Shenron Family/Kaennji

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Revision as of 11:11, 15 January 2008 by Shenron (talk | contribs)
Kaennji Shenron
Status: Alive
Class Knight
Realm/Island: Pian en Luries, Dwilight
Title: Duke of Poryatown
Former realms: N/A
Former titles:
Alignment: Good
Clan: Shenron

Shenron Emblem Icon.pngKaennji, The Lurian LeaderShenron Emblem Icon.png

Kaennji's life started to become eventful when he was merely 10 years old. It was the siege of Palnasos. His father, Kazuma At the time, King Kazuma. Held of the attackers for months, Kenji, as his name was at the start, cryed to Kazuma and begged him to give in. But Kazuma's pride was too great and this later reflected on Kenji's personality slightly. When Palnasos finally fell, Kazuma fled and gave Kenji to Lord Luyten Dell, An acquaintance from Greater Aenilia so Kenji could be raised with further discipline and continue to receive a good education.

After Kazuma came about of hiding and went back to his home in Greater Aenilia. Kenji greeted Kazuma, he was now 15, had stolen Luytens sword. Anciently forged in Idapur centuries ago. After Kenji had met Kazuma again. He was greeted by strange people said they were from the Pian en Luries.... To be continue (when I can be bothered)


Keannji is 6'2'. Pretty damn tall and uses Luyten's sword. Crafted in ancient Idapur.

Personality Traits

  • Calm, Kaennji while in the Pian en Luries early civil war, was forced to used guerilla tactics. This forced him to become very calm and patience.
  • Art Loving, Kaennji is very fond of anything that involves a great amount of skill to make.