
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 04:50, 23 July 2005 by Dolohov (talk | contribs) (Experiment)

Most of this is copied off of the old help pages. Feel free to update and improve it. Tom expresses his contempt for cheaters far more eloquently than I ever could -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 00:43 (CEST)

Why is this here?

This is mostly the FAQ, and it is most definitely not a "basic introduction". Seems you copied it to the wrong place... --Tom 20 July 2005 10:30 (CEST)

Seems we're not on the same page. I copied everything here because it is on, or is linked to from this page: -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 21:54 (CEST)

You could probably get rid of the privacy section, but I'd say that everything else there is really required to play the game. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 22:00 (CEST)
There's a lot more that we can get rid of, and besided that link is not really what I think a basic introduction should be like. The basic introduction should be closer to the tutorials... (hint, hint... :-) ) --Tom 20 July 2005 22:19 (CEST)
But my tutorial is already perfect, how does one improve on perfection? :-D I suppose I could just copy the first few pages from my tutorial and edit them to get a basics page. You can then edit that basics page to your heart's content (hint, hint :P) and suggest anything else it needs. (I'll go on a ruthless deleting spree then.) -- Nicholas
Excellent idea. Yes, the one thing that could be better with the tutorials is having them integrated into the wiki... --Tom 21 July 2005 13:18 (CEST)
Does that mean transferring all the tutorial and converting it to wiki-format, or have the tutorial link to pages within the wiki and vice versa? DorianGray 21 July 2005 13:37 (CEST)


I also think you are overusing the template concept. Most of this information will almost certainly never be included anywhere else, and it makes it very difficult to properly edit the stuff if it's distributed around so much.

My idea of an FAQ is much more concentrated. I'll set it up on the FAQ page. --Tom 20 July 2005 10:32 (CEST)

My idea was to have a lot of this on both the FAQ and the basics page, b/c they belong on both, IMHO. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 21:54 (CEST)

See above - FAQ and introduction are different animals, and the one thing that sucks about templates is that they make editing so much more difficult. --Tom 20 July 2005 22:19 (CEST)

Not really that difficult. Click "edit this page", scroll down to the very bottom, and it lists all of the templates used on the page. I do agree that this wasn't probably the best page to use them on. Oh well, I learned how to use them quite well. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 23:12 (CEST)


OK, I realize it was a little forward to post such an important page without running it by everyone, but I really think you all will like it.

The basic idea is that the Battlemaster Basics section of the manual should be almost entirely roleplayed. I went with Tom's earlier idea, and embellished a bit and tried to make sure it would apply to a variety of cases (it's even gender-neutral!). The answers to the "questions" would also be roleplayed, which is why they're not links to the regular articles -- those links will be embedded in the answer pages, though.

So, what do you all think? --Dolohov 23 July 2005 06:50 (CEST)