Ironsides Family/Winter

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Count of Crahandan

When Hammarsett declared war against Coria and the Cagilan Empire Winter publicly announce his claim, or "dibbs," on the region of Menedor. After the region was conquered and given to Lord Kurohyou Bakos, Winter convinced King Regulus that in return for ignoring his claim, he should be given the Lordship of Crahandan, Lord Kurohyou's former region. The King agreed and in a ceremony led by Duke Sigurd Havarth Crownguard Winter was appointed Count of Crahandan. Winter was twenty years old.

A Very Pretty Scar!

The army of Hammarsett, aptly named the Berserkers, marched all the way south-west to join in a mass fight in the city of Calis. The young twenty-one year old Winter was there and had the majority of his unit (thirty infantry) wiped out except for nine wounded men. He was lightly wounded during this battle gaining a very pretty scar across the left side of his chest and his left arm. He was proud to be wounded in the battle and is glad to return home with something to show. He did not have an opportunity to loot the city, much to his disappointment.

More Women Than Man!

Much later, while Winter was busy improving the military contribution of his region Crahandan by building its finest recruitment centres he met two ravishingly beautiful women who offered him a life of bliss in exchange for all the comfort and luxury they demanded. Although they could have been succubi or sirens out to leech his soul, he accepted their offer without hesitation and resigned from public life. A few seasons later, Lord Winter reemerged to public life weak and drained. The history of his time with the women is unknown either because his memory is shot or he wishes to keep it hidden. Nevertheless, he now seeks to reconstruct his life as a noble of Hammarsett.

Count of Lyton

Winter served as Vice-Marshal of the Berserkers of Hammersett for some time until his duties suffered from time constraints. The war took a heavy toll on Lyton, the region he lords, and so he decided to concentrate on improving the region after several consecutive losses.