Dragonfyre Family/Gia

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Oldest Child. A warrior daughter.

Gia's ancestors were nomadic in nature. Her parents honored this tradition by doing much traveling. It would not be an exaggeration to say Gia grew up living a soldiers life as much as the traditional noble's life. She started training as a small child. But never allowed to fight until she reached early adulthood. She always took easily to the moving and discomfort. To the bruises of training. Right from that start Gia was a warrior.

Gia started out her life on the East Continent in the spot light. She took flight from the realm she came to her own under and promptly ran into the Xerarch of the nation she wished to join and unknowingly attacked her. Luckily for Gia she was given a chance to explain herself. She worked very hard to earn the trust of her superiors. It did not take long for her to be elevated to the station of countess of Oc Lu Pesh. Gia has a reputation for cheer and hospitality off field and one of hellish terror on field. A fact King Robb himself could attest to.


Beast Master One night while returning to camp from patrol Gia encounters a large Direwolf. Gia realizes the wolf is heavy with pups. She entices the animal with food.Before long the wolf returns to camp with her. Gia names her Lupa. Lupa has the uncanny ability to seem like she knows what's going on with the humans. It's not long before a whole litter of direwolves are running free. They are a shocking sight for anyone not accustomed to them. The wolves even join Gia's unit in battle. Protecting the unit like pack mates. On the eve of battle Gia incites the wolves to howl to frighten the enemy.

Wolf fight.jpg

To date Lupa has attended one party. The Masquerade of Monarchs Gia needed her nose to help find Selenia. Gia put a Goose mask on the wolf's head. Xerarch Selenia was not amused by this. But she could not deny Gia's Logic.

"I needed Lupa's nose...... I put a mask on her....."

Several times Gia has employed Lupa to seek out the Xerarch, much to her rulers ire.


When the Xerarch Selenia fell Gia risked a daring rescue of the infant Hogni. She was successful. She believes she had divine help of some sort. When the Xerarch was miraculously resurrected Gia felt certain forces from the other side had indeed lent assistance. Although she had not done it for reward Gia was rewarded for her actions and loyalty.

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Not long after the The Masquerade of Monarchs Xavax lost Oc Lu Pesh. Gia and her Knights became homeless over night. But Xavax never fails to impress. Upon hearing of their misfortune her former Liege Iuz immediately offered her an estate. The loss hurt, but Gia was not unhappy to return to Isadril. She knew it was only an matter of time until Oc Lu Pesh returned to Xavax.