Toren (SEI)

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Toren is a theocracy, set in the centre of the South-East Island, where the gods rage. It lies between the realms of Taselak in the west and Sandalak in the east, with Ikalak bordering it to the north. The capital is Toren Stronghold, a fortress in the mountains north of the mystic Cave of Guilt.

Current Council

Pontifex - Lady Averyll Arete
Haruspex Maximus - Lady Gheros Patel
Paladin Primus - Sir Hackem De Struct


Troop Leaders of Toren

Political Parties


94 days after it's creation (Sep. 1 2004), a great event occured. The Mentor Karibash deciphered a scroll he encountered. It was the word of almighty Tor. Unfortunately, this was later revealed as heresy, a fraudulant scroll.

While Karibash wanders through ancient stores of scrolls, he comes across a scroll that seems much older than the others. Opening it, Karibash is shocked at what he finds. A scroll written in some archaic language, and not in familiar characters. At the bottom of the scroll is some sort of legend equating a character to a letter he knows. After days of carefully examining each character, he pulls out a crisp, new piece of parchment and writes what he has found, then reads it aloud.

Es ka b sh-newt’tesan-i gezusakant-gezusakant-ha. Kar-i het aito! m-Hab-i gezusakant-gezusakant! Kargnch-i Phear-Kargnch het gezusakant-gezusakant, bah-anto-i. Tor newt’tesan-I Widfara-hab. Bah-ansto, m-s’malantnun.

Puzzled by this language, Karibash spends weeks deciphering it. Seeing that he was getting nowhere, Karibash is about to return the scroll when inspiration strikes him. Spending the next few days cracking the language, Karibash comes with a rough copy of the text.

Tor people
Land's people holy this to be you and you. To fight at I! Will to god you and you. To ruler Phear ruler at you and you, no to sand. Peace to be Widfara holy. Not sand, will win.

Angered at the quality of this translation, Karibash puts it aside. Late one night, while trying to improve the translation, he watches a fly flying and a concept strikes him. Knowing now what it is, Karibash pens the final translation.

You are the land's enlightened. Fight for me! All shall be blessed. Pontifex Phear leads you, don't forget. Prophet Widfara is safe. Don't be scared, victory shall come.

In ecstasy, Karibash bursts out of his tent shouting that he has Tor's word in his hand

Toren Coat-of-Arms.gif Toren Coat-of-Arms.gif
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Location of Toren
Continent / Island South-East Island
Capital Toren Stronghold
Largest City Toren Stronghold
Government System Theocracy


Region Numbers 12
Population 51,689 (2nd)