The Face of Fronen/Edition:4

From BattleMaster Wiki
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Price: Free, though donations are accepted ----- Printed In Fronepu ----- Editor: Alexius DeSyrr and Cloud Soulja----- March '07

Victories and Defeats

In the past days the East Coast Alliance has had a mixed performance. One the one hand, the Kingdom of Alluran still holds Bolkenia and has won a battle against Irombrozia in Rueffilo. In addition to this, Riombara has taken two more Luz de Bian regions Kuugl and Bym. Riombaran forces also occupy the Luz de Bian cities of Grehk and Eylmon. Fronenian and Avalonian forces have amassed in southern Avalon.

On the downside, the Republic of Fwuvoghor continues to be a thorn int he side of the Alliance. They have taken Wilwau form Avalon. The coming battle should decide who ultimately shall control the region.

Finally, Enweil and Fronen continue an arms race. Both realms are equally strong militarily, and continue to gain strength. That is all for today's military update. More news shall come in the future.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on March 11

The Minister Found

Just yesterday, our Prime Minister returned from an unannounced 5-day mountain retreat. Prime Minister Cedric returned just in time to win the elecvtion, however because nobles did not have time to change their votes, Cedric won with only about 50% rather than 80% of the vote. Everyone in Fronen is happy for Cedric's return. He is still the man the republic of Fronen wants at it's head.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on March 8

The Missing Minister

His excellency Prime Minister Cedric has been missing for the past 5 days. ((OOC: RL inactivity)) After days of waiting and searching the Republic of Fronen has finally decided to elect a new Prime Minister to replace Prime Minister Cedric. So far the candidates announced have been Defense Minister Grego, Finance Minister Apothes, and Duke Adras. Grego has run on a platform of status quo. He says that his experience and diplomatic experience makes him a good candidate for the office. Minister Apothes had similar arguments until he realized he was not prestigious enough for rulership. Apothes has thus, removed his candidacy.

The final candidate, is Duke Adras. He says that because he has ruled Fronen before and has spent more time as a Fronenian noble as anyone else, that he can hold the country together until Prime Minister Cedric's return. All candidates are eagar to see the exalted Prime Minister's return, all expect the Prime Minister's seat to be a temporary position.

Now, I understand it is traditional for newspapers to mention "Yours truly" in elections. I can safely tell you all that I, Grand Justiciar Alexius am NOT running for Prime Minister, but will serve if for some reason the Fronenian nobles don't like two remaining candidates.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on March 7

Regime change in Fwuvoghor

Just two days ago, an election in the Republic of Fwuvoghor resulted in a change in leadership. Beowulf Kronos, a former Fronenian count lost power as both the Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Fwuvoghor. However, he was appointed Minister of Defense by the winner of the Prime Minister election, Retravic Slayer. Fronenians generally think this is a good thing. While Retravic probably won't bring many changes on the diplomatic table, the new Grand Justiciar may. The new Fwuvoghoran Grand Justiciar is Lady Eireka. Eireka was once Baron of Alvaret in the Kingdom of the Kalmar Islands. My younger brother Legatus speaks well of her. In Grand Justiciar Eireka Fronen hopes that a more honorable agreement on proper prisoner treatment can be established, for we all to see dishonorable torturing of noble Ministers end.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on March 3