Arrakis Family/Mythos

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Mythos Arakiss

Continent: East Continent
Realm: Ibladesh
Class: Warrior/Hero
Age: 25
Honour: 101
Prestige: 25
Title: Paladin Primus of Ibladesh
Marquess of Tota
Height: Normal
Eyes: Brown
Weapon: Mace
War Horse: Caluras
Unit: =ARP= High Overlords
Army: Army of Ramsus Protectors
Religion: Church Of Ibladesh (Devotee of Ramsus)
Guilds: None
Unique Items: White Girdle of Life
Accurate Staff of War
Realms Served: ¤
Titles Held: ¤
Armies Served: ¤
  • Army of Sartan
  • Army of Ramsus Protectors
Units Led: ¤
  • =ARP= Wolves of Ibladesh
  • Flames of Sartan

Mythos Arakiss is the non-legitimate son of the House Arakiss. He, unlike his brothers, has decided to go as far away from Atamara as possible and has found his way on the oldest continent - the East Continent. His character can be described as a "charismatic person who enjoys waging wars, and is a very wise man who often gets what he wants by asking the exact opposite". Many wiser and older men are no match to him, especially because of this strange ability of his. As being the non-legitimate son of the noble family, his life was not very easy. During his childhood he always had a need to prove himself to others, which in return learned him many skills, ranging from combat to philosophy. He has the aspiration to become an esteemed leader one day to whom the other nobles would look up to.

He has a long dark hair and his skin is a lot darker than that of his brothers. Some say that is because of his unpure blood, while others claim that it is because of the blinding and hot sun of Ibladesh. He prefers leading infantry in battle, although he is familiar in leading any sort of men in the field. His weapons are often heavy, from warhammers to large maces. His shield is relatively light-weight comparing his weapons which allows him a curious and unusual "war dance" on the battlefield. The warhorse Caluras that led him to many victories comes from the purest line of horses in Calis; which was a gift to him from one of his elder half-brothers, namely Reginauld.

The Old Continent


After departing from Atamara he decided to find his path on the distant shores of the East Continent. His brothers avoided that land due to harder chance to rise in ranks. Mythos, however, proved the quite opposite. After joining the pious realm of Ibladesh he found a faith there in the Church of Ibladesh, and was especially fond of the high god Ramsus. His activeness has impressed many older nobles there, and during the first 2 weeks in the realm, he managed to become a Marshal of The Army of Ramsus Protectors.

Many predict that glory will come very easily to Mythos there, as he rises to reach it. And greatness truly did came easy to him; two days after his appointment as a Marshal he has been honored by a lordship as a Count of the newly taken Clermont, and became familiar with some of the most secret groups in Ibladesh. Thanks to the help of his brothers, he didn't have any problems with restoring the region to its maximum potential. Soon Clermont became one of the nicest and most prosperous places in all of Ibladesh. Clermont is located on the north-east of the largest city on the East Continent, on the northern Ibladesh-Perdan border. Life was idilic, but not so many were aware of the hell that could break loose at anytime.

The Wars of the South

The war between Itorunt and Ibladesh was long prepared. After King Lucian sent a message to the leaders of the world where he directly showed his hatred for the people of Ibladesh, the call to arms was issued and noble Ibladeshians were united like never seen before. However, the Perdan government demanded the region of Clermont back to them, and Mythos lost his land which he so briefly controlled. Although he has been offered the right to rule the newly taken ex-Itoruntian lands, he refused as he didn't wanted to be tied down to a land during the times of high war intensity.

The Shield of Ramsus that Mythos carries with himself in battles; representing his dedication to the high god Ramsus.

During one of his most memorable manouevers where he and the Protectors passed through the heartland of Itorunt (from Nimraw to Itor Boss) Mythos picked up a strange disease, and with time his condition was worse. Eventually, what fate holds ready for us we cannot change...and Mythos realized that in a hard way. He was struck down with illness and tied down to a bed. However, where many mortal men would succumb to such a disease, Mythos endured. He regained enough strenght to embark on a journey. A journey to the highest peaks of Eldoret range, as told to him by a seer named Jagala. His holy quest to find the cure and bring his almost lifeless body back to the living has begun, which he after a few months managed to fulfil.

Upon his return, he found many changes. With his departure, the Army of the Ramsus Protectors was gone as well. And, more importantly, the Caligulans of the North have declared war on Ibladesh. Mythos soon joined the Ibladeshian ranks again, and his loyalty was rewarded with the Lordship in the Mines of Isadril, which changed its ownership a few times. Now, Ibladesh stands in a pit surrounded by two hellhounds, Itorunt and Caligus. Ibladeshi warriors are brave and valiant, surrounded once again with many foes, their strenght given to them by their gods; in that particular moment, Sartan...

Notable Roleplays

A call to arms after Itorunt declared war on Ibladesh
Victory on the plains of Enubec region
Loss of a friend