Petterson Family/Rangonio/Mentorship

From BattleMaster Wiki

Welcome Student,

I am Rangonio, a Mentor from Perdan.

This is rather a lot to take in at the start, but it is all vital information and you should take your time to read through the message and 'digest' all the information. I suggest you introduce yourself to the realm and get to know a few troop leaders.

Mentor Instructions

As a mentor, you are responsible to teach your students the following lessons:

You should attempt to answer any questions they might have about other areas.

Basically, this is all the stuff that I have to teach you. You need to learn these, and once you have, which this message intends to do, my teaching is, basically, finished. However, if you decide to remain under my mentorship (or even if you dont) I will still be around to ask any of your questions. Please dont hesitate!

  • You should know, in Battle Master, there are 2 turns a day, on every island, except for the Colonies. These turns are at 6:00 and 18:00 Server Time (GMT +1). I encourage you to be active at least once every turn - or you will likely miss out on some action. No-one will blame if you cant log in for these times, as we all have a social life.
    • You should inform the council when you will be inactive for a turn or two.
    • You should pause your character if you cant be active for a while - over a week or more.


  • You can only recruit in the capital of your realm.
  • You should only recruit what you can afford with your tax money, remembering to allow extra gold for payment and repairs.

If you dont have a unit when you recruit there is a "hint" link on the side which tells you how many to recruit and how much you will have left and how long you can pay them for.

There are 5 different unit types.

If you over recruit the council most likely will not provide you with gold. This is because you have recruited more than you can handle with your gold, and as your a new troop leader, you will recieve money from your family (When you create your character and again on the 3rd and 7th day after creating your character!)

If you dont have enough gold to recruit a unit, and you need one, then please ask for gold. (In Perdan, you are required to ask your BG Leader, who will forward your request to the providers!)

Money Saving

There are several ways to save a few gold coins for your purse.

  • Paying Scouts every 8 or 9 days. They dont charge more than 1 gold piece.
  • Paying Healers every 2 days. 1 gold for 2 days is the same as 5 gold for 10 days, when they usually require 5 gold for every 7 days.

Troop Statistics


This tells you how good at combat your men are. The high the better, effectively, as your men will be trained in the art of war.

  • You can 'Train' your men. Orders -> Training.
  • Your mens training increase in battle too.

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Equipment Quality

This tells you how good your men's equipment is. The high the better, effectively, as your men will be equiped with the best armour and weaponary.

  • You can not raise this attribute.
  • If you know you will lose your men quickly, you should buy low equiped troops.

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Equipment Damage

  • You can repair equipment in regions that have Armouries.
  • You can steal equipment from dead soldiers after battle. Using the 'Forage Battlefield' option.

If the equipment becomes too badly damaged then your men can get wounded at each turn. This is due to them swinging the equipment round etc, trying to keep themselves entertained and an accident happens, one way or another...

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You should keep an eye on morale. If it drops too low then your men may flee from battle, or even desert you.

There are a few ways in which you can raise morale:

  • Rest your men. This cost time from your pool, and wont raise the morale much. If your men hate waiting their morale could drop.
  • Cities. Your men love the attractive, golden cities with all the beautiful ladies walking around.
  • Paying for entertainment. Most costly way of raising morale, but is the most efficient. Each unit likes a different type of entertainment.
  • Paying your men. Your men like to get paid!

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This attribute depends on how well your men like each other. The higher this is the better. It will determine if your men stick together in battle or run off in a scattered formation.

  • The higher it is, the more combat strength your unit gets, as your men stick together.

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Chain of Command

Simply, your Battle Group Leader, the Council (General, Judge, other nobles in the Perdan Council) and finally, the Ruler, whom over-rules the previously mentioned.

To check who is in positions of power, then go Information -> Realm and Regions. This will give you your government type, the leaders, the regions your realm owns and their lords! It also tell you which region is the realms capital, which I suggest you head for.

  • The Ruler!
  • The General
  • Other Council members
  • Your Battle Group Leader
    • You need to read the bulletines and decide which battle group you want to be placed in.

Also, you might want to listen to people with positions or who have spent a long time in the realm, as they know what they will be doing, but wait for clearance from the mentioned Chain of Command. If they dont give clearance straight away, you might want to send them a message (not to the whole realm).


  • Never loot without permission from the council.
  • Never hang or arrest rebels, or do police raids, without permission from the council.
  • Read the bulletines. Information -> Ruler / Judge / General / Banker Bulletine

Unit Settings

This is not really my field however, pay attention to the formations given by the people in the Chain of Command and set it to that from your paperwork...

Id suggest setting your unit payment to every 7 days on paperwork. So, if you forget to pay your men, it will do it automatically for you after 7 days - coinsidently - this will prevent your unit from deserting you.


If the region has walls and your in them, then you dont want to leave the walls, you want the archers to shoot as much down until they get in, that will weaken the force. - You'll have to set to defensive for that, unless the Chain of Command tells you otherwise.

  • Murderous - Never set to this unless told to do so. You will attack anyone, not in your realm - sometimes it can be - even allies.
  • Aggressive - You will run forward as fast as you can to meet the enemy.
  • Normal - the normal setting, they go forward at a normal pace and meet the enemy to battle.
  • Defensive - the hold back until they have to go forward.
  • Evasive - your men will try to evade combat, altogether.

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You can also set your men to:

  • Army - for standard operations.
  • Police - for region maintenance. They help the local militia and regions statistics but are unprepared for battle, meaning you will lose a small amount of combat strength.
  • Mercenaries - Keeps morale high when far from your realm. They are more expensive and expect to be paid more regularly.
  • Sentries - Specialise in fortified fights. They have better combat strength than other units but suffer large morale loss outside of your realm. Use this setting when you place your men as militia.
  • Vanguards - Quicker unit, they have better travel times from region to region. However, they expect 20% more pay for the risks of travelling with limited equipments and lose the ability to dig in.

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This list of paraphrenalia is more of a suggestion, not necessarily a requirment. I recommend you get the parapherenalia from this list.

  • 3-5 Scouts
  • 1 Banner for every 20 men you lead.
  • 1 Healer for every 20 men you lead.

There are also other paraphrenalia you can buy. Such as, Carts, Caravans and Siege Engines.

  • Scouts - used to scout neighbouring regions, giving information of the troops in the region, and other details, like its productivity, morale and loyalties.
  • Banners - keeps morale of units up, and they are less likely to flee from battle.
  • Healers - every turn they treat your wounded men, if any, meaning that the can once again become combat ready.
  • Carts - used to carry your injured troops, this allows your travel time to stay as low as possibe, even with wounded troops. Requires 2 men to use.
  • Siege Engines - Used to damage walls and allow troops to enter the fortifications and begin combat.
  • Caravans - used to carry food.

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Basic Combat Tactics

  • Scouting

This is an important part of the military. Without scouts no-one would know what to do next. Scouting allows you to view what is in the next region.

When you scout a forward link will be put into your Scout Report area. Information -> Scribe Notes, from here you can copy the Note Index and Type/Title into a message and allow other troop leaders to view the report.

  • Mis-directing

This will make enemy troops wonder whats going on with the military. They may change the direction of their army to meet yours and it can really mess with the enemies heads.

When travelling you can mis-direct. When you click the region to travel you have the option to change it to a mis-direct. If you dont use this link you can go back and do it. Travel -> Mis-direction!


In Character

  • There are several 'classes' to choice from, such as Soldier and Bureaucrat. (More Detail...)
  • Elections - You can help decide the outcome of an election by setting your votes to your prefered leaders. You must put them in order of preference, the first on the list gets 4 votes from you, 2 for second, and a single vote for last. Any votes for yourself or a family member are halfed. (More Detail...)

Out of Character

Feel free to make some spelling corrections if there are any mistakes, otherwise, please leave the page how it is.

I will also answer any other questions you are likely to ask. Just post me the question and Ill get back to you as soon as I can - remember I have a real life too. Be patient.

With Regards,


Mentor of Perdan