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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area


Though not the largest city in what is now the Cagilan Empire, Cagil is by far the most influential. One of the original enclaves on Atamara following its colonization from the East Continent, Cagil soon rose to prominence by spreading its influence far and wide. While other great nations rose and fell around them, the Empire held strong.

Cagil lies in the perfect location for a great national capital. It is surrounded on two sides by the rushing torrent of the Great River which even the most powerful artillery cannot cross. To the north and west likes the region of Hidale, one of the oldest and most loyal of all the regions of Cagil's empire. In order to reach the capital, you must cross the river at Trawiny and breach the defences of Hidale, which as many enemies will tell you is no mean feat.

Though Cagil is not the biggest city in the realm, many consider it the most beautiful. As the capital city of the great Empire, it contains many artistic and cultural outlets to provide diversion to the members of court and her citizens that live there. Temples that honor the Order, and other lesser religions, mark the main thoroughfare into the city. Also, busts of the great leaders of Cagilan Empire crown columns on either side of the road leading up to the city gates. Sentries with polished armor and bright plumes man these gates, keeping watch on the various comings and goings. Dotted throughout the city are beautiful plaza's with fountains providing water to the residents.

Cagil is also a mecca for trade in all manners of product. Fowl, fish, and vegetable from all corners of the realm are available, as well as the best of ales, spirits, and wines that can be found anywhere in Atamara. Timber from the Drachenwald mountains and the forests of the South are traded for spices from the Northern deserts of Telerium. If there is anything to be found in the entire continent, it can be found in Cagil.