The Aenilian/21st August 2006

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Revision as of 05:44, 24 August 2006 by Bob (talk | contribs)

The Aenilian
News and current events from the blessed lands of the Aenil.

The Aenilian would like to thank the Editors of the Rampant Lion, the Red Star Courier and the Old Rancagua Press for their excellent work concerning the layouts of their papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Aenilian would like to remind its readers that this paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Greater Aenilian Government, for any information concerning the thoughts of the King of Aenilia we suggest you contact him and find out for yourself.

Chief of Staff: Luyten Dell

Reporter: Luyten Dell

Battle Reporter: Luyten Dell

Interviewer: Luyten Dell

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
August 24, 2006 -


As the unfortunate events of the last few days unfold, Greater Aenilia has engaged in what will be her first ever conflict. Earlier today, King Caerid declared war upon the realm of Svunnetland in an attempt it seems, to divert forces from the massive alliance attack which has occurred upon the League of Anacan. Shortly after this declaration of hostilities, an unexpected herold from Soliferum arrived at Idapur declaring Soliferum's pledge of hostilies against Greater Aenilia. The Aenilian nobles reeled in shock from this surprising turn-of-events and are contemplating the possible reasons Conan would have for such a hasty declaration in defence of a realm that they have fought against many a time.

The Greater Aenilian armies, untested in combat ever before now marshal to move against their new enemy, let us hope that the Aenil smile down upon us and grant victory to their followers.

We will report more information as it comes. Look out for the interviews with some of the rulers involved in this conflict which will be reported on in the days to come.

August 22, 2006 -

The End of Miraglonn?

Miraglonn, a realm formed in the Lasanarian founding city of Colosan, has been under repeated assault from its former rulers since its controversial unauthorised secession just over 2 weeks ago. Menelmereth, the former Duke of the Lasanarian city seceeded the city after she believed the "Feudal Republic" of Lasanar to be a fraud, one wonders however if her indignation at the loss of democracy was pure, considering the fact that she formed a Monarchy realm?

Earlier today the combined armies of Lasanar and Ethiala stormed the city of Colosan in an attempt to sweep away the defences laid down by the newly seceeded realm of Miraglonn. With their resouding victory, it is clear that there will probably be a TO already under way and the short history of Miraglonn will come to an end. We at the Aenilian wish Ethiala and Lasanar every success in their efforts, secession without true cause is a crime which is intolerable.

Wait...shouldn't the war be over?!

With the unfortunate death of Maltheo and the election of a new Prime Minister of the League of Anacan, the Aenilian has to wonder whether the war should not be over. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

Maltheo dead!

Well, sources were correct and it seems that at dawn today Maltheo, Prime Minister of the League of Anacan and Valius, King of the Sanctum of Casshern met in the contested region of Ansopen and duelled to the death. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 21, 2006 -

Over so soon?

Recent news from the ruler's channel and other sources in, and around the conflict in Anacan, detail a situation which is arising in Ansopen. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

GA and the War

With the recent breakout of hostilies between the controversially secession-formed realm of the League of Anacan, and the Antoza Commonwealth, the Sanctum of Casshern and their allies, Greater Aenilia inside reports tell us, have been discussing their position in such a conflict. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

New paper in Greater Aenilia

Today is an historic day, for it is on this day that newly formed offices of the The Aenilian newspaper were opened and the first editions printed and shipped out to the Nobles of the Far East. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 24, 2006 -

A new war is breaking out, Soliferum has declared war on Greater Aenilia.

A new war is breaking out, Greater Aenilia has declared war on Svunnetland.

An alliance was forged, the realms of Sanctum of Casshern and Nighthelm have joined into an alliance.

August 23, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Sanctum of Casshern has taken control of Ansopen, (formerly part of League of Anacan)

New realm created: A new Theocracy realm has been created in Ossaet, a former Miraglonn City.

Region Takeover: Arcachon has taken control of Unotosa, a former rogue region

A new war is breaking out, League of Anacan has declared war on Svunnetland.

August 22, 2006 -

New ruler in League of Anacan: The realm of League of Anacan has elected ShaddarRim as its new Prime Minister.

A new season: The season has turned and it is now Winter.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Colosan:Ethiala, Lasanar vs. Miraglonn

Estimated combat strengths: 13000 CS vs. 5000 CS Attacker Victory!

August 15, 2006 -

New ruler in Arcaea: The realm of Arcaea has elected Sohei Takiyama as its new King.

Region Takeover: Lasanar has taken control of Isular (formerly part of Miraglonn)

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Remton:Arcachon, Sartania vs. Arcaea

Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 10000 CS Defender Victory!

August 13, 2006 -

Public Execution: The rogue Einar is publicly executed in Ipsosez.

August 10, 2006 -

Rebellion in Arcaea: The rebellion is over, and according to the rumours, it has failed.

August 3, 2006 -

New realm created: Miraglonn, a new Monarchy realm has been created in Colasan, a former Lasanar City.

August 1, 2006 -

New ruler in League of Anacan: The realm of League of Anacan has elected Maltheo as its new Prime Minister.

New ruler in Soliferum: The realm of Soliferum has reconfirmed Conan as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Lasanar: The realm of Lasanar has reconfirmed Milan as its Prime Minister.

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