
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 23:22, 5 September 2005 by Marc J. (talk | contribs) (added list of family names, added list of enemies and allies (none))


Sungard, the first guild on Beluaterra was founded in the Riombaran city of Irombro, in the far south, in the days of the undead invasion, by Delvin Anaris. Construction of the first guildhouse was funded by him and by Rasputin Dolohov.

The Sungard Guild is dedicated to upholding justice, advancing freedom, and driving back the darkness, wherever it may be found, and in whatever form it may take (be it Undead, Monster or Human). The Guild has expanded to include a sister guildhouse in Athol Margos, (which was used as a temporary headquarters during the brief time of Irombro being under Undead dominion) and its founder, Delvin (of the Anaris Family), expects that as the Undead Hordes are driven from Belaturra potential members will flock to Athol in great numbers and guildhouses will spread across the face of Belaturra like the rays of the Sun itself.

Sun Warrior Families

Riombarian Families

Anaris Family- Founding Family
Dolohov Family- Co-Founding Family

L'Ersatz Family
Unbound Family
Trinity Family
Vale Family

Petterson Family
Date Family
O'Shea Family
Trader Family
Keithson Family
Fett Family
Currey Family
Ver'dis Family

(From the Editor: [Not one of Tom's, just the guy who's working on this page]

If you are in the Sunguard Guild and your Family is not on the list, [I got the names from the old Wiki page] feel free to add it. The only request I make is to not mess up the tags I left, [Unless you know of a better one!] and to continue the format.

I wrote the Family names the way they are so if someone would like to add their family to the Wiki, it would be easier to do it through this page.

Quick and dirty on making a Wiki page: Write your family name like this: Example Family. After that you double-bracket it like so: [[Example Family]]. That makes it a link, click the link and start typing.

Affilatied Realms

So far, only Riombara has Sungard Guildhouses in it. We fully expect for the Sungard to spread across the Continent as soon as the current crop of Undead and Monsters are vanqished.

Allied or Affilatied Guilds

To the best of this recorders knowledge, there is only one other Guild on Belaturra.

Enemies of the Sungard

Our main enemy at this time is the foul and disgusting presence of the Undead and Monsters on the fair regions of Riombara. Once the cleansing of Riombara is complete, we shall seek out the remaining enclaves of the thus stated Undead, Monsters and general Evil and Darkness that threaten this fair land.

Enemy Realms

I hope to leave this space blank, but evil rasies its head in man as easily as in the Undead.

For now, we have peace.

Enemy or Hostile Guilds

As with the enemy realms, I hope to leave this space blank but in order to spread the Sunlight, there must be darkness.

For now, we have peace.

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