The Estahsism Echo

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Estahsism.JPG The Estahsism Echo Estahsism.JPG
Cost: Free Editor: Nikkitanilas Felhand June 2010
Current Influence of Estahsism
Region Followers (%) Temples/Shrines
Pel Mark, Bara'Khur 61% • Small Temple to Eimir
• Shrine to Gikf
Ippetimbal, Bara'Khur 31% • Primative Temple to Siama
• Shrine to Fiki
Zisswii, Bara'Khur 47% • Small Shack
• Shrine to Wurki
Xerus, Bara'Khur 96% • Shrine to Ochenes
• Small Shack to Sornes
Gaxano, Bara'Khur 51% • Shrine to Karak
Iknopata, Bara'Khur • Shrine to Ilimis

This newspaper is a free, informative newspaper giving up to date news on a monthly basis about the faith of Estahsism as well as the goings on in and around the realm of Bara'Khur. This paper is edited my the Great Hand of Estahsism, Nikkitanilas.

The unguided souls of the lost lie in the darkness of their religious slumber. Cold and alone they call out. Call out to the Gods. The Gods of Estahs. They seek the light and the comfort and the guidance, for the Gods are many. It is believed there is a God to represent all aspects of life. The Gods of Estahs are called such for the Gods dwell in the city that is Estahs. Where the city is, no one knows for it is the dwelling of the Gods and no mortal shall go there, only our immortal souls travel their upon the ending of our lives, where we travel to the Blazimir Forests, resting place of the dead, to find the souls of our passed loved ones.


This Month's Paper

New Temple Erected in XerusMonday 14 June 2010
Lord Calvindrell has recently constructed a new temple in the region of Xerus. This temple is the fourth of Estahsism built in Bara'Khur, showing a sure sign of the faith growing. The Great Hand, Nikkitanilas, yesterday concecrated the temple, dedicating it, as requested to the God Sornes, God of the Cavalier, Protector of the Noble. 98% of Xerus' population are followers so naturally there was a large turn out for the opening of the temple. Nikkitanilas' first sermon in the temple was held today, with as many as 600 followers filing in, including Lord Calvindrell, husband of Nikkitanilas.

Edited by Nikkitanilas
And so the Fourth Invasion BeginsFriday 4th June 2010
With blood and fire and death undead and monsters and daimons come crashing through the lands of Beluaterra, fighting great battles and taking over regions, bringing chaos and fear and they go. The lands of Netherworld in the North West, once again begin to stir. Their forces have been gathered, and have been used with intelect and integrity to take over all surrounding rouge regions. But this is just the beginning. Vistuvis Adriddae, who calls himself the God of Netherworld sent a message of threat and forboading to all rulers of Beluaterra, giving a warning to the Lord Chancellor of Mesh. "Your insults, as well as your infiltrators have been aimed against the Netherworld without provocation...This is your last chance. The Netherworld forces are ready. Chancellor of Mesh, you must make amends for your unwanted attacks." And with these strong, fighting words of anguish, the forces of Netherworld moved out attacking Heen, and quickly taking over the city. Rumors of great battles with Heen and Mesh Vs Netherworld have been spreading all over the continent, but this is just the beginning of the war to the North West. Meanwhile to the south, Monsters have created their own realm, taking over regions along the coast and around Jidington, and not just rouge regions, but regions of Enweil and Dominion of Alluran. The Dominion of Alluran have fought back, with some help from Riombara, with major battles against the realm of monsters, with as many as a thousand soldiers fighting on each side. Enweil on the other hand, have had no such battles, but the realm of Monsters have officially declared war on Enweil. There have also been hints of undead forming a realm too, making attempts on regions such as Qual, in the central North East of the Island. And so the fourth invasion of Beluaterra begins

Written by Nikkitanilas
The Great Prophet Attila leaves Bara'KhurThursday 3th June 2010
The Great Prophet Attila, founder of Estahsism has today left Bara'Khur. Attila founded Estahsism in the region of Pel Mark, where he was once the region lord. In the past he was even Warlord of Bara'Khur and served up till now as ambassador. So it is a wonder why several of the realm members are pleased with him leaving. It is possible that the hostilities towards Attila was caused by much recent arguments between nobles of Bara'Khur over the signing of a ceasefire with Hetland, which recently Attila has signed. Although several nobles are distrout by the simple fact a looked up to noble has left Bara'Khur for a realm which Bara'Khur have not been on best terms with: Heen. Attila himself said before leaving "I have fought hard for this kingdom. I have done everything in my power to ensure her success. To guide her through her darkest moments. To strengthen the weak and aimless realm I found so long ago. But through it all, my heart has remained buried in the desert. I am still one of the desert peoples. For all I have achieved here, I consider my greatest glories to have come in Heen". And so with discontent towards Bara'Khur the Prophet Attila left, raising the Hierarch Nikkitanilas to the rank of The Great Hand, to tend alone to the followers in Bara'khur.

Written by Nikkitanilas