Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/January

From BattleMaster Wiki

4th January

Night -- Poryatu

Nicholas Archival

They had nearly arrived home. The journey to Poryatown, now reaching its end as the small force passed through the pastures and townland of Poryatu, had been almost entirely uneventful. In contrast to the fighting near Shinnen, the waves of monsters and that final charge of the Sworn Swords, all seemed calm - a curious tranquillity given that malign forces had been rampaging through Earth's Hall not long ago. Despite the lack of action and excitement, or perhaps because of it, Nicholas was pleased. It was reassuring to know that upon his return home, there would not be monsters to contend with. He had only spent a short time in his Noble Manor Square estate, but it had been a place of warmth and comfort; though well-acquainted with the martial life, even he could anticipate a soft bed and a warm hearth.

After a quiet hum of thought, the Knight raised a hand and the column paused. Captain Raedfleda, a spindly woman but a few years older than himself, approached with her bow ever in hand. He regarded her for a moment in expectant silence, before she remembered her manners and bowed her head. He had always allowed a small amount of informality with the Swords... but they were gone, and the Archival Arrows were in their place. Nicholas would not make the mistake of over-investment this time. With curt mannerisms, he requested the report.

"All seems as it was yesterday, and the day before that, Sir Nicholas," Raedfleda began. "It looks like we'll be arriving at Poryatu at first light. The men are eager to set up shop in their new headquarters, so they'll keep on marching 'til we get there."

He considered this for a moment, before offering a brisk nod in response. "Very good, captain. Ensure that they are presentable upon our arrival. I would not want to arrive at the estate in which I govern with a poorly-assembled force. The peasantry must know to respect and admire me, and the men in my service. That would be all."

The Captain bowed once again, before striding over towards the men, to whom she shouted instructions. Nicholas took a few moments to observe her work - she was diligent, loyal and expressed his orders with an attitude which brooked no dissent. It was what he needed; with the Swords he had led them personally, with no captain beside him. That was probably his greatest folly. These men were born and trained to serve Luria in their way, just as he was in his. They served to fight and to die for the cause and for the realm, if that is what it took. It was Nicholas' duty to command, to direct them to where the Empire needed them most. It was not his duty to become friends with them. No doubt it was a short path to a nobleman losing his edge, should he fear overtly for their lives.

It would be callous to disregard them and their livelihood, something he intended to never do... but as he had learned in Grodno, to become too close spelled disaster all the more.

10th January

Day -- Poryatu

Kaguya Fujiwara

A final volley of arrow fire put flight to the last four beasts plaguing Grodno, allowing Kaguya some time to contemplate the battlefield as the skirmish wound down.

It was a strange experience to be fighting on "foreign" soil. True, Kaguya had made the momentous decision to land in the Hegemony and had sworn allegiance to the Lurian Throne, but settling in to new peoples and cultures was taking some time. Each day that passed she learned a little more about her new home, but the traditions of Yamatai remained strong within her and her household.

So much that she did not know!

Kaguya could not help but compare, for instance, the stark difference between her troops and those of her comrades. The heavyset jerkins and mail hauberks of the other men were still a novelty compared to the brightly painted oriental lamellar that she and her retainers wore.

But it is they who will find us exotic, she thought, keeping in mind that she was the foreigner here.

Their ways of war were so different. Of course her retainers were bowmen as per Fujiwara tradition, but everything about Yamatai and Lurian archery was dissimilar; from the type of bows used, to the stance, even down to the base philosophy.

"All the men are accounted for, milady."

Kaguya waved to acknowledge the captain's report and noticed with some consternation the tremble of anxiety in her hand. She gripped the reins of her horse quickly, hoping to hide the moment of weakness.

Perhaps - though she would never openly admit it - she was not as acclimatized to warfare as she had hoped.

Yet another thing for the young Fujiwara heir to get used to.

At peace though the realm seemed, battle was never too far away.

Jeffrey Birkenhead

Monsters. Again.

After Lurias great campaign came to a temporary halt just before the walls of Shinnen, Jeffrey saw it necessary to tend to his troop's equipment. Bows were starting to break, armor beginning to fall apart, even cuttlery was at the point of looking flimsy. Had he pushed forwards, he could not have guaranteed for his troops fighting capabilities.

The travel through Sulorte to Grodno took about a day. Everything went smooth, there were plans of not halting at all and directly continuing towards Outer Giask, but those plans were cut short when reports came in of a Monster horde. A minor nuisance, thanks to some allied forces being in the region as well.

Allied... forces. What allegiance did those strange looking bowmen hold, with their outlandish equipment? Jeffrey's never seen anything of the likes. Jeffrey ordered his captain to hail that unit, and not long after and quite surprisingly, it was established they were loyal to Luria Nova, and preparing to confront the Monsters as well.

Without further ado, as the forces of evil were approaching quickly, Jeffrey's archers took positions next to those strangers, and the battle commenced. Drowning in a hail of arrows, the monsters did not stand a chance. One could even have pitied them, as they looked increasingly similar to pin cushions throughout the skirmish. They were soon exterminated, while the noble defenders did not even receive a single blow! Yes, archers are valuable assets, one that Luria was pitiably short of.

Following the inconvenience, Jeffrey made arrangements for asking the leader of those strange soldiers for a meeting, noble to noble, and now was waiting for a response.

Night -- Poryatu

Kaguya Fujiwara


The Fujiwara captain stood at the eaves of Kaguya's tent. She dared not enter. No one would; Kaguya's private space was sacred unless invited into. The Fujiwara lady had made that clear from the beginning.

No response. Overhead, a flight of birds against the darkening sky. A cricket chirped in an adjacent bush.

Godmona cleared her throat again.

"Ahem, milady?"

A voice from inside the tent. "...Yes?"

"A letter came for you this afternoon, milady. From Sir Jeffrey Birkenhead, milady, Knight of Askileon."

"What is his entreaty?"

"He wanted to meet with you, milady."

Kaguya emerged from the tent. She had dispensed with her armour, having changed into a carnelian yukata that complemented the evening sun very nicely.

"Then perhaps we should go and meet with him, my captain."

"Yes, er... That is to say... He's left Grodno, milady."


"He left before this evening's battle, milady."

Kaguya's eyes narrowed. "And you permitted his invitation to tarry without response?"

"You, uh, you were in your tent, milady!"

"You could have knocked."

"But yesterday I did, and was told that you weren't to be disturbed..."

"Yesterday, I was in contemplation. Today, I am not. Tomorrow is not yet here. The difference is like Spring is to Winter. You, too, must learn these like the seasons."

"But I can't... I mean, you... I just... I mean, yes, milady."

"Very well, my captain. You shall prepare a response to the Honourable Knight that we would be most pleased to take tea with him at the nearest opportunity."

"...Yes, milady."

The two women parted ways, one serenely back into her tent... the other to the barracks, a perplexed frown plastered firmly on her face.

William Fitz Roberts


Sir William rode at the head of his beleaguered forces into the capital of Luria. The last week had been the opposite of successful. His unit had been decimated in numerous battles, he had been prevented from returning to the Rangers in their campaign to retake Shinnen, and, worst of all, he had been captured. He thought back to that day

It should have been a perfectly normal battle. Let the archers do some damage to the monsters, charge in, and then let the infantry advance and mop up the rest of the monsters. Of course, that is not how it had played out. It still could not quite remember what had happened. All his memory revealed to him was the sound of horns starting the charge, and then laying flat on his back as the battle continued on around him. He could barely see anything from the visor of his helmet and, for reasons unbeknown to him, he was unable to stand. He had then heard voices talking excitedly, and grasping hands dragging him away from the battlefield. He had blacked out at this point, and when he awoke he was in some crude cell with an ugly face leering over him.

The conversation, if one could call it that, had been a simple exchange of insults that ended with William being bludgeoned repeatedly about the head with some form of cudgel and being demanded to give over 90 gold in payment for his release. This had been the order of the day for the next few mornings, insults followed by a beating followed by demands for money. It had begun to dawn on him that rescue wasn't coming and so had eventually haggled down the ransom to what little money that he had on him. Gathering his men, who had been scattered all across Sulorte, he had ridden through Grodno, attempting, unsuccessfully, to avoid the monstrous presence there.

The experience of the last week had taught him one thing: the security of parts of the empire was somewhat lacking and needed reorganising. All this he had conveyed to the Emperor, who had agreed to his new initiative with enthusiasm. Sir William looked back to the men and women behind him. They had fought had and well, but the realm had little use for their kind right now. He still had use for them over the next week, but after that they had more than earnt their retirement. He had it all planned out. Now all he had to do was to work out how to tell them that he had no further us of them. There were a few that he had genuinely bonded with. Two of them had been with him from the beginning, and had survived every disaster that the unit had experienced. Ah well, one last drink and then down to business. Service to the realm was far more important than personal camaraderie or honour, after-all

Dorian Pavus

Amidst the evening meal in Dorian's camp, he rang a bell to bring his men to attention. There was nothing the men were aware of, especially evident by Captain Franz's reactions.

"Ladies, gentlemen. This evening I must share something important with you all. I am not like the other Knights. For many reasons, of course. Many have long lines of heritage, but I am the first of my family to ascend. Perhaps I will be the last. But despite our ranks, our places in the world, we aren't so different. Many nobles watch their men charge off to war with little care, but not me. That is not the Pavus way."

He took a deep breath as the sun glistened on his dark skin, beads of sweat forming. He brought his right hand across it, removing it. Bell in his offhand, he walks around his camp shaking hands. The sharing of sweat was certainly strange. Yet oddly metaphorical. They bled together as they sweated together. And it would be impractical for some kind of blood brotherhood to be formed amidst a feast.

"It is with this hand that I - that we - change the world. The future of Luria Nova will be shaped by us. I am not just a knight - I am a hero. Your hero. A hero of the realm. And if that shall one day cost me my life, so be it. For the Empire. And I am not just words. That would be strange. I am preparing to restore the Order of the White Rose. Such qualities cannot be forgotten. Nor can such history. And at my side, you are all going to act as Luria's greatest men and women, one time or another."

The soldiers begin to applaud him, but there is one man that claps much more than the rest - Captain Franz. "You've always done me proud, Sir Dorian. And I look forward to spending a long time at your side."

"It would never be the same without you, Captain," Dorian nodded, "You're an essential part of my unit. And very... important to me. I would be disappointed if we had to part." he lets out a smile.

"I see. I feel much the same way. But let us finish up our meals. We are nearing Giask."

"You're right, Captain. Let's get to work."