Fontan (Realm)/General Bulletin

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Below is the full text of the General Bulletin of Fontan.

This is not a public information.

Military Branch of Fontan

The Military Branch of Fontan is in charge of the military armed forces of Fontan. The Council of Defense (CoD) is the military high command of Fontan that command the armies of the realm under the guidance of the Minister of Defense.

Fontan Military Structure & Military Laws

The following outlines the Military structure of Fontan.

Military Jurisdiction and Exemption

All Fontan nobles of the following professions fall under the jurisdiction of the Military Command of Fontan. They include:-

All elected council members are exempted from the Military Hierarchy regardless of profession.

Military Structure

  • MoD together with CoD manages the armies of the realm.
  • All Marshals or 2IC (depending on who is in the CoD) will be reporting to the MoD and CoD.
  • Everyone else in the army will report to the Marshal or 2IC of their respective army.
  • All nobles not assigned to any army will report directly to the MoD. In the absence of the MoD, all nobles not in any army will have to answer to any representative of the CoD if requested to do so.
  • Any members of the CoD can mobilize all armies of the realm when there is a need, as long as no other members of the CoD or any army’s Marshal opposes the order. If there are any disagreements, a General Consensus of the CoD is required or intervention of the MoD.

Responsibilities and Accountability

Nobles in army

Each member of an army acts with instructions from their Marshal and 2IC. Any transgression of military orders or laws conducted by any members of the army if issued directly by the Marshal or 2IC should not be held accountable. The army's Marshal and 2IC will be held accountable in such cases.

Nobles not in any army

During the absence of the MoD, any CoD member who're taking charge of nobles not in any army will be accountable for all actions carried out be these nobles as long as they are ordered by the CoD member.


Infiltrator(s) report directly to the MoD and the CoD in the absence of the MoD. All actions taken by the infiltrator under orders will be the sole responsibility of the MoD and the CoD. Any actions taken outside of instructions directly from MoD or CoD will be at the infiltrator's own risk.

Other non military nobles

Applies to all bureaucrats, traders and priests. They do not fall under the military hierarchy, therefore are not accountable for any military actions. This also means the judiciary laws applies to them directly.

Military Laws

Check under Judicial Branch of Fontan under the Judge Bulletin.

Exceptional situations and conditions

General Consensus of the COD

Any member of the CoD can seek such consensus on any military actions as long as there are 2 more CoD members in agreement (making it at least 3) during the absence of the MoD.

Escalation into HoA or Realm's council

The Chancellor who holds a permanent seat in the CoD has the right to request for any issue in discussion to be escalated into the HoA or realm's council. Unless a unanimous vote of refusal (meaning all members of the CoD all agree excluding the Chancellor not to escalate), it will have to be brought up to the HoA or realm's council.

Fontan Regional Defense Doctrine

In order to facilitate immediate defense measures to defend Fontan lands against all forms of external threats, the following doctrine will take effect 2 days from now.

Defense Coverage

All regions that carry the banner of Fontan fall under this doctrine.


All Fontan nobles that fall under the Military Jurisdiction of Fontan. In short, if you can command a unit and you are not a trader, bureaucrat or council member.


This doctrine will stay in effect unless a declaration of war is issued or any emergency situation that require the armies of the realm to be mobilized.


It is each army's responsibility to take care of all regions in their respective zone of command. Each army has full authority within their army to decide on the defense of the regions under their care.

Regional Division

Regions are grouped into different zones of the realm called Shields

Each Shield and their respective assigned army are as per below:-

Northern Shield Regions

Regions Assigned:-
Army In Charge (Coat of Arms) - Democratic Guards (|DG|)
Rally Point - Classified

Southern Shield Regions

Regions Assigned:-
Army In Charge (Coat of Arms) - Fontan Strike Regiment (~=FSR=~)
Rally Point - Classified

Eastern Shield Regions

Regions Assigned:-
Army In Charge (Coat of Arms) - Lions (~=K.D.F.=~)
Rally Point - Classified

Western Shield Regions

Regions Assigned:-
Army In Charge (Coat of Arms) - Order of the Thunder (OoT)
Rally Point - Classified

Nobles not in Army

All nobles not assigned to any army are to be stationed in the capital as reserve forces.

Fontan Council of Defense

Fontan's Council of Defense (CoD) is the military high command of Fontan that command the armies of the realm. As such the following is the setup of the CoD.

Membership & Eligibility

  • The CoD have a fixed number of seats which is currently set at 8 members.
  • The seats are broken into the following groups:-
    • 2 permanent seats:-
      • Chancellor of Fontan (current).
      • Minister of Defense of Fontan (current).
    • 1 permanent seat for each representative from each army. The following armies are eligible for a seat.
      • Democratic Guards
      • Fontan Strike Regiment
      • Lions
      • Order of The Thunder
    • 2 provisional seats for any Fontan noble who wish to actively contribute to the improvement of Fontan's military. Noble required to be at least 100 days in realm to be eligible. Can only be replaced by either:-
      • An existing member who willingly relinquishes his/her seat.
      • or removal at the request of the MoD and agreement of the Chancellor.
  • Addition of another member from the formation of another army in the realm will require the army have at least 5 members (Sponsor included) and a realm wide referendum of simple majority to pass.
  • The default representative from each army in the CoD is the Marshal of the army. However, the Marshal can request a replacement by another representative from their army (Not recommended. Change the Marshal instead).


Check under Fontan Military Structure

Armies of Fontan

Listed below are the current armies of Fontan. Together they defend the lands of Fontan and uphold Fontan's mission as the Beacon of Democracy and Freedom on East Continent.

Democratic Guards (|DG|)

The oldest army on the East Island, the Democratic Guards were formed by then Chancellor Gregor Relak to provide for the defense of the Democracy so cherished by the people of Fontan. The army continues to serve with distinction as the protectors of freedom, and liberty in Fontan.

Fontan Strike Regiment (~=FSR=~)

The Fontan Strike Regiment was formerly an elite military unit of Fontan during the Caligus War. However, it has been ressurected by Duke Alexi Pelevin and Lorrie Furion and is now a front line army of Fontan. The FSR takes pride in it's discipline, loyalty and courage it displays at all times, whether defending the heartland or striking deep into enemy territory. The Regiment is currently accepting all new members.

  • Sponsor - Alexi Pelevin
  • Current Marshal - Tal ConDoin

Lions (~=K.D.F.=~)

Originally started by Lord Sulliven Koga, Count of Dulbin together with his loyal knights during the Oligarchian war. The Lions are still serving as the backbone Fontan's military. Every Lion is expected to serve Fontan with utmost devotion, faith and courage.

  • Sponsor - Sulliven Koga
  • Current Marshal - Blaze MacFaran

Order of the Thunder (OoT)

A long known name in the traditional Fontan military history. First led by General Lycastus against Avamar and Kazakh. Then reviwed by General Teshup in the Oligarchian war and reformed as an army to defend Fontan against all invaders.

  • Sponsor - The Revenger AveFenix
  • Current Marshal - Lord of Blood Budd

Issued by: Katsuyori Takeda, Minister of Defense of Fontan, 2007.07.17