Old Rancagua Press/1st July 2006

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Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Antan Christenson

Reporter: Wenliang Dell

Battle Reporter: Sam Malone

Interviewer: Palandro Ar Pharazon.

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
July 4, 2006 -

Armistices all round

Well, it is not surprising that under the extreme amount of pressure that has been placed upon the former members of the HRA, Ubent and Caligus, since the destruction of Oligarch that they would have to crack soon. With the recent reformation in Caligus, beginning peace talks between the decimated Monarchy realm and the Southern Federation, and the Armistice signed by Ubent today, severely limiting their realm's size, strength and sovereignty it seems that Perdan is very much alone in their fight agains the combined might of the Northern Alliance and the Southern Federation.

Soon perhaps, we will see the first continental peace in many years of bloodshed, death and destruction.

Defeat in Kalmar City

With the hard-fought victory in Stora and the Avamarian military decimated and in complete disarray, High Marshal Wenliang, in dicussion with the Military Council decided to take the fight to the Avamarian capital, seizing the moment of weakness and marching upon Kalmar City itself. However, upon arrival many nobles failed to arrive due to travel delays and confusion from contradictory sets of orders issued by others. Attacking with only minimal numerical superiority, the battle-hardened Old Rancaguan troops were routed by the heavily entrenched defenders, taking many casualities but inflicting their own upon the city. \

It seems though that the quick and easy campaign that the Old Rancaguan Military High Command had been hoping for has slipped out of reach, but the damage has been done, and the total destruction of the Avamarian mobile and militia troops in Stora and Kalmar City will be a telling factor in the battles to come.

July 3, 2006 -

Old Rancagua withstands the verbal attacks of the Avamarians

Despite the vehement verbal attacks from the assorted (still able to walk and talk) Avamarians in Stora, Legatus is by far the loudest. However, it is interesting to note that he was amongst the strongest supporters of the action to rid the Isles of the Avamarian invaders post-El Cid. The finer points of his thoughts on Lalakis, El Cid and Avamar in general which we find mightily agreeable are as follows and can be found here: July News Reports.

A Rogala is back in control of Kalmar!

Well, you have to hand it to the Avamarians, they really are quite sick when it comes to the insults of the realms of the East Continent, especially Old Rancagua. In addition to the insult which was dealt us when El Cid led the bloody rebellion in which many were killed, including the well-loved Jacket of Old Rancagua, the Avamarians have elected his kinsman One, in his place.

The Avamarians took advantage of the situation which El Cid handed to them on a bloody plate, they tutted and they tsked, they apologised profusely for his actions in the name of Avamar and conjoled and wheedled for months on end to prevent their destruction. Then, when the time is right they elect one of El Cid's family members into the rulership?! Come now people, do you want to make the situation worse?


Today is an historic day, for the battle to take control of the important region Kalmarian region of Stora has been won convincingly by the troops of Old Rancagua. In a battle which was set to be one of great significance, the armies of Kalmar, widely reputed to be a "New Avamar" in the northern isles, and Old Rancagua met face to face on the barren plains only a few miles from Kalmar City itself.

As the opposing armies matched up surprisingly, due to travel difficulties, the Avamarian troops actually out-gunned their Old Rancaguan opponents. However in their righteous might, the brave and impetuous Nobles, and their troops won to absolute victory, taking the field and capturing and wounding many Avamarian Nobles. Including Lalakis himself.

Now that the mobile combat strength of the defending Avamarian armed forces has been crushed, surely the time has come for the beginning of the arduous task of restoring Kalmar to true Kalmarians.

Rebellion in Caligus

Well, you have to say it was a long time coming. For when realms such as Caligus, come under the threat of extinction, a rebellion is almost certain to occur. However, it was not anticipated to be called by Nobles of the upper echelons of the Caligan nobility. Earlier today one, Vlad Nosferatus led an uprising against the rulership of long-standing Queen of Caligus, Lady Gywnth who gave in and surrendered her titles and the Capital of Domus to the insurgents only a few hours later.

Shortly after the rebellion was won, and Vlad was declared the new King of Caligus he, along with Ubent have begun sueing for peace amongst the realms of the north and south. As their list of allies grows thin, one must wonder when Perdan will sign a long anticipated armistice with the realms of the Northern Alliance, and the Southern Federation, whose armies are gradually encroaching upon their lands.

July 2, 2006 -


In a shocking move today, the Prime Minister of Ubent, Zog Returns signed an armistice with the realms of the Southern Federation, bringing an end to the conflict between the realms and vastly limiting the strength of an already crippled realm. Key points of the Armistice include: the loss of the Mines of Isadril (Ubent's primary gold source), the loss of the region of Moyale (Ubent's primary food source) and the limiting of their military power to 6000 CS, mobile and militia troops in exchange for peace with the Southern Federation and protection from their powerful, albeit besieged neighbour Perdan.

July 1, 2006 -

Ashforth named as New Capital of Old Rancagua

In a predetermined move, to strengthen the stretched regional maintenance teams and improve the resolute attitude of the troops committed to the north. King Dekion, in an historic move, transferred the Capital to the central city of Ashforth, a former Oligarchian stronghold. Up until recently, the Bureaucratic Corps and the Army, under the command of Lord's Johnny and Wenliang respectively, had found the task of caring for the regions on the extremities an arduous task. Now perhaps, with the Capital in a more central location, the regions of Old Rancagua will finally be able to push past the barriers which had held them in the dumps.


Old Rancagua is on its way to the North. On June 29th, the full might of Old Rancagua's armed forces, took to the sea in an effort to sweep the Kalmar Islands free of its Avamarian Usurpers. Under the command of Lord Thalanteus and Lady Natasha, the Marshals of Oroya and Kazakh respectively, and the overall guidance of Wenliang, High Marshal of Old Rancagua and Marshal of Ashforth, along with the collective wisdom of the Military Advisory Council, it is almost certain that the Warriors of the White Tree shall find victory in the isles.

However, Avamarians have proved tough nuts to crack and through means unknown have managed to fortify the isles beyond previously expected means. But, despite their defences, it is certain the troops of Old Rancagua, in their righteous might shall fight on to victory.

July 3, 2006 -

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected One as its new Chancellor.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua vs. Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 8000 CS vs. 8000 CS Attacker Victory

Rebellion in Caligus

The government of Caligus has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Vlad, has been announced the new ruler.

July 1, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Itorunt has taken control of Clermont (formerly part of Perdan)

Region Takeover: Light of Fountain has taken control of Tokat , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Fontan has taken control of Meuse (formerly part of Perdan)

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has reconfirmed Lalakis as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Ubent: The realm of Ubent has reconfirmed Zog Returns as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Fontan: The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Sirion: The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister.

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