Red Star Courier

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Revision as of 11:45, 23 May 2007 by Denver (talk | contribs)

Sertraline.png The Red Star Courier
Price: One doughnut "All the muse has seen fit to print" August 2006
Printed in Hamadan

The Red Star Courier would like to thank the Old Rancaguan Press and the Rampant Lion for the layouts of their respective papers, from which we have borrowed rather heavily.

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this paper do not reflect the opinions or views of Yssaria, its leaders, its nobles, or its sheep.

Editor: Blade Donivan


News in Brief

==== All is quiet or is it ==== --Blade Donivan, 23 may 2007 Editorial

In the East Islands years ago many wished for only one thing. That thing, that idea was that of a continent in peace. The idea of peace or at least the thought of it tasted sweet to many. Now months after the land has been at peace with the exception of the LOF versus Fontan war many nobles are getting restless. It seems the lack of war and the thought of precious suits of armour and swords rusting isnt as appealing as many once thought.

The main question at this time is who will step out of line first? I personally believe that restlessness, greed or the desire for mass battles will overcome even the most patient of men. We here at the Red Star Courier will keep our eyes and ears open and keep you our beloved readers up to date.

==== Month in Review ==== --by Blade Donivan, 23 May 2007 Feature

This months feature will hopefull be an interview...if possible with Rackir..well i have to ask his permission first but we hope to get a details report of Dunkontology, its views and its goals.


All might seem bare but we will have this page filled shortly.

May 23 2007

The Red Star Courier is back in business...i hope.

August 3rd, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Beziers:
Perdan defeats Ibladesh
Estimated combat strengths:
9000 CS vs. 7000 CS

August 1st, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Perdan defeats Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths:

16000 CS vs. 12000 CS

July 31st, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Fontan, Sirion defeat Perdan

Estimated combat strengths:

13000 CS vs. 5000 CS

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Brive:

Perdan defeats Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths:

18000 CS vs. 4000 CS

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths:

25000 CS vs. 17000 CS

The battle ends undecisivily.

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