V'Orlan Family/V'Orlan Estate/Library/A History of Perdan from 1019

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I hope this book finds you and my home of Perdan in fair straits, and that this is merely a cursory glance over a historical tome as opposed to the dedicated fact-finding mission I find myself on now. The history of our great Kingdom of Perdan is complicated, and much of it lost to the sands of time. It is my goal with this book to create a readable record of our living history, and to recover what information I can while making it easier for future nobles and adventurers to understand our realm and where it stands.

Good luck, and I hope this book provides some understanding as to where our great nation has come from.

Rogos V'Orlan Knight of Perden Mines

1: Death At Brive (10 1019)

I was ennobled by Duke Smiddich Fontaine of Perden in the aftermath of the Battle of Brive. A band of renegade nobles and peasants had conspired to overthrow the rule of King Kay Peregrine in the territory of Brive, and had assembled a great host to enforce this idle dream of chaos and anarchy. The Golden Lions, our national army, forayed into enemy territory with the King at the reigns and acting under the advice of Imperatrix Alyssa Kingsley. The greater enemy force surprised the arrayed forces of the Lions, and an enemy knight struck down King Kay on the battlefield. This forced a retreat from the Perdanian military, who withdrew back to the City of Perdan, desperate to save their King.

The efforts of the greatest chiurgeons and doctors saved the critically wounded royal, who promptly returned to duty in the week afterwards.

2: Rebels in Dimwood (11 1019)

Ser Rogos took possession of his estate on the Eastern coast of Perdan Mines.

A tournament was held that week in the city of Itorunt, which hosted thirty nobles from across the continent. Ser Niall of Perlone defeated Ser Lucius of Perdan in the championship bout of the melee, and Ser Flavia of Shadowdale defeated Ser Marco of Sydgard in the tilts.

While a number of its nobles were away, the Kingdom concluded talks with the State of Vix Tiramora to trade territories, with Vix Tiramora taking possession of the territory of Montauban, and Perdan taking the region of Dimwood. Since the territory exchange, secessionists in Dimwood saw it as their opportunity to rise up against the Kingdom of Perdan, and as such the Golden Lions were detached to quell the rebellion.

Lily Lunell was knighted and took possession of the Clermont Alcazar estate in Clermont.