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The Badlands of Lantzas
Region Map
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Controlled by the Realm of [[part of::Arcaea


Duchy Remton
Local Lord Euran Kandurell
Troop Centers
Region Information
Type of Region Badlands
Location River
Weather Northern Plains
Population (Last Census)
Gold Production 419 gold
Food Production 96 bushels

The landscape is a fairly bleak one, compared to that of the lush vale to the east. Dusty tracks criss-cross Lantzas like those of industrious ants, but rarely seem to lead anywhere, often simply vanishing into the barrens. Those few roads that are properly constructed tend to run in straight lines, in the old-Arcaean fashion, as if seeking to leave the region as quickly as possible. It is around these roads (and the river) that most of the visible life of the region centers; Lantzas is situated between some of the most prosperous cities in the North. Much of the lord's income relies upon taxing passing merchants. For a long time bandits were the more frequent tax collectors; their activities ceased under Baron Euran's rule.


Dry grassland and scrub covers most of Lantzas, with some more fertile areas bordering the river. It is a thoroughly travelled region; many inns can be found, even a few of quality to cater for nobles. To the east, peasants live off fish and crops, while in the north goat farming in the norm, amongst the horse tribes.

Northern Wilds

The foothills to Sasat's mountains break up the landscape in northern Lantzas. A small forest, unmanaged although occasionally used by the lord for hunting, lies nestled amongst them. The Horse Clans roam throughout most of these lands, and are generally allowed much autonomy, so long as they agree to provide a number of their warriors for service in the Arcaean army. For many years the horsemen practised banditry; although they have now been brought under the authority of the local lord, travelers are advised to be careful

Raen Duin River

Most of what passes for civilisation in Lantzas lines the Raen Duin, profiting off the trade up and down it and fishing in the river. They tend to be amicable folk, somewhat relaxed (some would say lazy), with a passion for gambling. Many of them are immigrants from Remton or Lasop, tired of the city life but retaining their street wiles. The largest settlement is on the northeastern border with Remton. The Hall of Healing here is one of the finest centers for studying the healing arts in the north, and has an ancient past.


The south western part of Lantzas is more sparsely populated. Lonely and unsavoury types, who often become soldiers in times of war, scratch a living out in the barrens. Those from other parts of Lantzas disparagingly refer to them as brigands, and it is true that they have taken up banditry in the past. Many battles have been fought over this apparently worthless land, discouraging other residents, and it is not uncommon to find battlefields of skeletons and rusted weapons strewn around the wastes. The Baron's residence is situated here, worn and unimpressive though it is, serving primarily as a garrison.



Lantzas was ruled by Rhathar Frostnova as part of Ethiala. In the conflict that followed with Arcaea, Rhathar defected after becoming disgruntled with Ethiala's lack of effort to defend the region. He was consequently killed while defending his lands from an overwhelming Ethialan force.

After him came Elmindra Sands, who eventually, dissapointed with Ethiala's lack of effort to develop the region, defected to Lasanar. Ethiala swiftly reclaimed the region and put it under the care of Dren Kandurell, who shortly followed his Duke, Dieter de Blanc, to defect from Ethiala and form the realm of Kamador. A brief rebellion then reinstated Elmindra before Dren was once again made Baron. The peasants once more threw Dren out (who was far too honourable for a Lantzian) but accepted the appointment of his cousin, Euran Yetisbane who was raucous and devious in the truest traditions of the region. He promptly defected to Arcaea.



Troop Centers

Plains Militia Infantry 40 50/40