Oc Lu Pesh

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Revision as of 04:42, 24 January 2017 by Kuhn (talk | contribs)

Oc Lu Pesh is a woodlands province in the southern highlands of the East Island. The northern borders of Oc Lu Pesh run along the Isadril Mountains and the Isadril River. The southern border lies on the Great Southern Sea. North of Oc Lu Pesh is the White City of Ibladesh, capital of Ibladesh.

Oc Lu Pesh is one of the Northern most regions that shield Greater Xavax. It's stunning and diverse environment can please all tastes: the hills in the north are the feet of the mountain chain that stands as a powerful sign of the greatness of our gods; the dense forest in the south harbors all sort of wild life and deer hunting has become a major turistic activity. Bathed by both the Great Lake and the cold river originated fromt he mountains, Oc Lu Pesh has a strong fishing industry, helping support the food market to the gigantic population of our glorious capital.

It's small population of hard-working and devoted peasants concentrate in the also small urban center, surrounded by a primitive fortification. Oc Lu Pesh provided the army of Ibladesh with a fine infantry and elite horsemen, who would rather die then see the Church or our gods be defiled.

Most recently the Countess of Oc Lu Pesh Gia Dragonfyre Has outlawed any and all hunting of wolves within the region. This is to ensure the safety of her pack of Dire Wolves against hunting accidents.