Filador Family/Dielo

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Dielo Filador
Age 31 Years old
Start of Career Lurgrod, Redspan, Atamara
Realm(s) RedSpan, Tara
Class Cavalier
Title(s) King, High Marshal, Count, Arch Priest, Marshal


The most experienced of the Filador Family, Dielo chose to stay close to home on Atamara for his life. He slowly gains honor in RedSpan throughout their coming ins and going outs. He currently serves the realm as a valiant Cavalier, and distinguished member of the realm, serving on multiple advisory councils.

His first major battle was The Battle of Ash'rily I, and he participated in numerous battles since then, culminating in The Battle of Meldeen I, in which his soldiers remained on the field until only ten Southern Federation units remained.

Dielo was given the honor of serving in RedSpan's Inner Circle, about a month before before being appointed Count of Tandsu (5-23-06). The Region Lordship title was quickly lost, as the region is adjacent to its previous owner's capital city, Foda. However, when the region changed hands again, Dielo swore to get it back, which he did, but now it appears that it will change hands many times before this war is over.

Of the Filadors, he alone still actively follows and respects The Order of Da Great Goat, in which he holds the title Legs of Da One, which he recieved upon being inspired by Da One to write the proverb "Da Way to Da Ale."

Like his twin brother, Nicholas, Dielo's proudest honor came upon being appointed the highest military voice in his realm, in his case, High Marshal of Redspan (7-5-06), but stepped down willingly about a month later for some personal issues that would prevent him from doing his job to it's fullest extent. He was later appointed to lead the Stargard branch of the Army of Redspan by Duke Shamus. To add to the honour bestowed on him, he chose the occasion to change his profession to that of a Cavalier. Once again, personal issues interrupted Dielo's career, though shortly after returning, he was given command of Meldeen (10-5-06) by Shamus O'Shea, Duke of Stargard, and returned to the post of High Marshal of Redspan (10-8-06) by Tony Malone, newly elected King of Redspan, though the scribes and stewards had some difficulty processing everything, and he was appointed no less than nine times before an "official" appointment took place.

As Count of Meldeen, Dielo founded and constructed the first guildhouse for Atamaran Storytellers (11-12-06), a place for nobles all across Atamara to share a tale or two. Shortly after the founding of the guild, Darka declared war on Redspan, and Dielo stepped down from the regional lordship position to both focus on the war, and uphold the ideal that only one major Redspanian title be held per family.

On 16-03-07, Dielo was elected as King of Redspan, the greatest achievement any follower of Da Way can attain. He forsook this post only a few weeks later. The position was a difficult one to fill, and treading through murky waters where no previous king had gone before. In addition, his grandfather in Lurgrod died, which moved his attention away, and he took a two month leave of absence to work on the goat farm.

Dielo returned to active duty some time later, and was elected as Arch Priest of Redspan on 31-07-07, a position he held off and on for a month and a half before switching his realm allegiance to Tara (11-09-07) following the fall of Stargard. In Tara, he served, and after a few months, he managed to secure a position as Count of Byblack - the first ex-Redspaniard to hold title in a different realm. A temple of Da Way was constructed, so the religion could live on a little longer.

Personal Writings

  • Dielo's Journal A transcription of Dielo's memoirs. The world as seen through his eyes. Many of the exact dates are inaccurate. Please bear with me as this is a work in progress, and many of the original journals are difficult to decipher.