
From BattleMaster Wiki
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This is an experimental template for exploring the Semantic Wiki project. You should not use this for your realm. (Yet...)

This template is part of the RealmBox Project. It is enabled for semantic coding of the included data.

  • Certain parameters in this template are automatically tagged for the Semantic Wiki. These properties are noted in their descriptions below.
  • The Island parameter must have a value. If you fail to supply the required information, then you will get a nasty-gram on your page telling you about it.
  • All parameter names must be listed on your page. If you do not wish a particular piece of information to appear, then leave that parameter blank and it will not be shown at all. i.e.:
|StateReligion = 
If you leave the parameter out, the template will not function properly, and you'll see something like {{{Government}}} on your page.
  • Several pieces of information will be automatically determined and added to the page. This includes the realm name, number of duchies, number of regions, region names, region lords, etc. You cannot manually specify this information. We are working on autogenerating population, food, and gold, but we're not there yet.

NOTE: The template includes the Realms and applicable Island categories. If you use this template, you do not need to manually add them to your page.


All parameters, vertical format:

  • Island - The name of the island on which the realm is located. Required
  • Flag - The name of the image file to use at the top of the RealmBox. Must be an image uploaded to the wiki. Do not include the "Image:" part of the name. Leave blank if you don't want a flag displayed.
  • FlagCaption - A caption to go under the image. Ignored if "Flag" is blank.
  • RulerTitle - Ruler's custom title.
  • RulerName - Ruler's name.
  • GeneralTitle - General's custom title.
  • GeneralName - General's name.
  • JudgeTitle - Judge's custom title.
  • JudgeName - Judge's name.
  • BankerTitle - Banker's custom title.
  • BankerName - Banker's name.
  • Government - The government type: Monarchy, Theocracy, etc.
  • StateReligion - The official state religion of the realm. Leave blank if there is none. (Do not enter "None" or anything lie that.)
  • Nobles - The number of nobles in the realm. If you leave this blank the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in family pages. If this happens, it will almost certainly be very low, if not zero.
  • Population - The approximate population of the realm. If you leave this blank the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. This will cause errors if the region population values uses the thousands separator.
  • Food - The approximate food production of the realm. If you leave this blank, the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. It should work fine.
  • Gold - Gold production of the realm. If you leave this blank, the template will attempt to calculate it based on the semantic coding found in the region pages. This will cause errors if the gold production values use the thousands separator.
  • TitleBackColor - The color code for the title bar backgrounds. Optional. Defaults to a light blue/gray color. (#aabbcc)
  • TitleTextColor - The color code of the title bar text. Defaults to black.


You can copy/paste the following guide into your page, then add the values.

|TitleBackColor = 
|TitleTextColor = 
|Flag = 
|FlagCaption = 
|RulerTitle = 
|RulerName = 
|GeneralTitle = 
|GeneralName = 
|JudgeTitle = 
|JudgeName = 
|BankerTitle = 
|BankerName = 
|Island = 
|Nobles = 
|Population = 
|Government = 
|Nobles = 
|Population = 
|Food = 