Feature Requests/Alternative Funding System for Temples and Guild Houses

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Revision as of 12:33, 5 August 2010 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (formal proposal and Tom's response)
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Allow the lord to reimburse temples and guildhouses located in his region for maintenance expenses and taxes. Lords would get a separate link for each temple/guildhouse he would have to click. It would place the amount of the fee/tax back into the local treasury.


  • Every time a temple or guildhouse pays a maintenance fee or tax payment, a

message is sent to the local lord of the region in which it is located listing the maintenance fees paid by it. The message is delivered just like a normal status report, and will be available in the message history.

  • The message to the lord includes a link allowing him to pay the maintenance

fee. The link is active regardles of his location, so long as he is not traveling. A separate link is provided for each temple and guildhouse so the lord can choose to support only those he wants. The link is only active for 5 days, after which it becomes non-functional.

  • The lord must click the link to fund each individual temple/guildhouse that he

wants to fund. It is not an automatic deduction. If he doesn't click the link, then nothing happens and it costs him nothing. If the lord clicks the link, then the amount of the maintenance fee is taken from the lord's pocket and placed in the guildhouse local treasury.

  • If the region has no lord on maintenance day, the no message is generated.
  • Maintenance fees and taxes are still paid as normal: The gold for maintenance

still comes from the local treasury. As usual, if the local is empty, then the global pays it. If the global is empty then the guildhouse/temple decays as normal.

  • The link provided to the lord only replenishes the local treasury by the exact

amount of the maintenance fee/tax. It will not save a temple or guildhouse if the local and global are both empty, since the gold would not be placed in the local treasury until after maintenance has been assessed, and the guildhouse reduced/closed. If the temple/guildhouse is disbanded, the lord would not even get a message at all.

  • Secret society safehouses are specifically excluded from this system.

Some options that could restrict/enhance the system: + Option: The link would only be provided for a temple if the lord is a member of that religion. You should not be able to fund other religions in this manner. + Option: Also provide the link if the lord's religion and the temple's religion both consider each other as Variants. Gives additional incentive for Variant classifications, as opposed to leaving other religions at Ignore. + Option: Only allow funding of guilds of which the lord is a member. + Option: If a guildhouse/temple in a region is clsoed, inform the local lord.


Keeping local treasuries stocked in the guildhouses/temples of larger guilds and religions as very tedious and time-consuming, and can distract from actually playing the game. This system would allow local lords to easily help in the burdensome task of maintaining local treasuries, while still allowing neglected temples and guildhouses to fall apart.

Tom's Response

"Spamming the region lords is not a good idea.

If the region lord wants to support something, he can contribute to the local treasury. That is something I would support, an option for non-members to add gold to a temple (definitely) and maybe guild house (maybe) as a donation."