Obsidian News/March 1011 - Issue

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: Unknown Issue: 14

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Region Takeover Perdan has taken control of Lorient (formerly part of Diocese of Aix). Perdan now controls 11 regions.

Baron Sielo Missing?
March 1st, 1011

After spending some time in an SoA prison cell, Baron Sielo returned to the capital, Kalmar only to turn up missing a few days later. Some wonder what may have happened to him, if he was kidnapped, went through horrible, unspeakable things and is now hiding away, or perhaps just decided to leave and not tell anybody and instead left us all to wonder.

Sirion Advancing, SoA Hiding
March 1st, 1011

Perhaps in a move to try and just stay alive a little longer, SoA has nearly all their troops hold up and hiding in Kazakh only willing to venture out and risk exposure in Kazan or Gadlock. This is leaving their federation ally, Fontan, wide open to Sirion advancing on Fontan regions. Unless SoA gets over their fear of leaving the Kazakh duchy soon, it would seem Fontan has seen their last days.

The Border Patrol
March 1st, 1011

After a successful attack in Gadlock, OI troops began heading home, however due to poor movement there was a couple of bad battles in Kazan which led to a good portion of OI's army to be destroyed. Following this SoA was able to temporarily move into Stora and take control of the region for two days. SoA has since not returned to Stora.

Sirion Pushes Forward
March 1st, 1011

It would seem Sirion has nearly finished off Fontan now, as they are down to only Krimml and Ashforth left, recently losing their namesake city, Fontan, to Sirion and Karbala as well. Fontan seems to be running out of time, and quickly.

The Northern War in the South?
March 1st, 1011

You didn't read wrong, it would seem the stalemate the north had seen for some long has moved on and now it's Ibladesh and Caligus who seem to be stuck in a locked position. Despite many large battles there has been only a few regions actually changing hands, and the damage to both sides (not counting cs counts of course) seems to be fairly low. Is one or both sides holding back in this conflict or have they found their military match up? This is one war to keep a close eye on in the future.

Perdan and DoA
March 1st, 1011

Earlier today Perdan finished their second take over, Lorient being the target. This has now completely cut Aix (DoA's capital) off from the rest of their realm. While there is not many reports coming out of the south, it would seem very clear that Perdan is easily beating DoA. Will Caligus come and help [Perdan] deliver the final blow? Will [Ibladesh] come and help DoA reclaim the regions they lost? Only time will tell.