits on Flechitas (54).
Blitz (8) score 131 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 405 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 104 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Personal Bodyguard (32) score 376 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Sartan's Guard (39) score 278 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5090, Defenders: 8440 (8903 before overkill)

Meat shields (29) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 165 hits (50 in close combat, 115 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties.
Red Elites (37) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) take 399 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) take 87 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Iron swords (61) take 200 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Wolves (83) take 193 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
White Dragons (84) take 34 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) take 19 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Grey Wardens (17) take 124 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 127 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Evan ap Owen (Knight of Larmebsi, Arcaea) has been wounded by Iron swords (61).
Personal Guard (75) take 466 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) take 252 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Novitas Defenders (73) take 126 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Marius Devonshire (Lord of Arcachon) has been wounded by Linwe's Hope (27).
Saul's Charge (40) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (42) take 493 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. 4 Arcaea banners fall.
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Leon Tranquilli (Knight of Lasop, Arcaea) has been wounded by The Wolves (83).
Sicarii (77) take 65 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Holy Storm Saxons (58) take 103 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Hoodwinked (60) take 411 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 165 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Berserkers (5) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
The Cohort of Purification (82) take 187 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Ingall Altenahr, Holy Legate of Arcachon, Marshal of the Axe of Adaghar has been wounded by Midnos Elite Guard (31).
L'Landri (24) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Cyarwen Cadwalader (Dame of Remton, Arcaea) has been wounded by Hearth Clansmen (57).
Hunter's Blades (20) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (62) take 124 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Crow Wings (12) take 111 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Druzhina (14) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Taylin's Swords (48) take 444 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 105 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 80 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Linwe's Fallen (26) take 119 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Lyonnith's Call (70) take 76 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Honorian Highlander's (59) take 126 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Plains Light Militia (35) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Optimae Defenders (74) take 215 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Godwin's Hallowed Clansmen (56) take 277 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Lions of Enlod (65) take 188 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (68) take 23 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Heretics (19) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Galloglaich (55) take 229 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 145 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Flechitas (54) take 319 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 9 Arcachon banners fall.
Personal Guard (33) take 366 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Brendan ó Maoilriain (Knight of Niel, Arcaea) has been wounded by The Cobalt Guard (81).
Scarlett Guard (41) take 206 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Kabrinski Footmen (23) take 205 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) take 269 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Reginald's Guard (38) take 131 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Hearth Clansmen (57) take 177 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Fletch and Steel Band (16) take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Standing Stones (79) take 232 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Broken Crowns (10) take 130 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Swiftblades (47) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 536 hits (369 in close combat, 167 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties.
The Cobalt Guard (81) take 111 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (66) take 281 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (67) take 183 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Brutes (11) take 292 hits (130 in close combat, 162 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties.
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) take 110 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Sparrow's Swords (44) take 133 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Caim Haerthorne (Knight of Topenah, Arcaea) has been wounded by Hoodwinked (60).
Lions of Enlod (64) take 426 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (63) take 97 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 179 hits (67 in close combat, 112 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.
Blitz (8) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Swords of Itomazh (80) take 73 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Personal Bodyguard (32) take 122 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Sartan's Guard (39) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5646 (5090 from close combat and 556 from ranged), Defenders: 5949 (5664 from close combat and 285 from ranged)
Total casualties: 158 attackers, 134 defenders

Turn No. 5




3 (75-A)
30 (40-A)

4 (44-S)
21 (40-A)
34 (42-A)
50 (48-A)

13 (27-M)
15 (16-S)
28 (43-S)
43 (11-A)
46 (38-A)

1 (8-C)
2 (22-I)
5 (26-I)
6 (14-I)
7 (37-I)
8 (14-I)
9 (17-I)
10 (14-I)
11 (26-I)
12 (17-I)
14 (11-I)
18 (20-I)
19 (11-I)
20 (11-I)
22 (62-I)
24 (24-I)
25 (33-I)
26 (38-I)
27 (36-I)
31 (29-I)
32 (22-I)
35 (11-I)
36 (32-I)
37 (25-S)
39 (17-I)
40 (15-C)
41 (31-I)
42 (9-I)
45 (25-I)
48 (16-I)
49 (12-I)
53 (16-A)
55 (40-I)
57 (7-I)
59 (10-I)
60 (28-I)
64 (43-I)
65 (11-I)
66 (12-I)
67 (11-I)
71 (9-I)
72 (13-I)
79 (17-I)
80 (10-S)
81 (12-I)
82 (5-I)
83 (9-I)

51 (15-A)
68 (23-A)
69 (24-A)
70 (16-A)
77 (10-M)
84 (27-A)




Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Lisieux Janissaries (28), scoring 153 hits.
Shadow's Whisper (43) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 75 hits.
Deathwatch Guard (13) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Deathwatch Guard (13) fire on Longbows of Enlod (69), scoring 169 hits.
White Dragons (84) fire on Lisieux Janissaries (28), scoring 194 hits.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Strings of Silence (46), scoring 147 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Bathgate Specialists (4) move closer to get better shots.
The Lost Ones (50) fire on Arcachonian Longbowmen (51), scoring 133 hits.
Men of the Valleys (30) fire on Sicarii (77), scoring 84 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 98 hits.
Igel Archers (21) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 131 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) fire on Lyonnith's Call (70), scoring 265 hits.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 225 hits.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Sicarii (77), scoring 181 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) fire on Longbows of Enlod (69), scoring 205 hits.
Erik's Janissaries (15) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 167 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 122 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 714, Defenders: 1635

There are 2 siege engines at the walls.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
20 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
6 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
14 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Heretics (19) score 152 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 173 hits on Taylin's Swords (48).
The Bloodguard (49) score 87 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 360 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Taylin's Swords (48) score 164 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Anastasia's Guardians (2) score 108 hits on The Wolves (83).
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) score 78 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 59 hits on L'Landri (24).
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) score 35 hits on Saul's Charge (40).
The Wolves (83) score 101 hits on Brutes (11).
The Wolves (83) score 95 hits on Anastasia's Guardians (2).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 92 hits on Heretics (19).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 232 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 75 hits on Druzhina (14).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 61 hits on Aerywyn's Thunder (1).
Saul's Charge (40) score 217 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 230 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Broken Crowns (10) score 182 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Deathwatch Guard (13) score 96 hits on Galloglaich (55).
L'Landri (24) score 291 hits on Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 394 hits on Lions of Enlod (65).
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) score 189 hits on Swords of Itomazh (80).
Plains Light Militia (35) score 71 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 413 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 46 hits on Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6).
Swords of Itomazh (80) score 89 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 446 hits on Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53).
Red Elites (37) score 519 hits on Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72).
Sartan's Guard (39) score 249 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Hearth Clansmen (57) score 148 hits on Hunter's Blades (20).
Crow Wings (12) score 146 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 165 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 83 hits on Berserkers (5).
Lions of Enlod (67) score 48 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
Hunter's Blades (20) score 195 hits on Hearth Clansmen (57).
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 176 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Blood Knives (9) score 43 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82) (86 before overkill).
Berserkers (5) score 214 hits on Lions of Enlod (67).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 415 hits on Lions of Enlod (66).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 82 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
Honorian Highlander's (59) score 46 hits on Sartan's Guard (39).
Druzhina (14) score 75 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Brutes (11) score 485 hits on The Wolves (83).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 77 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
The Cohort of Purification (82) score 20 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) score 115 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Hoodwinked (60) score 97 hits on Crow Wings (12).
Hoodwinked (60) score 87 hits on Blitz (8).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 345 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Standing Stones (79) score 86 hits on Broken Crowns (10).
Standing Stones (79) score 155 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Galloglaich (55) score 161 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Galloglaich (55) score 121 hits on Deathwatch Guard (13).
Galloglaich (55) score 115 hits on Personal Bodyguard (32).
Galloglaich (55) score 59 hits on Plains Light Militia (35).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 240 hits on The Cohort of Purification (82) (479 before overkill).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 58 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Lions of Enlod (66) score 12 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Blitz (8) score 243 hits on Hoodwinked (60).
Scarlett Guard (41) score 327 hits on Honorian Highlander's (59).
Lions of Enlod (65) score 171 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Personal Bodyguard (32) score 293 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 93 hits on Red Elites (37).
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) score 45 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2900, Defenders: 7645 (7927 before overkill)

Heretics (19) take 92 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
The Cobalt Guard (81) take 110 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (68) take 103 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Taylin's Swords (48) take 173 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Anastasia's Guardians (2) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Caesarion Amrothian Longbowmen (53) take 299 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Nearu Gallows Of Thanc (71) take 341 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Wolves (83) take 398 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lions of Enlod (64) take 461 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Saul's Charge (40) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Broken Crowns (10) take 86 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Celyn Haerthorne (Knight of Mraulaxon, Arcaea) has been captured by Standing Stones (79).
Deathwatch Guard (13) take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
White Dragons (84) take 103 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Lyonnith's Call (70) take 91 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
L'Landri (24) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Sicarii (77) take 91 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (4) take 220 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Linwe's Fallen (26) take 171 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Blades of the Eastern Ocean (6) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Plains Light Militia (35) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 161 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Swords of Itomazh (80) take 368 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Red Elites (37) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Sartan's Guard (39) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Hearth Clansmen (57) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Crow Wings (12) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) take 46 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (42) take 12 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Lions of Enlod (67) take 262 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Hunter's Blades (20) take 148 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Berserkers (5) take 83 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Honorian Highlander's (59) take 387 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lisieux Janissaries (28) take 347 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Druzhina (14) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Brutes (11) take 101 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
The Cohort of Purification (82) take 190 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Ingall Altenahr, Holy Legate of Arcachon, Marshal of the Axe of Adaghar has been seriously wounded by Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Aerywyn's Thunder (1) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Hoodwinked (60) take 261 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 232 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Standing Stones (79) take 277 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Galloglaich (55) take 586 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (66) take 389 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Strings of Silence (46) take 147 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Blitz (8) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (41) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lions of Enlod (65) take 264 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Longbows of Enlod (69) take 129 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Personal Bodyguard (32) take 115 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Ni'Tessine's Wardens (72) take 407 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3614 (2900 from close combat and 714 from ranged), Defenders: 5694 (5131 from close combat and 563 from ranged)
Total casualties: 98 attackers, 126 defenders

Turn No. 6




3 (75-A)
30 (40-A)

21 (40-A)
34 (42-A)
50 (48-A)

4 (40-S)
15 (16-S)
43 (11-A)
46 (34-A)

5 (24-I)
7 (36-I)
8 (11-I)
9 (16-I)
11 (24-I)
13 (24-M)
18 (19-I)
22 (60-I)
24 (22-I)
25 (26-I)
26 (34-I)
27 (32-I)
31 (24-I)
36 (30-I)
37 (23-S)
39 (16-I)
40 (14-C)
41 (29-I)
42 (9-I)
45 (23-I)
49 (11-I)
55 (29-I)
64 (34-I)
79 (11-I)
81 (10-I)

51 (14-A)
68 (21-A)
69 (21-A)
70 (14-A)
77 (7-M)
84 (24-A)




Men of the Valleys (30) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 76 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (69) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 99 hits.
Igel Archers (21) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 87 hits.
White Dragons (84) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 129 hits.
Strings of Silence (46) fire on Lyonnith's Call (70), scoring 276 hits.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) move closer to get better shots.
Arrows of Change (3) fire on Arcachonian Longbowmen (51), scoring 149 hits.
The Lost Ones (50) fire on Longbows of Enlod (69), scoring 186 hits.
Longbows of Enlod (68) fire on Bathgate Specialists (4), scoring 150 hits.
Lyonnith's Call (70) fire on Erik's Janissaries (15), scoring 119 hits.
Erik's Janissaries (15) fire on Sicarii (77), scoring 151 hits.
Sicarii (77) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Shadow's Whisper (43) fire on White Dragons (84), scoring 93 hits.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) fire on Pesoli Hellfire (34), scoring 100 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (4) fire on Longbows of Enlod (68), scoring 489 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 597, Defenders: 1507

Saul's Charge (40) charge forward.
Blessed of Linwe (7) break through the frontlines!
Midnos Elite Guard (31) break through the frontlines!
Linwe's Hope (27) break through the frontlines!
Linwe Reborn (25) break through the frontlines!
Hammers of Sagramour (18) break through the frontlines!
The Bloodguard (49) break through the frontlines!
Kabrinski Footmen (22) break through the frontlines!
Blood Knives (9), Sartan's Guard (39), Scarlett Guard (42) and Scarlett Guard (41) advance towards the enemy.
Scarlett Guard (42), Deathwatch Guard (13) and Scarlett Guard (41) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
10 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
6 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
3 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Lions of Enlod (64) score 46 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 87 hits on Linwe's Fallen (26).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 57 hits on Red Elites (37).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 75 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 22 hits on Blitz (8).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 66 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
Lions of Enlod (64) score 29 hits on The Bloodguard (49).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 385 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Red Elites (37) score 624 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Blitz (8) score 210 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Brutes (11) score 346 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Linwe's Fallen (26) score 362 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
L'Landri (24) score 210 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Standing Stones (79) score 71 hits on L'Landri (24).
Standing Stones (79) score 158 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Galloglaich (55) score 61 hits on Brutes (11).
Galloglaich (55) score 143 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Galloglaich (55) score 69 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Galloglaich (55) score 48 hits on Hammers of Sagramour (18).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 70 hits on Berserkers (5).
The Cobalt Guard (81) score 107 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Berserkers (5) score 241 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 329 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1109, Defenders: 2707

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
8 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
8 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 142 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 227 hits on Lyonnith's Call (70).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 185 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 51 hits on Sicarii (77).
Longbows of Enlod (69) score 50 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
White Dragons (84) score 33 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
White Dragons (84) score 10 hits on Sartan's Guard (39).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 131 hits on The Cobalt Guard (81).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 275 hits on Longbows of Enlod (68).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 379 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Hammers of Sagramour (18) score 156 hits on Galloglaich (55).
The Bloodguard (49) score 70 hits on Lions of Enlod (64).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 270 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 206 hits on White Dragons (84).
Longbows of Enlod (68) score 54 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Blood Knives (9) score 89 hits on Lyonnith's Call (70).
Lyonnith's Call (70) score 25 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Lyonnith's Call (70) score 10 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Sartan's Guard (39) score 227 hits on White Dragons (84).
Scarlett Guard (42) score 181 hits on Arcachonian Longbowmen (51).
Sicarii (77) score 33 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Sicarii (77) score 14 hits on Saul's Charge (40).
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) score 33 hits on Scarlett Guard (42).
Scarlett Guard (41) score 237 hits on Longbows of Enlod (69).
Saul's Charge (40) score 619 hits on Sicarii (77).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 262, Defenders: 3445

Lions of Enlod (64) take 1583 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 30 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod has been wounded by Sparrow's Swords (45).
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 183 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 102 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (69) take 263 hits (199 in close combat, 64 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
White Dragons (84) take 422 hits (364 in close combat, 58 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 161 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Hammers of Sagramour (18) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) take 100 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
The Bloodguard (49) take 29 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 176 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Red Elites (37) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blitz (8) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Brutes (11) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Linwe's Fallen (26) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (68) take 430 hits (231 in close combat, 199 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 10 hits in close combat. No casualties.
L'Landri (24) take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lyonnith's Call (70) take 361 hits (266 in close combat, 95 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Standing Stones (79) take 236 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Sartan's Guard (39) take 10 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Scarlett Guard (42) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Erik's Janissaries (15) take 119 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Galloglaich (55) take 642 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
Lady Ciann Fraoch, Marshal of the Morrigu has been wounded by Kabrinski Footmen (22).
The Cobalt Guard (81) take 250 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sicarii (77) take 615 hits (563 in close combat, 52 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Berserkers (5) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) take 203 hits (152 in close combat, 51 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Scarlett Guard (41) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Saul's Charge (40) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (4) take 378 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1968 (1371 from close combat and 597 from ranged), Defenders: 5005 (4486 from close combat and 519 from ranged)
Total casualties: 52 attackers, 99 defenders

Turn No. 7




3 (75-A)
30 (40-A)

21 (40-A)
50 (48-A)

4 (32-S)
15 (13-S)
34 (39-A)
43 (11-A)
46 (34-A)

5 (22-I)
11 (22-I)
13 (24-M)
24 (20-I)
26 (32-I)
36 (28-I)
37 (22-S)
45 (22-I)
55 (17-I)
79 (6-I)

7 (31-I)
9 (16-I)
22 (55-I)
25 (24-I)
27 (28-I)
31 (21-I)
39 (16-I)
40 (14-C)
41 (28-I)
51 (8-A)
68 (12-A)
69 (16-A)
84 (12-A)




Strings of Silence (46) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Men of the Valleys (30) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Bathgate Specialists (4) retreat towards safer positions.
Arrows of Change (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Shadow's Whisper (43) retreat towards safer positions.
Erik's Janissaries (15) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Igel Archers (21) hold their fire.
Pesoli Hellfire (34) retreat towards safer positions.
The Lost Ones (50) hold their fire.
Berserkers (5) break through the frontlines!
Sparrow's Swords (45) break through the frontlines!
Pride Of Valhalla (36) break through the frontlines!
Brutes (11), Red Elites (37) and Linwe's Fallen (26) advance towards the enemy.
Brutes (11), Red Elites (37), Linwe's Fallen (26), Saul's Charge (40) and Sartan's Guard (39) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
2 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
6 Arcachon banners are visible in the melee.
1 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Deathwatch Guard (13) score 265 hits on Galloglaich (55).
L'Landri (24) score 249 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Standing Stones (79) score 84 hits on Sparrow's Swords (45).
Standing Stones (79) score 83 hits on Berserkers (5).
Galloglaich (55) score 69 hits on L'Landri (24).
Galloglaich (55) score 103 hits on Pride Of Valhalla (36).
Galloglaich (55) score 77 hits on Deathwatch Guard (13).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 416, Defenders: 514

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
13 Arcaea banners are visible in the melee.
7 Ohnar West banners are visible in the melee.
Scarlett Guard (41) score 226 hits on White Dragons (84).
Blood Knives (9) score 88 hits on Longbows of Enlod (69).
Kabrinski Footmen (22) score 476 hits on Longbows of Enlod (68).
Blessed of Linwe (7) score 384 hits on Longbows of Enlod (69).
Berserkers (5) score 155 hits on Standing Stones (79).
White Dragons (84) score 35 hits on Scarlett Guard (41).
White Dragons (84) score 27 hits on Linwe Reborn (25).
Sparrow's Swords (45) score 457 hits on Standing Stones (79).
Linwe's Hope (27) score 456 hits on Arcachonian Longbowmen (51).
Linwe Reborn (25) score 235 hits on White Dragons (84).
Longbows of Enlod (68) score 49 hits on Kabrinski Footmen (22).
Midnos Elite Guard (31) score 179 hits on Longbows of Enlod (69).
Pride Of Valhalla (36) score 355 hits on Galloglaich (55).
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) score 38 hits on Linwe's Hope (27).
Longbows of Enlod (69) score 43 hits on Blessed of Linwe (7).
Longbows of Enlod (69) score 22 hits on Midnos Elite Guard (31).
Longbows of Enlod (69) score 17 hits on Blood Knives (9).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 231, Defenders: 3011

Scarlett Guard (41) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blood Knives (9) take 17 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Kabrinski Footmen (22) take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blessed of Linwe (7) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Berserkers (5) take 83 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
White Dragons (84) take 387 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sparrow's Swords (45) take 84 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Deathwatch Guard (13) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Linwe's Hope (27) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Linwe Reborn (25) take 27 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Longbows of Enlod (68) take 400 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Midnos Elite Guard (31) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Pride Of Valhalla (36) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Arcachonian Longbowmen (51) take 383 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
L'Landri (24) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Cyarwen Cadwalader (Dame of Remton, Arcaea) has been captured by Galloglaich (55).
Standing Stones (79) take 411 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Longbows of Enlod (69) take 547 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Galloglaich (55) take 583 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Lady Ciann Fraoch, Marshal of the Morrigu has been wounded by Pride Of Valhalla (36).

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 647 (647 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 2711 (2711 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 19 attackers, 55 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 1 %.
The battle has heavily damaged the fortifications, and reduced them to Stronghold (4).