Caligan Courier/January'11

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Printed in Domus
January 2011 Edition
Editor: Caligan Courier


Caligus icon2.PNG   January 15, 2011    Caligus icon2.PNG
Rulers talk one doesnt really know what hes saying!
Ten days ago the continent plunged into a near global war. Caligus marched some of its army on Fontan and hit Fontan city. In return SoA reacted and Ibladesh broke the treaty to declare war on Caligus. However, it seems it is a trend that Ibladesh breaks their own treaties.

Now the funny part. Both Theuderik and Richard rulers of Ibladesh and DoA respectively try to accuse Caligus of breaking the treaty as their reason for war. After they are proven "wrong" very obviously the new reason became we just hate you. We would like to extend our sincere concerns to various nobles of Ibladesh who feel the need to be insulted by this paper and also for electing a religious fanatical emptyhead to lead them. I must extend my sincere condolences.

Full ruler messages can be found here Caligan_Courier/January'11/RulerMessages

Caligus icon2.PNG   January 09, 2011    Caligus icon2.PNG
Tensions finally exploded over the whole continent with Caligus going to war with Fontan triggering a war declaration from both Ibladesh and their puppet realm Diocese of Aix. Following a round of mudslinging in the rulers channel, the business end of the war began with Caligus breaking the defenses of Fontan, initiating a take over of An Najaf, repelling an invasion attempt in Liebo and a stand off in Oporto with two armies of roughly 20,000 CS facing eachother, Caligus and Sirion on one side and Fontan and Sultanate of Asena on the other.

The News
Huge Battles Fought in Liebo, Oporto and Beziers

Huge battles have been fought in the key regions of the three fronts in the war. These resulted in victories for Caligus over Ibladesh in Liebo, Perdan over Diocese of Aix in Beziers and Caligus and Sirion over Fontan in Oporto

January 09, 2011

Ibladesh breaks treaty by lowering to neutral

The Pontifex of Ibladesh has lowered the relations to Neutral.

January 05, 2011

Caligus Storms Fontan city

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Fontan

Caligus vs. Fontan

Estimated strengths: 900 men vs. 360 men

Attacker Victory!

January 05, 2011

Fontan and SoA declare war on Caligus

Sultanate of Asena has declared war on us! Fontan has declared war on us!

January 05, 2011