Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/December '06 issue

From BattleMaster Wiki

Macho heroes

Begging your pardon, dear sirs, but I do think that you declared war nearly a month ago. We're getting bored waiting with our allies for your arrival. Please excuse the speculation about why you have failed to appear. It was fueled by the pronouncements of your King and discusssion amongst your leaders that perhaps RedSpan and her allies were more than a match for Darka. Not having much experience myself, I assumed that these discussions and the request for someone to fund Darka's venture indicated an unwillingness to engage in combat.

We shall expect your prompt arrival to resolve this matter. I hope you can understand our confusion. Cowards often avoid battles, as you have for the last month, so we have been confused. --Habap 17:06, 14 December 2006 (CET)

If i m not mistaken RedSpan begged for this war not to happen ,of course back then they hadn t begged from help from their Federation,so Darka decided to give them sometime to think and meditate on their actions.Darka is a busy realm and before pleasure or personal matters ,job comes first.You see that is the life of a professional.But your lack of experience,as you stated yourself,justifies you.Be patient,we will visit you in time.-Lavigna
Of course we don't want a war. It is also obvious that we would call upon our Federation partners in response to attempted extortion. It is, however, difficult to conclude that the internal discussions of Darkan leaders indicate anything other than trepidation at the idea of meeting enemy forces in RedSpan. If you do manage to get someone to pay you to come down, do let us know. We'd hate to think that your declaration of war was the mere posturing which it appears to be. --Habap 22:12, 15 December 2006 (CET)