Metsamees Family/Clan treasury

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Clan Treasury

Weapons and armor

List only includes exeptional pieces.
Conseptual weapons without enhanced propertis or other anomalys are not listed.

Ancestral sword - created by the unknown ancestor(s) of Metsamees, currently in the clan halls.
Blood servant (and its sealing seath) - created by Edmund & Silvia Metsamees, currently without a possessor.
Bloodhound dagger - created by Hector Metsamees, current possessor: Vahur Metsamees.
Sacred Chainmail of the Kings - created by a ancient king of some norse land, found by Rainor Metsamees, current possessor: Thawny Metsamees.


Esoteric knowledge.
Curses, summonings, direct attacks are mostly from Silvia Metsamees, legacy.
Nearly half of binding spells and enchantments are from Metsamees ancestors, that crossed over time in scriptures.
Although the ability to read those scriptures was somewhat degenerated, with Silvias knowledge they were revived, and some even improoved.