Eagle's Glen

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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area


As the western-most range in the great mountains which occupy a central position in Atamara, Eagle's Glen has its share of natural wonders.

These range from the tall spire of Mount Domingo (named after the intrepid explorer, Sanchez Domingo, who was the first recorded climber to summit the peak), which towers over the surrounding lands at a height of 8000 meters, to the wall of snow and ice which feeds the great river Calis in spring. Truly, Eagle's Glen is a sight to behold.

Economically, Eagle's Glen is of minor importance. The population rarely exceeds 2000 and the majority of the peasants work in some manner to support small cattle and sheep ranching operations, which are found scattered throughout the valleys and hills of the mountain territory. In addition to this, there is an industry devoted to the harvesting and shipping of ice blocks to the major cities of Atamara. This ice, which is reknowned for its purity, finds its way into the drinks of the wealthiest nobles who savour the luxury of a chilled drink during the summer heat. Finally, Eagle's Glen draws in visiters from around Atamara, who come to challange the tall peaks, race down them on wooden platforms or simply to enjoy the spectacle that surrounds them.

Strategically, the rugged province is also quite unimportant. Given that it is far quicker and easier to go around the mountains then through them, Eagle's Glen serves only to funnel travelers to the west, through Cantril. Even so, over the years various Lords have added to the construction of small fortifications which perhaps one day will be complete.

The current Baron of Eagle's Glen is Bertie Shikshiena

One of the avian species after which Eagle's Glen is named.