Dwarvenite Family

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Revision as of 19:27, 25 April 2007 by Craig Burton (talk | contribs)
The Dwarf Family originates from the castle town of Skalk in Atamara. This is where the large family of story tellers found fame and fortune and thus made enough gold to be able to fund their eldest children through military training and to become knights.

The Dwarf family so far has had 7 children spread their wings and become either knights or run-away rouges that have now since become adventurers for far away lands. Below is the shortened story of each of those children and their major achievements since being away from their loving parents.

The Eldest: Nikki Dwarf was the first of her family to take to a career as a knight, she took to cavalry instantly, being a horse lover, she was perfect to lead men by showing them she was not afraid of what faced her.

Nikki Dwarf


was a clever child and very agile, her parents knew that she was to become something great in the future and immediately enlisted her into becoming a knight or the realm they were living in (Carelia).

Current Titles Held:
Current Stats:
Physical Age: 26 years
Character Class: Knight
Honour: 44
Prestige: 16

Nikki’s Roleplays

Fror Dwarf

Fror is a giant of a man, he is cousin to Nikki and Leo, brought up in the realm of Perdan, he was disliked by his parents and was shuned by most because of his size. So naturally

he looked to move away un-noticed as soon as possible, a few of his childhood friends had recently left for a realm called Joppo and he decided this is where he would make a name for himself and prove to all that doubted him that he was a man to look up to.

When he arrived in Joppo he quickly learned new skills and the methods of both generals and rulers as he was promoted to both of these positions as the war with Mesh continued.

Eventually Joppo fell and forced Fror to lead his men north to the realm of Heen, though he was an unknown force he is now Count of Sotrebar and leading men into battles upon his trusty steed, many men have fallen to the giants strength and even more men have falling trying to best him in drinking contests.

Previous Titles Held:
* Ruler of Joppo
* General of Joppo
* Count of Sotrebar
Current Stats:
Physical Age: 26 years
Character Class: Bureaucrat
Honour: 60
Prestige: 20

Fror’s Roleplays

Leo Dwarf


He looks up to his sister and longs to be as successful as her, so is currently training hard to become a master jouster and win competitions throughout the land and win fame and glory for himself.

Leo has not seen a lot of battle in Perdan as he is too young to have been apart for their war with Sirion and Fontan.

Previous Titles Held:
Current Stats:
Physical Age: 21 years
Character Class: Knight
Honour: 35
Prestige: 12

Leo’s Roleplays


Alexandria is the bastard child of Frors father, Though she was cast away from her family she strives to win recognition on the world and one day live up to her half noble blood and become a knight.

This will allow her to travel back to her home land and show that she was worth a damn and that she has risen above her station and become what most people did not expect her to be.

Family Fame


FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png
Sum: 0/12 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Family Prestige.png
Family Prestige: 20
FB Family Prestige.png
Family Prestige: 50
Sum: 0/8 points

Sum: 0/14 points

Sum: 0/6 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Sum: At least 0/? point

Sum: At most 0/9 points

Total: 0 points

Current High: 38 points