Ironsides Family/Bowie/Contra

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Black Bowie versus Marshal Cenarious

An Ironsides' account, written by Goofon, squire of Black Bowie.

So it was, two mighty actors feuded time and time again in the maritime realm of D’Hara.

In those days, D’Hara was a young developing realm. Not quite yet a power, but certainly not to be overlooked. Its expansionist mindset went coupled with its ambitious nature.

When Black Bowie Ironsides landed, D’Hara had yet to capture Shadovar. Though this was inevitable, it was still a time of infant uncertainty. On the Dragon Queen’s mercy, Black Bowie was permitted to make a contract for his future, and found an empty estate in the capital of Port Raviel. By this contract, Black Bowie then raised a unit of archers and aided in the takeover of Port Nebel.

Not too long after, Sir Cenarious Stormrage arrived from the East Continent. He came with a recommendation from the Queen’s brother and approval from the Ogren Patriarch. A day or so after he arrived on shore, he was celebrated with the honour of being the Marshal of the Queen’s Dragon Guard.

This was the first contest.

Black Bowie argued Sir Cenarious should not have been made Marshal after being in D’Hara for only one day, his quick rise was stepping over other worthy nobles, and that this easy accomplishment would bring arrogance to the man. Sir Cenarious said he was a skilled strategist, an experienced soldier and was selected with care by the Queen herself. Sir Cenarious was also declared the Champion of D’Hara. Black Bowie petitioned to the nobles of D’Hara without success.

Eventually Black Bowie’s comments regarding the Marshal eventually led to a duel between him and Sir Asriel Octavius. Sir Asriel challenged Black Bowie over another insulting comment he made towards the Marshal, who was at the time Sir Asriel’s Marshal. Sir Asriel triumphed over Black Bowie in a duel already accounted for here: Account of the Duel between Black Bowie Ironsides and Sir Asriel Octavius.

After the dust settled from this pebble, a new stone dropped to the dirt. A new chapter began in the feud, one that was potentially fatal.

During this time, Sir Machiavel Chenier held both the title of Royal Fiduciary and Confessor, these in his hands by opportunity, and no underhanded agenda of his own. After the fall of Shadovar, and some government adjustments by Queen Katayanna Ogren, a seed of discontent bloomed. This seed brought forth a vicious anti-Machiavel clique which sought to take the position of Confessor away from him. Sir Machiavel was willing to relinquish his position, but the clique pressed on. Sir Cenarious was the main figure of this clique as he began campaigning for the position. He and a few others insisted that Sir Machiavel should be stripped of his title because he was withholding it for his own power. This was not what Black Bowie took issue with, although he did not see the error in Sir Machiavel. Black Bowie entered the fray with what he called an anti-campaign. As Sir Cenarious was campaigning for the position of Confessor, Black Bowie was counter-campaigning against him. The campaign was not for Black Bowie to take the position; it was done to make sure Sir Cenarious did not get it. Along the way, Dame Katrina Dragul announced her interest in the position.

A referendum was held by the Lords that saw more votes go to Sir Cenarious than Dame Katrina. This referendum caused Black Bowie to insult the voters and warn that Sir Cenarious was being given too much too easily, and that the next step would be against the Queen. With great wisdom and care, the Queen appointed Dame Katrina. After the appointing ceremony was finished, the Dragon Queen warned publicly that there must be no more insults and feuds, especially towards Sir Cenarious because of his loss. Black Bowie understood this to be referring to him, but also saw that the Queen said no insulting in public. As soon as he learned his anti-campaign won, that Dame Katrina was now Confessor Katrina, Black Bowie sent a private letter to Sir Cenarious taunting his defeat.

This should have been the end of the matter.

As Black Bowie began a journey into the mainland, just as he touched the docks of Paisly he was silenced by an assassin from Madina. It should be mentioned that one of Black Bowie’s enemies from Madina, Sir Abbot Nosferatus, had recently arrived in Port Raviel, but he was no assassin. While Black Bowie was recovering, Sir Cenarious took the initiative and challenged the crippled man to a duel to the death.

Marhsal Cenarious raged over Black Bowie’s constant insults, accusing him of speaking in the name of the Queen with indignity and mockery, and of harassing Priestess Kisharianda Onyxien, Marshal Cenarious’ fiancée. Black Bowie refused the duel as he suspected a conspiracy was webbing him. He then challenged the Marshal to a contest of best two of three duels to surrender, but the feud fizzled away after harsh warnings from both the Queen and the Confessor.

Marshal Cenarious then went on to become the General of D’Hara, and Black Bowie took the path that would best amend for his tragic life. He challenged the Grand Duke of Fissoa to a duel to the death to be fought in Paisly.

So here I am now, in Paisly, looking for a new Master to serve and to train me to be a knight. If you are interested, you will find me here in the stable with Mr. Mouse. Please bring oranges, scurvy is a terrible affliction.
